Darkhawk ridiculous overpowered,even in master



  • Hammerbro_64Hammerbro_64 Member Posts: 7,463 ★★★★★
    Jokepool wrote: »
    Quake is key ;)

    I try with quake, corvus, Spidey, Medusa... nothing seems to work. The parry is with a delay,is hard to get the timing correct

    Just figure out what his medium looks like and it’s duration before he hits again and it’s no problem. Quake has pretty much always taken from 70%-90% health no sweat. Just learn Quake a little better.

    Not tryna be rude or anything, but u gotta figure out you need to get out of the way quick, parry 2-3 hits parry again until he either uses his L1 which you can just block or L2 and you just parry again. You need to improve your strategy past the standard parry to start then 5 hit cycle.

    I feel like DH is more of a skill based fight as opposed to having the right champ, even tho the right champs make it easier, and I love that. Skill as opposed to having a high level CG and steamrolling bosses is great.
  • Shaun01Shaun01 Member Posts: 250 ★★
    Every month we deal with this same thing. There is always an answer.

    If you are struggling check YouTube. There's always a video of the best ways and champs to use.

    Yes, he's tough but after dodging back at the very beginning and baiting the special he's pretty straight forward. I used Stark easy peasy.
  • The_Mighty_ToeThe_Mighty_Toe Member Posts: 132
    I used GP and solo’ed him on master. Took two tries. First attempt he wrecked my entire lineup.
  • XxLoganTDCxXXxLoganTDCxX Member Posts: 2,561 ★★★★
    I agree
  • edited December 2018
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  • Ghostspider231Ghostspider231 Member Posts: 301 ★★★
    edited December 2018
    Here is how you beat him @Jokepool

    1. Evade immediately and bait his T2. Do your best not to get cornered at the wall
    2. Parry him when he is in invisible mode and then heavy hit him... He will switch to armor mode.
    3. Parry him and hit him only during the duration of the stun (otherwise he will autoblock cause problems)
    4. Do not attempt to use specials or heavy hit again during this fight because when he is knocked down he goes to shield mode... Once he is out of shield mode, then hit him until he reaches his t1. Do not build his energy to t2.
    5. Bait his t1. Block the beam if you have to but don't get hit because it causes a stupefied stun then your dead.
    6. Do this and he becomes very manageable and quite easy to beat.
  • Ghostspider231Ghostspider231 Member Posts: 301 ★★★
    Also fun fact: Daredevil can hit him when he's invisible. Guess because he's blind.
  • TheSquish671TheSquish671 Member Posts: 2,880 ★★★★★
    One of the times i fought him, he completely refused to launch the sp2, backed me into the wall and killed my champion, it's not a difficult fight, but i just hope we don't get fights like these again, where we have rely on the AI do something to be able to win
  • DshuDshu Member Posts: 1,516 ★★★★
    Having done both master and uncollected on android I don't see what the big deal is with him. He seems to bait just fine and I've used a grand total of 1 revive when I was watching TV and missed an evade. I don't see the lag and refusal to bait everyone is crying about
  • KenshioKenshio Member Posts: 162
    edited December 2018
    I feel like people just don’t know how to bait properly. I’m done with him in UC. Solo’d him a couple times. The others I had to use a few different champs. I baited his sp2 like 20/20 times with multiple champs.

    did you try darkhawk in master mode ?
    it's easy to bait UC darkhawk , 1 dash back andd that's it
    but that master one is stupid AI , you cant bait him like those hard level AI's in UC mode
  • Ultimatesaber32Ultimatesaber32 Member Posts: 742 ★★
    Here we go again....
  • LormifLormif Member Posts: 7,369 ★★★★★
    I feel like people just don’t know how to bait properly. I’m done with him in UC. Solo’d him a couple times. The others I had to use a few different champs. I baited his sp2 like 20/20 times with multiple champs.

    Except he won't Bait. Once or twice, if you can manage to down him in one shot. Otherwise, the AI is all over the place. Timing in Master is not the same as UC, and almost always in both, if you die before you kill him, he refuses to Bait.

    I’ve 100%ed UC and only once did I have an issue baiting his sp2, 90% of the time he either started with it, or triggered in first 2 dodges
  • LormifLormif Member Posts: 7,369 ★★★★★
    One of the times i fought him, he completely refused to launch the sp2, backed me into the wall and killed my champion, it's not a difficult fight, but i just hope we don't get fights like these again, where we have rely on the AI do something to be able to win

    We have to depend on the ai every fight to do something
  • Man_BatMan_Bat Member Posts: 332 ★★
    Quake is key ;)

    Absolutely! Used her to rinse Darkhawk. Glad to see others are doing the same.
  • 10or_Strong10or_Strong Member Posts: 1,204 ★★★
    For those of you that did not have much trouble, good for you. Please note, though, that MANY users are having trouble with lag across many devices (there is an entire thread devoted to this issue), so the problem of Darkhawk being practically unbeatable due to lag is a REAL issue. It was cathartic for me to find the thread on the lag issue, as I was HIGHLY frustrated with my first (and until the issue is fixed, ONLY) run at him in UC difficulty thus far. It took far more fights to get past him than it should, as about 80% or more of the time the lag lead to a VERY quick finish of my champs (the one time I didn't have the lag kick in, I took about 70% of his health with one champ; the other 30% took the rest of my team and a couple revives to finish up).

    So yes, each month we seem to get lots of complaints about the new, tough boss. But in this case, there is a well-documented issue affecting many users that makes a very tough fight nearly impossible to win.
  • Rilo22Rilo22 Member Posts: 1
    I beat him with a R5 SW max sig
  • The1_NuclearOnionThe1_NuclearOnion Member Posts: 908 ★★★
    I agree it is all about whether he baits right away or not. Most of the time yes. If he doesn't though, you can get backed into the wall fast. I do feel like any champ can beat him though. i used Magik just so I could power lock. Parry medium medium, repeat until he is out of stealth mode. Then i reach sp2 and lock him down. Over and over.
    If you can get to him with your whole team you get 5 shots.

    i admit before I watched the how to video and followed it I'd lose all 5 champs. Now I got it and mostly one shot.
    I also felt like 3 hits cuts it too close for me if you miss on the last one, so I stick with medium medium.
  • Austin555555Austin555555 Member Posts: 3,051 ★★★★★
    Also fun fact: Daredevil can hit him when he's invisible. Guess because he's blind.

    That’s great and all, but the lag is too emense to even land a hit.
  • MrBanksMrBanks Member Posts: 1,002 ★★★
    I think the fight is pretty easy, if he activates his SP2 in the first 3 seconds of the fight...
  • Esket1t_420Esket1t_420 Member Posts: 548 ★★★
    1 word: daredevil
  • Esket1t_420Esket1t_420 Member Posts: 548 ★★★
    He completely bypasses darkhawk’s stealth mode meaning darkhawk can’t evade any of his attacks
  • peasantpeasant Member Posts: 240
    100% master and uncollected. It isn't that hard to bait the special. The only issue I think is the lag in the beginning of the fight (which can be "fixed" by pausing the game).
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  • Dexman1349Dexman1349 Member Posts: 3,060 ★★★★★
    Haven't attempted UC yet, but I will add a +1 to the "evade lag" complaint crowd for Master (Samsung S9+). I did fully explore Master, but did need a few re-do's.

    Using a full team of champs with PI over 8k, I would frequently lose 2-3 champs without even getting a chance to evade. Lose 1 or 2 more simply trying to bait and getting cornered. However, if I could somehow evade AND bait, then I could easily one-shot him.

    On top of the lag issues, another thing that makes evading hard is that he has such a long reach and would frequently string 2-3 attacks. You have to time the first evade properly to out-distance his reach, but also string together a couple more evades for the subsequent attacks. It was actually easier to evade->light attack intercept because you could buy more space to bait. That was a risky option because you would eat a combo if you mis-timed it.
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,689 ★★★★★
    edited December 2018
    I'd love to see a video from someone that is having trouble baiting his L2. Did uncollected 100%. Just fought him for the 1st time in master and was expecting him to be more passive based on what I've read and it was the same fight (just shorter). Bait the L2 at the start, parry and hit him a few times until he switches to normal mode, and then beat the **** out of him. I'm sure his sp1 can be evaded, but I haven't bothered to try yet lol. I haven't fought him even one time where he didn't either throw his SP2 right away or after a dodge or two. (Obviously none of this applies to lag. I don't have lag issues so can't speak to that.)
  • edited December 2018
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  • XxOriginalxXXxOriginalxX Member Posts: 1,324 ★★★
    Ok I have a problem with this EQ, but only because of thorns, such a Gate considering how much damage it does back to you
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