5* Duped Guillotine

V1PER1987V1PER1987 Member Posts: 3,474 ★★★★★
So I just recently duped my 5* Guillotine. I guess it’s not absolute trash like Rhino or HB but I’m not super excited about it. As far I’m concerned she’s arena fodder but I was wondering if you guys think she’s worth something even though she’s an older and outdated champ.

How high should I rank her and is she really worth ranking up?


  • Ultimatesaber32Ultimatesaber32 Member Posts: 742 ★★
    R4. If that. She’s one of the best bleed champs, in the top 6 for me. She’s in there with KM, Gwenpool, Blade, AA and Drax
  • Anonymous346Anonymous346 Member Posts: 661 ★★★
    I have guilly at r4, I only took her to r4 cause I had no other choice, but she's decent. I wouldn't rank her down if I got the choice
  • V1PER1987V1PER1987 Member Posts: 3,474 ★★★★★
    Do you guys use her for anything specifically or try to use her for everything?
  • Marri_2Marri_2 Member Posts: 577 ★★★
    She is pretty allround. Sig = lifesteal chance on crits. Spam SP1 (uses 0 souls) for max regen (amounts can be nuts sometimes if it happens with 10 souls on SP1 crit).

    In longer quests I find her lifesteal reliable enough to make her sustainable, provided you do a lot of fights with her. She likes AQ too.
  • ShaggyMShaggyM Member Posts: 313 ★★★
    She was my first r4 and got me through a ton of content. Wouldn’t have become uncollected without her. She was still useful for the rest of Act 5 but that’s when Blade took over for me. Her regen(life steal) ability kind of makes you not want to use specials as much which limits her damage. You pretty much have to choose between the two. I’m finding her not as valuable now at where I’m at in the game but again she was a huge part of what got me to this point. Very good AQ champ still. If her regen was more consistent she’d be much more valuable. se75fzg7tqaj.jpeg
  • TheLegend27TheLegend27 Member Posts: 1,319 ★★★★★
    I find her to be pretty mediocre. Unreliable regen and, quite frankly, not as great now that Void is a champ. I wouldn't rank her up just for the sake of ranking someone up unless you're overflowing with mystic cats.
  • V1PER1987V1PER1987 Member Posts: 3,474 ★★★★★
    Inigo wrote: »
    She was my first r4 and got me through a ton of content. Wouldn’t have become uncollected without her. She was still useful for the rest of Act 5 but that’s when Blade took over for me. Her regen(life steal) ability kind of makes you not want to use specials as much which limits her damage. You pretty much have to choose between the two. I’m finding her not as valuable now at where I’m at in the game but again she was a huge part of what got me to this point. Very good AQ champ still. If her regen was more consistent she’d be much more valuable. se75fzg7tqaj.jpeg

    @Inigo so having said that, you wouldn’t suggest ranking her?
  • TawfikkTawfikk Member Posts: 36
    Be happy.. i just duped my 5* she hulk
  • MMCskippyMMCskippy Member Posts: 356 ★★
    What I'm reading is that if she's your best option for a 5* duped champ at R4, you're not wasting resources leveling her up.

    I've had enough resources to put another 5* champ at R4 for a while and just didn't like any of my champs. They were all decent champs (Hawkeye, Juggy, Red Team Cyke, IF, Rocket and Gambit (talk about a meh champ I ranked too high just because my 5* roster wasn't deep when I duped him and he was supposed to deal massive damage that I've yet to unlock). After I brought him to R3, I pulled and then duped CM and I had a decent R4 prospect.

    When I pulled my 4* Gilly, that gave me the courage to run LoL (back in the pre-LoL days). She hits hard and causes decent bleeds and her L2 melts regen champs and it's fun. (I don't have any Void above 3*, so I don't get to enjoy regen melting of a champ without her).

    I had one R4 5* up until about 2 weeks ago. CM is a very decent R4 champ if you have limited resources. I had a pile of R3 5*s that I just didn't want to rank up. But I believe that you need an R4 5* to get through certain content "cost effectively". I think everyone who doesn't have a 5* Blade, Corvus or any other god tier champ needs to get someone to R4 to help clear content.

    You asked specifically about Gilly too... if you had some other 5* options that don't need to be duped to be deadly ready to go to R4, there's a potential for different advice from the community.
  • V1PER1987V1PER1987 Member Posts: 3,474 ★★★★★
    MMCskippy wrote: »
    What I'm reading is that if she's your best option for a 5* duped champ at R4, you're not wasting resources leveling her up.

    I've had enough resources to put another 5* champ at R4 for a while and just didn't like any of my champs. They were all decent champs (Hawkeye, Juggy, Red Team Cyke, IF, Rocket and Gambit (talk about a meh champ I ranked too high just because my 5* roster wasn't deep when I duped him and he was supposed to deal massive damage that I've yet to unlock). After I brought him to R3, I pulled and then duped CM and I had a decent R4 prospect.

    When I pulled my 4* Gilly, that gave me the courage to run LoL (back in the pre-LoL days). She hits hard and causes decent bleeds and her L2 melts regen champs and it's fun. (I don't have any Void above 3*, so I don't get to enjoy regen melting of a champ without her).

    I had one R4 5* up until about 2 weeks ago. CM is a very decent R4 champ if you have limited resources. I had a pile of R3 5*s that I just didn't want to rank up. But I believe that you need an R4 5* to get through certain content "cost effectively". I think everyone who doesn't have a 5* Blade, Corvus or any other god tier champ needs to get someone to R4 to help clear content.

    You asked specifically about Gilly too... if you had some other 5* options that don't need to be duped to be deadly ready to go to R4, there's a potential for different advice from the community.

    Well as of right now I’m thinking I wouldn’t take her to R4. But is she worth a R3? I don’t have Void nor do I have a decent mystic champ. I’ve had such horrible luck with it, I’ve been trading away my mystic cats for other classes.
  • RixobRixob Member Posts: 505 ★★
    I have a 4/55 duped Gully. Only reason is cause i got a mystic 3-4 2015 gem and my magik was already 4/55 so it was a no brainer.
    Imo, dont rank any 2015 champs until you get those 3-4 gems.
  • 10or_Strong10or_Strong Member Posts: 1,204 ★★★
    I have her awakened at 5* and her sig maxed. She was my first Mystic R4 and one of my first dupes early on, and she has been a solid boss killer and is useful in questing and a variety of other content as well.
  • username92847username92847 Member Posts: 292

    lets face it, she was amazing NEW (2015?)
    before there were a lot of bleed immune champs,
    before reliable armor break was NEEDED,
    before reliable nullify was NEEDED,

    about that,... shouldn't a soul consuming sword,
    that has traveled centuries, through mutilple users,

  • A_Noob_Is1A_Noob_Is1 Member Posts: 762 ★★
    She's alright, but far overshadowed by void.
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