5* Duped Guillotine

So I just recently duped my 5* Guillotine. I guess it’s not absolute trash like Rhino or HB but I’m not super excited about it. As far I’m concerned she’s arena fodder but I was wondering if you guys think she’s worth something even though she’s an older and outdated champ.
How high should I rank her and is she really worth ranking up?
How high should I rank her and is she really worth ranking up?
In longer quests I find her lifesteal reliable enough to make her sustainable, provided you do a lot of fights with her. She likes AQ too.
@Inigo so having said that, you wouldn’t suggest ranking her?
I've had enough resources to put another 5* champ at R4 for a while and just didn't like any of my champs. They were all decent champs (Hawkeye, Juggy, Red Team Cyke, IF, Rocket and Gambit (talk about a meh champ I ranked too high just because my 5* roster wasn't deep when I duped him and he was supposed to deal massive damage that I've yet to unlock). After I brought him to R3, I pulled and then duped CM and I had a decent R4 prospect.
When I pulled my 4* Gilly, that gave me the courage to run LoL (back in the pre-LoL days). She hits hard and causes decent bleeds and her L2 melts regen champs and it's fun. (I don't have any Void above 3*, so I don't get to enjoy regen melting of a champ without her).
I had one R4 5* up until about 2 weeks ago. CM is a very decent R4 champ if you have limited resources. I had a pile of R3 5*s that I just didn't want to rank up. But I believe that you need an R4 5* to get through certain content "cost effectively". I think everyone who doesn't have a 5* Blade, Corvus or any other god tier champ needs to get someone to R4 to help clear content.
You asked specifically about Gilly too... if you had some other 5* options that don't need to be duped to be deadly ready to go to R4, there's a potential for different advice from the community.
Well as of right now I’m thinking I wouldn’t take her to R4. But is she worth a R3? I don’t have Void nor do I have a decent mystic champ. I’ve had such horrible luck with it, I’ve been trading away my mystic cats for other classes.
Imo, dont rank any 2015 champs until you get those 3-4 gems.
lets face it, she was amazing NEW (2015?)
before there were a lot of bleed immune champs,
before reliable armor break was NEEDED,
before reliable nullify was NEEDED,
about that,... shouldn't a soul consuming sword,
that has traveled centuries, through mutilple users,