Summoners! Take a deep breath. Relax!

TKS87TKS87 Member Posts: 375 ★★★
I would very much like to address an annoying trend that happens on these forums: the posts about content being too difficult EVERY single new monthly EQ. Without fail. The first 4 days after a new EQ rolls out is the most toxic recurring time for the forums. And it doesn't need to be, at all.

I understand that when there are new characters, and sometimes new nodes, placed in the EQ it can be overwhelming and frustrating. Heck, when I first fought darkhawk this month I had my team wiped, and I had to restart. Admittedly, first time for a little while that has happened to me. I often lose a champion or two against new opponents, but hey its gonna happen.

You know what I did when I lost my team? I didn't waste units on revives or potions, because I didn't think it was worth it. We're what two days into the new quest now? There's still a FULL MONTH left to finish this stuff. That's loads of time. I didn't come to the forums to needlessly clog it up with whiny threads about the content is too hard because I didn't clear it first try. Nope, instead I took a deep breath, and said 'OK so what am I doing wrong? How do I take this guy down?' And to figure that out, I looked to the great community this game has on the fight mehhanics, tips for taking him down, what champions have good matchups, etc.

People, PLEASE realize that of course brand new content might seem incredibly hard at first. Yes, low and behold fights that require a different strategy other than parry and combo are going to take some adjusting to. You might even have to get used to doing some evades and intercepting. But, there is plenty of time to get through EQ. Take a breather! Don't get needlessly angry, it doesn't make the game any easier. Nor does coming to the forums to whine and complain. Wait a few days, and practice on the lower difficulties. When you're done that, there will be loads of content on YouTube, reddit and even the forums here for tips and guides on how to complete the stuff. This 'As soon as I die means kabam has taken things too far' nonsense is getting old. Sure, there is sometimes a line that is crossed (looking at you pre nerf ice Phoenix) but trust me, this is not one of those cases.

Maybe I'm just being a grouchy old grinch, but seeing these posts every single month is really irritating. People need to get over the 'everybody gets a participation trophy' and realize that it might take a bit of work in order to make progress.


  • TKS87TKS87 Member Posts: 375 ★★★
    Karuseus wrote: »
    What makes me laugh is that there are always someone who complains, and then someone who says it was the easiest in several months

    It’s new champs! We see their moves and nodes for the first time!
    If you can one shot bosses in uncollected, good on you!
    If not, nothing out of the ordinary. Try few times, even restart. Get to know your opponent, then adjust your playstyle, or change champs to go againt them.

    I know it’s becoming monthly routine for some of the best players out there, but just enjoy it.

    Or just wait for those walkthroughs and ‘how to’s it’s only gonna take few days until they start showing up on YouTube
    Karuseus wrote: »
    What makes me laugh is that there are always someone who complains, and then someone who says it was the easiest in several months

    It’s new champs! We see their moves and nodes for the first time!
    If you can one shot bosses in uncollected, good on you!
    If not, nothing out of the ordinary. Try few times, even restart. Get to know your opponent, then adjust your playstyle, or change champs to go againt them.

    I know it’s becoming monthly routine for some of the best players out there, but just enjoy it.

    Or just wait for those walkthroughs and ‘how to’s it’s only gonna take few days until they start showing up on YouTube

    That's more or less what I'm trying to say here, coming to the forums and doing nothing but whine isn't going to accomplish anything. You died your first attempt? So what, lots of people do. There's no need to have a huge fit, there are plenty of resources to help you get through it. Yes, it might take some time and adjustment. The variety and new stuff is what keeps the game fresh. But too many people get hung up on it right out of the gate. Just relax!
  • SungjSungj Member Posts: 2,117 ★★★★★
    Vivek_786 wrote: »
    Whatever it is .. difficulty of unchallenged event quest increasing slight each month but rewards are same 🤐. Increase in rewards slightly will balance it.

    This month has been the easiest in a while, probably easier than the first ever uncollected event quest that had modok as a boss whom back then there were not many counters for and the hell queen Ice Phoenix who you literally couldn't beat if you didn't have a rank 4 5* champion. So should the rewards be lowered this month because it's less difficult. It is literally impossible to make every month the exact same difficulty, the rewards are great anyways you can't expect kabam to change them every month just because there are slight increases or decreases to difficulty.
  • TKS87TKS87 Member Posts: 375 ★★★
    Sungj wrote: »
    Vivek_786 wrote: »
    Whatever it is .. difficulty of unchallenged event quest increasing slight each month but rewards are same 🤐. Increase in rewards slightly will balance it.

    This month has been the easiest in a while, probably easier than the first ever uncollected event quest that had modok as a boss whom back then there were not many counters for and the hell queen Ice Phoenix who you literally couldn't beat if you didn't have a rank 4 5* champion. So should the rewards be lowered this month because it's less difficult. It is literally impossible to make every month the exact same difficulty, the rewards are great anyways you can't expect kabam to change them every month just because there are slight increases or decreases to difficulty.

    I'm not sure I'd say the easiest for awhile, as I personally found last months and the Omega/Emma event easier. Granted, I've only done a completion run so far on the current one. The other thing with thos is, people will find it easier/harder based on the roster they have, and by extension the counters they have at the level required to take down the big hurdles.

    I agree that not every month cannot be the same difficulty. And that it would be hard to fluctuate rewards accordingly. Regardless though, I'm just sick of the same pattern of people just losing their minds because they haven't gotten used to the new stuff in the EQ.
  • SwansongSwansong Member Posts: 40
    I like it , old school thinking just put another coin in and start again. Maybe sit back,watch someone else for a while ,then have another go when you feel up to it. Reminds me of when I was a teenager back in the 80s playing arcade games.
  • Horror_punkHorror_punk Member Posts: 1,058 ★★★★
    For this i like to thank our YOUTUBE community players
    They putting all new stuffs with strategy to defeat the content
    For me a F2P player this is no less than a blessing
    I never burn units on quests
    First i watch some videos and analyse my roster to cope up with the quests

    So take a deep breath and grind arenas for milestones
  • TKS87TKS87 Member Posts: 375 ★★★
    Swansong wrote: »
    I like it , old school thinking just put another coin in and start again. Maybe sit back,watch someone else for a while ,then have another go when you feel up to it. Reminds me of when I was a teenager back in the 80s playing arcade games.

    Energy refills are cheaper than revives anyways ;) not to mention we get some through peak milestone rewards now too
  • Captain_NietschCaptain_Nietsch Member Posts: 481 ★★
    Sungj wrote: »
    Vivek_786 wrote: »
    Whatever it is .. difficulty of unchallenged event quest increasing slight each month but rewards are same 🤐. Increase in rewards slightly will balance it.

    This month has been the easiest in a while, probably easier than the first ever uncollected event quest that had modok as a boss whom back then there were not many counters for and the hell queen Ice Phoenix who you literally couldn't beat if you didn't have a rank 4 5* champion. So should the rewards be lowered this month because it's less difficult. It is literally impossible to make every month the exact same difficulty, the rewards are great anyways you can't expect kabam to change them every month just because there are slight increases or decreases to difficulty.

    Agreed. Also, what is difficult for some is easy for others. It's individual. So of course players have different experiences facing the same quest.
  • Crazyjack719Crazyjack719 Member Posts: 425 ★★
    @TKS87 I fully agree with you. Instead of being able to come to the forums and see if there are relevant strategies to take down bosses, all you see are nerf requests and "this is too hard" posts.

    The game is shifting, so our playstyles as well as roster depth must shift. You cant expect to beat this with just one champ as generally some other option will be better. You can no longer expect to explore an uncollected EQ with a parry, 5 hit combo mentality.

    I love the design of Darkhawk and the nodes that accompany him. You are forced to adopt a more defensive approach as well as mix up your playstyle to get him down, across 2 accounts I managed to get 4 clean one shots and it wasn't easy! But it can be done.

    So all you people out there complaining, please take a step back and evaluate your skill level and roster and keep practicing until you can get through it without acting like a whiny 4 year old.
  • Unk0wn_S0ldierUnk0wn_S0ldier Member Posts: 53
    What most of these people need to realize is that if they can't complete the content right now, they have to be patient. Either their roster is not strong enough yet, or their skills have not progressed far enough yet for the difficulty. This instant gratification, I want everything my way right now BS needs to stop. So you can't 100% something this month, build a bridge and get over it. You will not die because of it.

    I have been Uncollected for about 2 months now. Both my skills and/or my roster is not strong enough yet to 100% Uncollected difficulty, but i don't throw a b*tch fit about it. I accept it, and try to improve both. It was the same the first time i attempted Master mode and now I generally breeze through it.
  • hope4tghope4tg Member Posts: 149
    CapWW2 wrote: »
    Content should be a notch more difficult.

    Kabam make content tied up to your overall champ rating and strongest team. So if you have 5 rank 5 5 stars you monthly events should have stronger buffs for health and attack compare with someone with no rank 5 5 stars. With this being said rewards should be ajusted too accordingly.

    This is one of the worst ideas I have ever came across for this game lol
  • This content has been removed.
  • Duke_SilverDuke_Silver Member Posts: 2,421 ★★★★
  • YouconfusedYouconfused Member Posts: 274
    GROWTH MINDSET! understand you can't do it YET! just keep swimming
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,779 ★★★★★
    The only thing I have a little bit of negativity about is the Heal Block/Aspect of Nightmares node. I'm not super mad at it but its like "how can we trigger the community this time" type of thinking lol.
  • VulcanMVulcanM Member Posts: 664 ★★
    i completely agree with this post. instead of complaining that it was too hard, i came here for help and suggestions/tips, i also worked with new strategy. personally the taskmaster in this event was the hardest fight i have ever fought, until i tried a new strategy, and it just became a problem of skill and intercepting. i didnt get frustrated, i looked for a way around it(in this case disabling dexterity). being creative can help you alot in this game! in short, stop complaining and instead look for a solution and ask others for help and tips, it will save you in the long run.
  • VulcanMVulcanM Member Posts: 664 ★★
    hope4tg wrote: »
    CapWW2 wrote: »
    Content should be a notch more difficult.

    Kabam make content tied up to your overall champ rating and strongest team. So if you have 5 rank 5 5 stars you monthly events should have stronger buffs for health and attack compare with someone with no rank 5 5 stars. With this being said rewards should be ajusted too accordingly.

    This is one of the worst ideas I have ever came across for this game lol

    i agree and disagree, the content should be more difficult, but difficult based on skill not complete bs, which i dont think theres much of anyway. while this idea seems good, we already kinda have progressing difficulty with rewards adjusted, its called the monthly event quest. i do think however that they should have an epic difficulty unlocked by exploring uncollected mode
  • TKS87TKS87 Member Posts: 375 ★★★
    Demonzfyre wrote: »
    The only thing I have a little bit of negativity about is the Heal Block/Aspect of Nightmares node. I'm not super mad at it but its like "how can we trigger the community this time" type of thinking lol.

    Yeah that one is a bit annoying, I can agree with that. The unavoidable damage trend is not ideal. But, Elektra is generally fairly easy to fight, and it was early enough that it wasn't a huge deal, in my opinion.
  • WerewrymWerewrym Member Posts: 2,830 ★★★★★
    Demonzfyre wrote: »
    The only thing I have a little bit of negativity about is the Heal Block/Aspect of Nightmares node. I'm not super mad at it but its like "how can we trigger the community this time" type of thinking lol.

    Okay so I'm not the only one that found that combination of nodes sort of redundant... It's a super easy fight, so no big deal, but I feel like not a whole lot of thought went into that fight.
  • Evil_Monkey88Evil_Monkey88 Member Posts: 125
    Technically you are also coming to the forums and whining. But no I totally understand and agree to your point.
  • TKS87TKS87 Member Posts: 375 ★★★
    Technically you are also coming to the forums and whining. But no I totally understand and agree to your point.

    Heh, I guess you're really not wrong there. Though I like to think that I was a little more constructive than some of the other posts lol
  • weavileweavile Member Posts: 288
    I don't know about you guys but I think this is the worst uncollected quest. The whole Darkhawk fight is playing caveman MCoC. After the first sp2 it's 10 seconds long parry + 1 hit. You can't use special or heavy cause it will lead to 10 seconds auto block. If Darkhawk decided to hold until sp2 it's more dragging
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,779 ★★★★★
    Werewrym wrote: »
    Demonzfyre wrote: »
    The only thing I have a little bit of negativity about is the Heal Block/Aspect of Nightmares node. I'm not super mad at it but its like "how can we trigger the community this time" type of thinking lol.

    Okay so I'm not the only one that found that combination of nodes sort of redundant... It's a super easy fight, so no big deal, but I feel like not a whole lot of thought went into that fight.
    TKS87 wrote: »
    Demonzfyre wrote: »
    The only thing I have a little bit of negativity about is the Heal Block/Aspect of Nightmares node. I'm not super mad at it but its like "how can we trigger the community this time" type of thinking lol.

    Yeah that one is a bit annoying, I can agree with that. The unavoidable damage trend is not ideal. But, Elektra is generally fairly easy to fight, and it was early enough that it wasn't a huge deal, in my opinion.

    Exactly my thoughts too. If there were more to it, I might be more mad. But really why not make the node just say lose 50% of max health.
  • CapWW2CapWW2 Member Posts: 2,901 ★★★★
    hope4tg wrote: »
    CapWW2 wrote: »
    Content should be a notch more difficult.

    Kabam make content tied up to your overall champ rating and strongest team. So if you have 5 rank 5 5 stars you monthly events should have stronger buffs for health and attack compare with someone with no rank 5 5 stars. With this being said rewards should be ajusted too accordingly.

    This is one of the worst ideas I have ever came across for this game lol

    Why is that? Scared of how you difficulty will scaled up? It will scale up but the rewadrs as well.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,412 Guardian
    CapWW2 wrote: »
    hope4tg wrote: »
    CapWW2 wrote: »
    Content should be a notch more difficult.

    Kabam make content tied up to your overall champ rating and strongest team. So if you have 5 rank 5 5 stars you monthly events should have stronger buffs for health and attack compare with someone with no rank 5 5 stars. With this being said rewards should be ajusted too accordingly.

    This is one of the worst ideas I have ever came across for this game lol

    Why is that? Scared of how you difficulty will scaled up? It will scale up but the rewadrs as well.

    The fact that nobody does this kind of scaling at the very top of their games is very intentional, even though it wouldn't be hard. Scaling like this in the middle sometimes makes sense, but it promotes runaway progression at the top. No game developer wants that.
  • CapWW2CapWW2 Member Posts: 2,901 ★★★★
    DNA3000 wrote: »
    CapWW2 wrote: »
    hope4tg wrote: »
    CapWW2 wrote: »
    Content should be a notch more difficult.

    Kabam make content tied up to your overall champ rating and strongest team. So if you have 5 rank 5 5 stars you monthly events should have stronger buffs for health and attack compare with someone with no rank 5 5 stars. With this being said rewards should be ajusted too accordingly.

    This is one of the worst ideas I have ever came across for this game lol

    Why is that? Scared of how you difficulty will scaled up? It will scale up but the rewadrs as well.

    The fact that nobody does this kind of scaling at the very top of their games is very intentional, even though it wouldn't be hard. Scaling like this in the middle sometimes makes sense, but it promotes runaway progression at the top. No game developer wants that.

    You got a good point
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