Reverse healing

I’m trying to understand the math of how reverse healing works. And also how it interacts with node buffs
With tech synergy awakened caiw can place a -25% petrify debuff .
Assuming no other masteries (just for simplicity of this example) I take this to mean at 4 petrify debuffs healing is 5 petrify debuffs it is reversed to -25%
5x25= 125.....100-125=-25
Is this correct?
Next question is :
Say there’s a node like gg mini on map 5 aq that says 100% more healing
Does the above math work the same?
Or is it starting from 200? So if u had 5 25% petrify boosts it would look like
200-125= +75
ie it wouldn’t turn negative until -200 worth of petrify
Any insight is greatly appreciated.

With tech synergy awakened caiw can place a -25% petrify debuff .
Assuming no other masteries (just for simplicity of this example) I take this to mean at 4 petrify debuffs healing is 5 petrify debuffs it is reversed to -25%
5x25= 125.....100-125=-25
Is this correct?
Next question is :
Say there’s a node like gg mini on map 5 aq that says 100% more healing
Does the above math work the same?
Or is it starting from 200? So if u had 5 25% petrify boosts it would look like
200-125= +75
ie it wouldn’t turn negative until -200 worth of petrify
Any insight is greatly appreciated.

(Base heal * +ve modifier) * -ve modifier
Meaning if we put base heal as 100%
Node is 100%, so thats x2 modify
Petrify is -25% so x0.75 modify
(100 * 2) * 0.75 gives 150%
Ok so another way of saying it is , 100 is always the starting point....voids -50 petrifies are always off 100