Am I the Only One Really Excited for December?

I feel like night thrasher and darkhawk have gotten a lot of pushback, but personally I think they look like cooler versions of gambit and archangel respectively. Not to mention, Halls of Fortune is back during Aniversary Week! I don’t know if anyone else saw but that’s pretty significant for me. And that’s not even the full extent of Aniversary Week.
It also includes (for sure or consensus speculation):
-Halls of Healing
-Either Modok or Taskmaster
-Some sort of gifting event
-Gifting crystal or other surprise on the 25th
Other unrelated benefits in December:
-Limited time free mastery re specs (Parry relocation)
-Continuation of Champions Clash (idk it’s bonus content)
-Heimdall and Korg added to phc
I don’t know about you but that looks pretty juicy, especially if the gifting event scales to the current progression, say a t2a for the final milestone.
Also, if the Aniversary package and event contained a little more than just the ModokMaster (lol) I’d say that’s a pretty decent month.
I also really hope this months champs have some good animations.
What do you guys think about the gold realm gifting event and the scale of rewards for both? Also am I the only one that thinks that the two champs this month look super cool?
It also includes (for sure or consensus speculation):
-Halls of Healing
-Either Modok or Taskmaster
-Some sort of gifting event
-Gifting crystal or other surprise on the 25th
Other unrelated benefits in December:
-Limited time free mastery re specs (Parry relocation)
-Continuation of Champions Clash (idk it’s bonus content)
-Heimdall and Korg added to phc
I don’t know about you but that looks pretty juicy, especially if the gifting event scales to the current progression, say a t2a for the final milestone.
Also, if the Aniversary package and event contained a little more than just the ModokMaster (lol) I’d say that’s a pretty decent month.
I also really hope this months champs have some good animations.
What do you guys think about the gold realm gifting event and the scale of rewards for both? Also am I the only one that thinks that the two champs this month look super cool?
Well true, but that’s what I said with Medusa a few months (?) ago. Time flies, and now she’s my top 5*
Medusa has been around for at least a year. But yeah maybe I’ll report back in a few months when I get them. That’s my biggest complaint is you can’t get your hands on a new champ unless you spend money or spend hours in arena. Can’t they just give us a 2* version or put the new champ as a 3* in EQ as a reward?
Eh. But like I said, time flies. This month you’ll get to try out your Korgs and Heimdalls. Same as any month. What’s special about this one is that we’ve got two historically great events this month. How do you think they’ll scale the rewards? That’s what’s going to determine how much of a boom or bust the event is.
I never expect much. Last year they did the 2* arena for a 5* which is cool. Hopefully they do something like that again.
But yeah, the animation looks terrific.
Darkhawk seems really interesting and I thought his animations were pretty nice. The main things for me this month are the Halls of Healing/Fortune. My coffers are going to be full by the month's end.
Yeah same for me. What I’m scared they’re gonna do though, is nerf the rewards for the gold realm a la dimensional rifts. For example, if the highest difficulty of them awarded a max of 75k gold or something like that.
You must of not met squirrel girl
Oh, I hate her with a passion lol
Come again?
I knew it them squirrel were up to something no one runs up the tree back and forth without a cause...they were training to fight thanos 😂😂😂
Thanos must definitely stay away from central park then!!
I for one am finally beginning to get some skill back, after my long absence from the game, and finished act 4 and halfway through exploring it. As good as possible with my crappy old man reflexes though... lol
However, I don't seem to get the class catalysts I need to rank up my top champion. That might take a while...
Lol. Yeah, skateboards were quite popular during the 90´s. I never found Tony hawk or skaters cool though.
I believe we listened to completely different indie music during the 90´s. Haha
Don't get me wrong, I apprceciate whatever we get, it just won't "scale" to progression. 2018 was a banner year with a lot of opportunity to grow your team and rank/ level your champs. I don't see them offering similar "gifts" to summoners over the holidays.