Corvus Glaive approval poll
Its that time. I did a poll like this for blade a few months back and now its time for the mad titan's right hand man to suffer the approval poll
Corvus Glaive approval poll 104 votes
best way to use him is mlm where all m hits are crits and you get to keep more charges then use his s2 or s3.
Corvus all the way!!
I have a 5r4 Corvus, but i only use him sometimes, but not as frequent as my Blade synergy. My alliance do AW about once a week and just for fun, not competitive. Not aiming for legend title either.
My current priority is now exploring act 5 and LOL, so I can hardly bring him to those that i need the most.
Still, cant deny that he's the real man when it comes to EQ (all difficulties).
So, yeah it depends on where you are in the game and what you want to complete.
Rank 5/ 65 Hyperion chits on CG in all
Content and that’s fact jack