Double Standard

This in the recent announcement about hackers and exploits:
" In instances like this, it is very unlikely that any action would be taken against a player, although the team may certainly remove any incorrect rewards over granted as a result of the exploit when possible."
If you go out of your way to remove rewards given to players unjustly... why don't you go to the same lengths to grant rewards to players who were unjustly denied them? I missed out on top rewards for Spider-man arena ONLY because there were so many cheaters in line in front of me. Rewards were paid out to the top 50. I finished 53rd. I've found no less that 30 absolutely certain and obvious cheaters ahead of me in the top 50 (beginner bracket), yet I've been told 4 different times that Kabam doesn't care and will do nothing at all to rectify this and pay out the rewards that I should have gotten. Why?
I understand taking rewards away from players that didn't earn them. That makes sense. In the interest of balance, fairness... you don't want the players who didn't get those rewards to be discouraged and stop playing. But the same principle applies here, only a thousand fold more. Your policy makes no sense.
" In instances like this, it is very unlikely that any action would be taken against a player, although the team may certainly remove any incorrect rewards over granted as a result of the exploit when possible."
If you go out of your way to remove rewards given to players unjustly... why don't you go to the same lengths to grant rewards to players who were unjustly denied them? I missed out on top rewards for Spider-man arena ONLY because there were so many cheaters in line in front of me. Rewards were paid out to the top 50. I finished 53rd. I've found no less that 30 absolutely certain and obvious cheaters ahead of me in the top 50 (beginner bracket), yet I've been told 4 different times that Kabam doesn't care and will do nothing at all to rectify this and pay out the rewards that I should have gotten. Why?
I understand taking rewards away from players that didn't earn them. That makes sense. In the interest of balance, fairness... you don't want the players who didn't get those rewards to be discouraged and stop playing. But the same principle applies here, only a thousand fold more. Your policy makes no sense.
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I do not have that chance. The Spiderman arena is over. My 800 units are spent. Also I'm not confident that they got all the cheaters in Beginner bracket there are hundreds of them. Most appear to still be active.
If they responded to me positively once I'd stop. I'd stop spamming every forum I could find online with 1 star reviews, and stop spamming their customer service department as well. Not speaking out doesn't do anything for me at all.
It is what it is. Get over it already. Kabam will do what they can do. Blowing up the forums will get you nowhere.
Not blowing up in the forums will get me lesswhere...
Or it will get you banned from the forums. Which do you think is more likely: A ban from the forums where what you keep posting is highly unproductive (just stating the rules from the forum) or that Kabam bends over backwards and gives you what you want? I'd bet the thousands of dollars I have not invested into this game that it ain't going to be the second one.
I'd say it's more likely I'll get banned from the forums. And then I'll be in exactly the same spot as I am now.
I may be spamming.. I accidentally posted the same topic twice because of an Internet connection error. This topic... is slightly different and less personal, though related.
I contest that what I've posted is not productive, though. If Kabam listened to me and adjusted it's policies, it would be very profitable for them. Needlessly turning paying customers into non-paying customers doesn't help them.
Working on it. Thanks.
I finished 2 places away from getting Cable, 7 places away from getting GwenPool, and 3 places away from duping my Hood, back when they were featured champs. Never complained once about it. If I lost fair and square here, I wouldn't complain once about it. If Kabam had a sensible policy on how to deal with this, I wouldn't bring it up. If you want to be defeatist and assume nothing will ever come of anything you do, then why are you even commenting? I'm offering constructive criticism to Kabam. Their policy makes no sense. If they can retroactively take away rewards... they can retroactively give out rewards. Simple point.
Are you seriously comparing your 800k high scores to my 8.3m in SL and 15mil in Spider arena? I am just telling you to stop crying. That's my comment.
Then your're simply being a jerk for no good reason. 1 million points in featured arena in Beginner bracket is actually FAAAARR more impressive than 8.3 million in veteran bracket. It's kind of pathetic to think that your 8.3 would impress me actually... with a developed roster of 5*s.. that's nothing. Try doing that in beginner bracket some time. Whiner.
If you deleted the cheating accounts, I would have placed about 15th overall in the Spiderman Arena.
Lmao developed roster!!! I was at 100k with 1 5* at r1 and 30 4* with 18 at r3 when I went for SL. And now have 4 5* at r2 and 30 4*'s at 3/30. Trust me I spent way over 2k in that arena. Once again. Stop crying.
Arrogant ****.
I am not arrogant. I am saying I fell short on the grind. Comparing beginner bracket (which is OP af) to veteran is just plain ignorant.
you are just plain ignorant. I'm not entitled you dumb ****. Jesus you're like a walking textbook case of Freudian projection.
You don't see me demanding compansations now do you? Lmao
Resorting to insults and name calling is very mature.