Darkhawk ridiculous overpowered,even in master



  • Jewlz666Jewlz666 Member Posts: 7
    Sociopath, it is a blatant cash grab. Not much of a 4 year Anny OR Holiday celebration in my opinion. I have contemplated quitting the game after 3.5 years (playing every day, doing my part in alliances, AROUND my busy life scheduled). I put money in the game when there are great deals. I just think this is a slap in the face for so many of us. And I am not in here 'whining' about this, I just think the game is catering to the whales/rich folk and making a point to block out those of us who don't have the leisure to play 24/7 and have the best of the best.
  • LormifLormif Member Posts: 7,369 ★★★★★
    That unlockable beginning makes me frustrated. Yeah, I know there's some pro bro here said this quest was easy, well, are you sure your champs don't die with that BS node? I know how to bait, everyone knows it. But block is the foundation control of this game, and Kabam said: bait or die, no more block or parry. Screw that! Don't you see this is not skill base node? It's the matter of luck whether he throw his L2 or not, let alone the auto block parry that killed me so many times after successfully bait the initial L2.
    (Edit) Did I mentioned the lag? Every fight is flawless, I used Ghost Rider to fight every champs in front, and came to the boss with all 5 champs full health. Then I couldn't evade at the begining, couldn't parry so many times, and creen freezed when I hit his block, only with the boss. This is not the game cracked, Darkhawk is the problem.

    You have to bait ONE attack. Thats is.. You seem to want an easy mode where you can just parry and win. As for lag, check your device, I have no lag on an iphone or ipad pro. Again during my 100% of UC there was only one time he would not throw sp2 and backed me into a corner to my death, every other time it was cake.
  • LormifLormif Member Posts: 7,369 ★★★★★
    Sociopath wrote: »
    Reference wrote: »
    @LeNoirFaineant I'd love to show but I guess you will only see a video in which my character keep moving back and forth to bait his sp2 but he don't trigger, then corner my champ and defeat in few hits....or you see my champ standstill at the beginning (due to no response) and then DH move forward to kill.

    MCOC Trocos just updated his new abilities..cheers.

    By far my favorite post ive seen in a long time here.
    That being said, I've had my whinge about DarkTurd and am almost sure nothing will be done about the issue (well not in time for me to even consider) I think im more annoyed that I can get 100% with chaps 1&2 in UC and master and Chap 3.1 done, Yet DarkTurd is un- hitable.
    I've decided to not going any further in wasting pots/units this month on attempting (due to it being a blatant cash grab) and will be hanging my mcoc boxing gloves up for this months EQ. "Yes!" it sucks that its the x-mas EQ but hey-ho. Merry Poopmas from Kabam was needed after all the free stuff they gave out this month, they need to get it back somehow.

    After evading his sp2, parry hit hit, parry hit hit until his invis runs out. If you miss no worries as he will still be stunned. After his invis wears off you can attack as normal until he does it again.
  • JRock808JRock808 Member Posts: 1,149 ★★★★
    Lormif wrote: »
    , I have no lag on an iphone or ipad pro. Again during my 100% of UC there was only one time he would not throw sp2 and backed me into a corner to my death, every other time it was cake.

    Just because you don't experience it doesn't mean it's a hoax. There are dozens of threads, including official responses, that all indicate that many users do have issues.

    I had them myself, moreso in master luckily, as I could survive it, and I use a new iPad Air 2, latest blah blah, no background apps, plenty of space more blah blah, it was very random and inconsistent. One fight would lag, one wouldn't. UC seemed to run much better... point being, stop claiming fake news and blaming victims for a real issue.

    The non-lag skill related part is just the state of the game. Have to adapt, power through it or bail at that point... if you can get to it.
  • LormifLormif Member Posts: 7,369 ★★★★★
    JRock808 wrote: »
    Lormif wrote: »
    , I have no lag on an iphone or ipad pro. Again during my 100% of UC there was only one time he would not throw sp2 and backed me into a corner to my death, every other time it was cake.

    Just because you don't experience it doesn't mean it's a hoax. There are dozens of threads, including official responses, that all indicate that many users do have issues.

    I had them myself, moreso in master luckily, as I could survive it, and I use a new iPad Air 2, latest blah blah, no background apps, plenty of space more blah blah, it was very random and inconsistent. One fight would lag, one wouldn't. UC seemed to run much better... point being, stop claiming fake news and blaming victims for a real issue.

    The non-lag skill related part is just the state of the game. Have to adapt, power through it or bail at that point... if you can get to it.

    I never once claimed it was a hoax, I said check your device. Those are no where near the same statements.
  • DarthPhalDarthPhal Member Posts: 1,064 ★★★★
    phillgreen wrote: »
    Does Quake work using the Quake method?

    Yes, but you still have to bait the first sp2. Chip damage may be an issue in uncollected if you’re using the 4* but I’ve had good luck with her as a 5*.

  • HalleyHalley Member Posts: 576 ★★★
    It's very hard to bait his 1st sp2 with any 4* champs! I dont know about UC, but master is very hard! Much harder than last month event!
    I can go through nodes easily with full health champs at last, but, at the end, all got killed with few hits of Day Hawk! He's absolute overpowered!!
  • Toj37Toj37 Member Posts: 68
    JDunk2291 wrote: »
    The Invisibility for 20 WHOLE SECONDS is whats killing me...Bait out the Sp2 But then get cornered and hit with a barrage of Heavy attacks that i cant dodge while cornered. Hes Gona Be Primary Defender in Alliance War....20 Seconds of INVISIBILITY is a ALOT of time in a 3 minute fight with a Sp1 u cant Evade unless u have Evasive champ (Daredevil, Spider-Champs). Bringing it Down to 10 seconds sounds more reasonable Kabam
    Primary defender in War? I think the exact opposite. The fighter must really suck if they have to make him unblockable right off the bat to make him challenging.
  • Jewlz666Jewlz666 Member Posts: 7
    Is it just me or are the majority of the new champs they have introduced with Unstoppable with crazy healing? I mean I got him down to like 73% yesterday and he healed back up to 100%. So I went in with Yondu and he bent Yondu over.
  • JDunk2291JDunk2291 Member Posts: 464 ★★
    Toj37 wrote: »
    JDunk2291 wrote: »
    The Invisibility for 20 WHOLE SECONDS is whats killing me...Bait out the Sp2 But then get cornered and hit with a barrage of Heavy attacks that i cant dodge while cornered. Hes Gona Be Primary Defender in Alliance War....20 Seconds of INVISIBILITY is a ALOT of time in a 3 minute fight with a Sp1 u cant Evade unless u have Evasive champ (Daredevil, Spider-Champs). Bringing it Down to 10 seconds sounds more reasonable Kabam
    Primary defender in War? I think the exact opposite. The fighter must really suck if they have to make him unblockable right off the bat to make him challenging.

    No im talking Defender period. Mainly unblockable Sp1 nodes and "Defender most like to use sp2" nodes. His sp1 cant be evaded with the exception of spider-Champs and a 20 second invisiblilty from sp2 is Very long in a 3 minute fight
  • B_Dizzle_01B_Dizzle_01 Member Posts: 1,637 ★★★
    This is the easiest EQ in months. The lanes and nodes are easier compared to previous months. The bosses are no where near as hard as Emma was.
  • The_OneThe_One Member Posts: 2,936 ★★★★
    I just beat the uncollected one today.
    I used 2 team revives and 3 single revives, most fights I couldn't get him to use his special and was backed into the corner.
    I won't be exploring this month
  • JokepoolJokepool Member Posts: 402
    This is the easiest EQ in months. The lanes and nodes are easier compared to previous months. The bosses are no where near as hard as Emma was.

    Looks like that really depends
    I did no spend almost any revives in Emma,this one I spend 800units just to take him down ones.
    This is going to be the first time im not going even to try to finish uncolected because is just not fun or doable. Kabam really mess up this month!Even the master is ridiculous,5* 5/55 champions go down with 4hits.
    I understand the mechanics of darkhawk, I saw loads of videos of tips and tricks,but even then is to mess up champ to play against. Bad Christmas present kabam
  • RiderofHellRiderofHell Member Posts: 4,742 ★★★★★
    Amazes me how each hero special unique ability is increased with new champs at some point it will reach 1 minute and if it does i am quitting bc its annoying how their unique abilites keep increasing with new champs.

    Secondly time after time i mentioned that they never ever bother testing the new content before release this is why they have us for that...throw us in the wild and see what happens
  • sueprhai123sueprhai123 Member Posts: 7
    i have tried so many times and spent over 200 units. it to hard
  • Jewlz666Jewlz666 Member Posts: 7
    I've been talking with my alliance members and I am going to try the heavy hitter approach. The only champ of mine that fared well that I noticed was with Red Hulk. So later on tonight when I get my energy back up (not wasting energy refills, or anything else), I am going to try with: Red Hulk, Rocket, Hyperion, Venom, and Starlord. If I can somehow get another T4b, Medusa might be the key. I saw a friend of mine in another alliance tore up Darkhawk with Ghost (too bad I don't have her in a 4 or 5*).
  • MMCskippyMMCskippy Member Posts: 356 ★★
    The only person I've had issues with baiting the S2 is OG DD... I've had multiple runs where before I know it, I'm at the wall... and my wall evades can only go on for so long...

    I've also had issues baiting with Medusa, but those happened because his S2 'slide' was stretched out randomly when Medusa was fighting.

    I'm guessing the AI adjusts to the champs that are most suited to fight the bosses.
  • ImranImran Member Posts: 587 ★★★
    Whoever saying it's easy. I doubt it they even try darkhawk. Unblocable attack, auto block, miss attack!!!!! It's too much money grabe.
  • L79GL79G Member Posts: 43
    The problem is related to the pyrotechnical show that Darkhawk is making at soon you enter in battle.
    I use an iPhone X and I have MASSIVE lag, each champ is irresponsive, and in 1, 2, 3 I'm dead...
    There is no WiFi or connection issue since this happens ONLY with Darkhawk.

    Aegon was a pain beacuse you had to start the path again;
    Darkhawk you cannot play properly...

    This is killing the fun, who can enjoy to play like this?

    Watch out for next month...
    Silversurfer will be IMMORTAL!
  • PhidoggPhidogg Member Posts: 37
    Yeah I agree, he does seem ridiculously harder in Master than anything else. I am not Uncollected just a learner and I used all 5/50 4☆ and he went through me like nothing. So I will not use units or revives to play him again...I just cut my losses.
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,689 ★★★★★
    Phidogg wrote: »
    Yeah I agree, he does seem ridiculously harder in Master than anything else. I am not Uncollected just a learner and I used all 5/50 4☆ and he went through me like nothing. So I will not use units or revives to play him again...I just cut my losses.

    @Phidogg did you watch Seatin's video on how to fight him? If you aren't having lag issues he is totally beatable with 5/50s on master. But if you don't fight him right he will kill you quickly.
  • SDPSDP Member Posts: 1,622 ★★★★
    People saying they spent so many hundreds of units, and so many revives to beat him, and it’s someone else’s fault. Even though there’s a month left to play against him. Funny stuff.

    Here’s the thing.... Sometimes you just lose. In any aspect of life or competition. Sometimes you simply aren’t able to win. That this is still shocking to people baffles me.
  • Asto03Asto03 Member Posts: 36
    Darkhawk is pretty easy considering the last few event bosses, but the problem with him is that for some people he’s extremely laggy.
    Most people that are complaining are dealing with that lag. A mod said on another thread recently they found ways to reduce lag from him and are working on an update. Honestly if you are dealing with lag when fighting him. Just do other content until it is fixed.
  • mostlyharmlessnmostlyharmlessn Member Posts: 1,388 ★★★★
    We can just accept that a really buggy champ and play mode made it out of Kabam's so called "testing" again.

    Hey don't worry, it will be better next time, and this time they mean it.
  • JFerg114JFerg114 Member Posts: 122
    The lag is occasional, I was able to take him down once in UC. This is definitely a skill based fight, but the random lag makes it a little more challenging. I attempted the fight several times. Was happy to get the completion. Overall not a hard fight just gotta pray you don’t get the lag
  • Topher_TowersTopher_Towers Member Posts: 81
  • Topher_TowersTopher_Towers Member Posts: 81
    I just spent 10$ myself. I hate giving kabam money for their obvious cash cow set ups. But I was frustrated of starting over. I baited okay, no problem. Then I missed one parry got cornered and he ko'd me with heavy attacks everytime. Sure I missed and there's the mistake, but still ridiculous.
    Then other times his sp2 suddenly had more range. wtf? I still have to complete the thorns path. I tried it earlier and already blew through my halls of healing stash. Pretty frustrated when skill doesnt matter when the champ can kill you with one opening attack.
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  • RiderofHellRiderofHell Member Posts: 4,742 ★★★★★
    Asto03 wrote: »
    Darkhawk is pretty easy considering the last few event bosses, but the problem with him is that for some people he’s extremely laggy.
    Most people that are complaining are dealing with that lag. A mod said on another thread recently they found ways to reduce lag from him and are working on an update. Honestly if you are dealing with lag when fighting him. Just do other content until it is fixed.

    These types of fixes arent done right away...Supreme fix came after the event ended...ÆGON 2 weeks after the event started...if they wanted to fix this they would of tested it out before releasing it to us so that we can play the monthly quest without any problems but every month is same story except we are the ones telling it and paying the price for it.
  • dot_dittodot_ditto Member Posts: 1,442 ★★★★
    I actually cleared Aegon and champion fairly easily (master - I'm nowhere near uncollected) .. but this pass through the EQ, I passed on Master .. I got through to Nightthrasher, and after he trashed me pretty effortlessly .. I just shrugged and said "Nope, not worth" .. :) And half this thread's probably laughing at me now .. "NT? damn noob, he's easy, we're talking Darkhawk!" :) I know ... probably true, but the point is, I know my limits .. ;) And I don't have any 5*'s yet ... so working off 4*'s only ... and old ones at that (I took a break for 2 years ... so I have no recent *cough*broken*cough* champs ... :wink: hehe )

    Sometimes the different abilities and such they put out synergize in different ways, and sometimes it's easier for 1 person than another ... you just need to find your own point. If you can't do it .. for whatever reason .. don't worry about it ... get what you can, there'll be another one next month .. :)

    That said, I do agree Kabam goes a little overkill sometime .. and again, I'm not talking Uncollected .. Uncollected is SUPPOSED to be that way to really challange the higher end players ... but I'm always baffled when I come across the silliness in Master .. *sigh*
    (re: Golden Adaptoid was just dumb a few months back ... O.o )
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