Mastery changes should be made permanently free.

As the title says, it’s an unnecessary unit sink for something that when free adds a ton of player agency. No one is realistically paying money to change masteries, so making them free would not negatively impact kabams bottom line, while also making the player base happy. A win/win situation should be a no brainer to implement.
NO NO NO!!! I'm all for free stuff, but letting everyone take advantage of setting defense with certain masteries, then changing their masteries during attack..... NAH!! Let them units fly lol
It costs like 50 units to change all your masteries, at the most. Prob less. That's 3 arena milestones, it's not stopping anyone, it's just kind of annoying.
Yep this is the middle ground alternative to free, and one I would support as well. Look at MOBA’s that have successfully implemented this, even though some like LoL are free to change now. They used to be buy the runes, masteries, and pages to be able to swap faster. Paying for something you’ve already paid for again is a redundant waste, especially when it’s just an annoyance rather than an actual unit sink.
Not really the point. I shouldn’t have to pay 100 units to take 4 points out of suicides and put them back in deep wounds
They don’t respond to any relevant community feedback that would lead to improvements, that is not their focus.
Why should we continually have to pay units when we switch them up for different modes? Those units could be better spent on healing items, with content becoming more challenging, and the gifting system removed, it would help a lot.