Time to decrease 4* Rank up costs?



  • DalBotDalBot Member Posts: 1,632 ★★★★★
    They can't reduce the cost. They will make the catalysts more available. Logic!

    Catalysts that will then be diverted in to the afforementioned 5/6*s, still leaving the 4*s at the same diminished worth.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,448 Guardian
    DalBot wrote: »
    They can't reduce the cost. They will make the catalysts more available. Logic!

    Catalysts that will then be diverted in to the afforementioned 5/6*s, still leaving the 4*s at the same diminished worth.

    Instead, players will "divert" resources into ranking 5/50s, then complain on the forums that they were "tricked by Kabam" into spending resources on 4* champs when 5* champs are, and I quote, "the future."
  • DalBotDalBot Member Posts: 1,632 ★★★★★
    DNA3000 wrote: »
    Instead, players will "divert" resources into ranking 5/50s, then complain on the forums that they were "tricked by Kabam" into spending resources on 4* champs when 5* champs are, and I quote, "the future."

    If only the resources they could use to 5/50 those champs weren’t the same resources, or least in significantly lower quantity than R2/3 a 5*...
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,448 Guardian
    DalBot wrote: »
    DNA3000 wrote: »
    Instead, players will "divert" resources into ranking 5/50s, then complain on the forums that they were "tricked by Kabam" into spending resources on 4* champs when 5* champs are, and I quote, "the future."

    If only the resources they could use to 5/50 those champs weren’t the same resources, or least in significantly lower quantity than R2/3 a 5*...

    That's no longer a small change to the way champions are ranked up, that's a drastic change that is unlikely to happen in the foreseeable future.
  • OKAYGangOKAYGang Member Posts: 524 ★★★
    DalBot wrote: »
    never gonna happen it’s fine the way it is. Noobs need too work foor the rank up instead of demanding the rank up requirements be lowered. Work foor it like the rest of us

    I'm an endgame player with a prestige well over 9,000. Now I have a collection of 4* who will never be ranked above R3 because the costs are too steep compared to 5*/6*. Basically 4* are now trophy champs and nothing more and serve no purpose because the content I play would put them at a disadvantage anyways. I want to have a reason to use them but now they are nothing more than 5* shards for me and that's just sad.

    I won't even take 4* to r3 anymore because it requires a t1a that I would rather use on a 5*. All my new 4* are stuck at r2 including some of the newest features like the Champion even.
  • RagamugginGunnerRagamugginGunner Member Posts: 2,210 ★★★★★
    They really screwed up when they made the same mats needed to r3 and r4 4* champs also need to r2 5* champs. I have over 25 4* sitting at r2 because they're not worth the 1 t1a to take them to r3. I've got all 91 of my 5 to r2 or higher and with 6* only using t5b and t2a I'll keep ranking 5* champs.
  • Blax4everBlax4ever Member Posts: 683 ★★★

    Pay most of these people no mind, around this time last year people were questioning whether or not it was wise to waste resources on 4* Champs and many of these same clowns were saying 4* champs will be viable for the foreseeable future because of blah blah blah.

  • MagrailothosMagrailothos Member Posts: 6,200 ★★★★★
    DNA3000 wrote: »
    Seriously, why do you guys always think you're entitled to something?

    I believe we have a winner for the ironic post of 2018.

    Ho ho ho (Seasonal LOL)

    Was I particularly advocating for this? No. Is it going to make a significant difference for me? No. So where's the irony?

    I was simply pointing out that is a bit pathetic that any time someone suggests a change that makes it easier for beginning to middling players (which you and I are not), there's a core of very self-important end-game players who demand some kind of restitution because "they had it harder". Well guess what guys: the game needs noobs, too; or eventually it'll just die out. So changes that make the game a bit more appealing to newer players are actually in your long-term interests, too.
  • MagrailothosMagrailothos Member Posts: 6,200 ★★★★★
    If I was going to advocate for this, I'd point out that the high rank-up cost for 5/50 used to serve the same function as the high Energy cost of exploring Act 4: for quite some time, these things represented the 'end' of the game; so it made more sense for these end-game things to be made extra difficult to acquire.

    5/50 champs aren't irrelevant; but they have been superseded not just by rank 4 and above 5* and R2 6* champs. Just like Act 4 has been superseded by Act 5, RTTL, LOL, variant difficulty and so on.

    I don't actually feel too strongly about this - it's not going to benefit me much personally; but it's not going to cost me anything either. For lower tier players, those three T4CC crystals are almost always going to be better spent on one 5*champion than one 4* champion. However, if the choice was between spending six T4CC crystals on either three 4* or two 5* champions, then more people might well choose the broader base of champions they could build at lower cost; making a strong champion tier more accessible to less advanced players; and enabling 4* champions to retain more relevant for longer.

    Long-term, that's how I see the argument. I've moved on to 5* champions mostly; as I suspect have many of the long-term forum posters. But I'd be happy enough to see this happen. It wouldn't change my game much; although I might finally get round to ranking up a few champs stuck at 3/30. I'm happy to make life a bit easier on the little guys.

    And Merry Christmas, BTW. 😉
  • Sixshot1Sixshot1 Member Posts: 459 ★★
    I literally just maxed out a 4*. I'm 625k PI. I take up 4* champs when I need the utility, and I don't think twice about it. The materials needed to r5 a 4* aren't that crazy if you're progressing properly. If you find yourself in dire need of t1a or t4b or t4cc, you should find a better alliance that gets you more of those materials - do map 5-6, get more alliance event rewards. The mats are there.

    And yes, players like myself with lots of maxed 4* would be infuriated if the requirements were suddenly lowered without compensation. I would be so much further progressed if I had those materials now.

    So it won't happen. That's not a backlash Kabam wants to deal with. The materials to rank up a star level of champion have never been lowered, and they never will, if I had to guess.
  • CoatHang3rCoatHang3r Member Posts: 4,965 ★★★★★
    Blax4ever wrote: »

    Pay most of these people no mind, around this time last year people were questioning whether or not it was wise to waste resources on 4* Champs and many of these same clowns were saying 4* champs will be viable for the foreseeable future because of blah blah blah.
    Yes and then today you have people ranking their 4 stars to take into end game content like Variant, The Maze, and map 6. We know who’s full of it and who’s opinions should be disregarded, blah blah blah indeed.
  • Jac094Jac094 Member Posts: 198
    Eeeh.. no.
  • OKAYGangOKAYGang Member Posts: 524 ★★★
    Select 4* can be useful in some end game content if you fight perfectly. Most people can't fight perfectly so they are either item/unit dumping if they are taking 4*s into content like Variant, or they are just failing miserably and then whining about the lack of mid player content on the forums afterwards.
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