"The Maze"

Hopefully Kabam sees this... stop making quests with horrible rewards that are for end game legend players... it's not fun for the 90 percent who can't complete it...


  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,688 ★★★★★
    Mynamewesh wrote: »
    Hopefully Kabam sees this... stop making quests with horrible rewards that are for end game legend players... it's not fun for the 90 percent who can't complete it...

    How do you know it's only for end game legend players? And if the rewards are horrible, why do you care? Personally I think the difficulty will be in line with the rewards, which means it'll be doable for a lot of people that couldn't some of the recent harder content.
  • MaatttyyMaatttyy Member Posts: 77
    hopefully its roughly the same difficulty as the champions clash last month! that was enjoyable for me even if I was only able to beat lightweight
  • MaatttyyMaatttyy Member Posts: 77
    rewards were good too imo
  • MynameweshMynamewesh Member Posts: 13
    They said that "only few can complete" not explore. That tells me this is end game players... and tier 2 alpha is good and hard to come by. And the rewards have a lot of it. Which also tells me this is going to he very hard. Bet
  • Kobster84Kobster84 Member Posts: 2,898 ★★★★★
    Mynamewesh wrote: »
    They said that "only few can complete" not explore. That tells me this is end game players... and tier 2 alpha is good and hard to come by. And the rewards have a lot of it. Which also tells me this is going to he very hard. Bet

    Well there’s gonna be another event quest this month so you can do that then
  • CrkwestCrkwest Member Posts: 433 ★★★
    I normally complete all of the new content, but why can't they just add different difficulties? Even if you only have to choose one so you can't get the other rewards... It just makes sense if it is temporary content, make more difficulties and make everyone happy. If it was permanent, make one difficulty, that way people have a challenge there for when they reach that level, but not catering to everyone just seems counter productive on kabam's side
  • BirdReynoldsBirdReynolds Member Posts: 527 ★★★
    Non “end game” players have plenty of static content to play, act 4 exploration, act 5 completion and exploration, rttl, a first LoL run, plus special quests literally every month. For “end game” players, there’s nothing after act 5, for now. Until last month we’ve never really had special events tailored for us as a new and exciting challenge. There’s LoL exploration but that’s such a massive time and resource sink, it’s a long game, for most anyway.
    Just because there’s something you CAN’T do, doesn’t mean theres nothing you CAN do. And just because you can’t doesn’t mean you should demand that nobody can.
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,778 ★★★★★
    Level 40 isn't end game players. This for level 40 and above.
  • MynameweshMynamewesh Member Posts: 13
    What did I tell you guys? Maze just came out and it's for end game players. Good luck using all your revived to take out the first enemy.... and kabam... I doubt the next one will be better for me. The past ones haven't cause they've all been "epic" or "uncollected" material...
  • MynameweshMynamewesh Member Posts: 13
    And why not different difficulties of the maze? I mean seriously and can't be that hard to make more difficulties. That way everyone gets a fair chance
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  • MynameweshMynamewesh Member Posts: 13
    Right?? I'm lvl 50 and couldn't get past the 1st. Even Seatin Man of Legends said it's not for the average player. Get your **** together kabam
  • SyndicatedSyndicated Member Posts: 713 ★★★★
    Jestress wrote: »
    Demonzfyre wrote: »
    Level 40 isn't end game players. This for level 40 and above.

    I'd love to see someone who isn't level 60 complete the maze.

    Me too, well, with 2 Odins maybe? want to see that Korg soloed.
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,778 ★★★★★
    Jestress wrote: »
    Demonzfyre wrote: »
    Level 40 isn't end game players. This for level 40 and above.

    I'd love to see someone who isn't level 60 complete the maze.

    Harder content has been done with less. Remember the first people to beat LoL? 4* starlord.
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  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,688 ★★★★★
    Demonzfyre wrote: »
    Jestress wrote: »
    Demonzfyre wrote: »
    Level 40 isn't end game players. This for level 40 and above.

    I'd love to see someone who isn't level 60 complete the maze.

    Harder content has been done with less. Remember the first people to beat LoL? 4* starlord.

    LOL is longer but it's not harder.
  • ArcDeAngelusArcDeAngelus Member Posts: 209
    The rewards are indeed pathetic for the amount of effort required. This will likely be the first event I skip in a long time as it's going to be more effort than a single t2a with some shards on the side is worth. The only tempting rewards for me are the sig crystals, but even then there are so few it's not worth the 4 or so sig levels you'll get of the type you want
  • JakobitzJakobitz Member Posts: 47
    The Maze is not worth the time or resources to even attempt for such low rewards. Nothing but aggravation and a resource drain. Pass!
  • GaanjGaanj Member Posts: 33
    @Kabam Vydious came here in peace. It would be more appealing if there were a title in events like this, especially in a timed and unique manner compared to other monthly events, etc.

    Again I know a lot might not care for titles, but I believe the harder events like this are always a way to flex with your friends and alliance buddies. A trophy.

    That said, the rewards really aren't too desirable, but if I end up really bored I might do it just to do it. Thanks to the team for the new content regardless, eager to see what 2019 holds.
  • doom722doom722 Member Posts: 99
    edited December 2018
    Sorry to hear you aren't happy with the content for this and the rewards, OP! We appreciate your feedback on it, however, keep in mind that others may enjoy it where you don't. This specific piece of content may not be for you, but the next one might!
    I seriously doubt endgamers will enjoy it unless they don't grind arena. I agree that the content is for endgamers and they 'll like the fights, no doubt there. But the rewards, meh!
    When deciding the rewards the dev team probably thoughtt this is for level 40 and above haha!
  • Avi2070Avi2070 Member Posts: 8
    Why there no holiday event from us as we see the maze is only meant for high end players ..Why players like us to suffer I was waiting for this event and after watching it really disappointed
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  • rwhackrwhack Member Posts: 1,076 ★★★
    This is what I see about the maze:

    Meeting room:

    Lead: "Alright, let's get something for people to do that will cause them to use pots before we release the next chapter in January. Any thoughts?"

    Respondent 1: "Well for starters, it needs to be hard but let's make sure the rewards are fairly awful for it. We don't want them not spending on our offers. If we make rewards good they may buy less. Also, not sure the chapter rewards are that great since we need to string them along a bit."

    Respondent 2: "Honestly, they'll likely buy deals anyway why don't we make it appropriate for the difficulty? These are 500K in health champs and the nodes aren't that easy."

    Lead to 2: "I hear what you're saying but in your next job try to fall in line. We don't want this game to be fair. Were you new here?"

    I'll probably get this deleted or a warning for posting, but this is what the players see when you put out content like this with poor return on the effort. The constructive part of this is you need to make the reward measure up to the difficulty. I did one path. I'm done.

  • skullduggery72skullduggery72 Member Posts: 224 ★★
    Rewards are pathetic for how hard the content is, not many will bother. Epic fail kabam. And last year we had that wonderful 2* arena to win a 5* perfect for All summoners, this year kabam have gone backwards with events and rewards!
  • MynameweshMynamewesh Member Posts: 13
    Exactly... hopefully they realize this game wouldn't be what it is without us 90 percent(that don't put money into it) and maybe help us out a little.. but its kabam... probably asking TOO much
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