Ending 2018 in true Kabam style

What happened, did you guys hire back old programmers. Remember when the game saw the end of thorns? How the war maps were update because the community spoke out against such a terrible buff. It seems to me that you want to make sure you brought back the clown fiesta, in the monthly quest and now the new AQ maps. Did we not learn anything. A buff that can’t be avoid, that has no work around is just a money grab. Come on, let’s get back to those days were we all agreed Thorns should never have a place in this game!
They actually pulled it from war for that reason exactly. And if I cared to prove the point I’d dig back to find the post. But in reality it’s not worth arguing.
I’d love a list of counters, I must be missing them. Thanks in advance. I find I still learn stuff in this game even three years in.
They changed the map in AW, yes. Then they completely changed the map but didn't put thorns in and opted for other nodes. Just because they took it out for AW, doesn't mean it wasn't ever coming back. Find a counter like CB and BW.
And I’m pretty sure omega reds heavies counter thorns