@Hamin definitely right about how amazing ST is with KM, I’ve just kept putting on 5/65 him in case I pull an omega red lol cause I’d rather r5 him over st
I did notice a pretty big jump in damage, but its hard to tell if it was the R5 or the more powerful Furies that I got stacked up lol. I'm and work right now or I'd post a pic. @KILLMФИGЕЯ
I don’t think you should. Five stars are just flat out better than 6* right now. For example, a max sig 5* Void is way better than a sig 20 6* Void. Eventually, t5 will become more readily available.
Remember how much of a game changer Blade was? ST with KM is that and more.
I do love my 5/65 ST though.
You have great options, I'd hate to be you LOL
I rather save them so when where able to get them past r2 i'll have the resources, next they will be able to go past r2
I don’t think you should. Five stars are just flat out better than 6* right now. For example, a max sig 5* Void is way better than a sig 20 6* Void. Eventually, t5 will become more readily available.