Reverse healing

FrankmcocFrankmcoc Member Posts: 148
edited December 2018 in General Discussion
I’m trying to understand the math of how reverse healing works. And also how it interacts with node buffs

With tech synergy awakened caiw can place a -25% petrify debuff .

Assuming no other masteries (just for simplicity of this example) I take this to mean at 4 petrify debuffs healing is 5 petrify debuffs it is reversed to -25%

5x25= 125.....100-125=-25

Is this correct?

Next question is :

Say there’s a node like gg mini on map 5 aq that says 100% more healing

Does the above math work the same?

Or is it starting from 200? So if u had 5 25% petrify boosts it would look like

200-125= +75

ie it wouldn’t turn negative until -200 worth of petrify

Any insight is greatly appreciated.



  • XxOriginalxXXxOriginalxX Member Posts: 1,324 ★★★
    So it’s just saying the health gained is more, not the capacity to regenerate if that makes sense. It applies before petrify debuffs at any rate. So champions always have 100% ability to heal from salve or willpower, recovery nodes just increase the regen
  • KaruseusKaruseus Member Posts: 528 ★★
    I thought it was

    (Base heal * +ve modifier) * -ve modifier

    Meaning if we put base heal as 100%
    Node is 100%, so thats x2 modify
    Petrify is -25% so x0.75 modify

    (100 * 2) * 0.75 gives 150%
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,437 Guardian
    Petrify seems to act on total (buffed) healing as far as I've seen. In AW on nodes with buffed regen, no matter what the buff is Void shuts it down with two petrifies and reverses with three (i.e. FotV). At least so far in my experience.
  • FrankmcocFrankmcoc Member Posts: 148
    DNA3000 wrote: »
    Petrify seems to act on total (buffed) healing as far as I've seen. In AW on nodes with buffed regen, no matter what the buff is Void shuts it down with two petrifies and reverses with three (i.e. FotV). At least so far in my experience.

    Ok so another way of saying it is , 100 is always the starting point....voids -50 petrifies are always off 100
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