Iceman’s coldsnap against CG

Not sure if anyone has had this problem before but Im running Championship Clash and my unduped CG is being affected by Iceman’s coldsnap in the beginning of a fight when in reality he shouldnt since he starts with 20 Glaive charges.
I switched to my other acct where I have a duped CG, it doesnt affect him at all against the coldsnap. Does he need to be duped in order to shrug coldsnap????
I switched to my other acct where I have a duped CG, it doesnt affect him at all against the coldsnap. Does he need to be duped in order to shrug coldsnap????
Yup. People need to just read other posts
Jeps but the node handicap akt like it he imu is disable.
No now u need to read it aging clerey say from the star of the figt u don’t get frostbit without being touched