Lots of changes in mastery tree recently

There have been quite a few changes within masteries this year. Can I make a suggestion? Can we NOT have requirements for getting a new mastery...I want will power but I’m stuck I need 15 pts in defense tree to get it and I want will power to lvl 2 so now that’s 17 pts in defense tree.....I currently have 11pts in defense and I need 15 to get will power. We’re already constrained enough with the amounts of pts we have compared to how much the game is changing(we should be able to have more game is changing yet we’re expected to keep up) how am I supposed to have an all around mastery if I HAVE to have a certain amount of mastery pts in a tree PLEASE MAKE THIS HAPPEN!!! anyone else agree??
Its not that it would be OP. Its that the goal is to pick and choose and essentially have that strategy as part of the game. Do you want more defensive masteries or more offensive? do you want to be built more for aw defense, or more for questing? It is an indirect version of suicides. Suicides have immediate repercussions using them. Other masteries mean you get less for other masteries.
Its part of the strategy.
Just threw this together. I'd bet that most setups would look pretty similar.
that's what hes saying. without restrictions, everyone would have about that.
1. "Salve" should be reworked to provide 2-8% of a champs base life over one minute
2. Class related masteries need a rework, such as "Pure Skill", in order to make them relevant again. Because as of right now, all of them are pretty terrible