Uncollected and end game content(not supposed to be the same)

At one point 5.2 was the toughest content.
This is no longer the case. All the challenges, new ultrons assault, LOL, and the new maze are all much more difficult than uncollected was to complete. Yet everytime someone complains about the new monthly event the forums come alive with insults and phrases like "uncollected isn't meant to be completed by everyone"
This is true, and very wrong!
Uncollected is supposed to be for people that completed 5.2 and got the uncollected title. It's not supposed to be content for current end game players, and it's not meant for people that have beat all of the nearly impossible content since!
@kabam why gear the uncollected for people that are end game and make it nearly impossible for people who are uncollected.
Example: someone beats 5.2 yesterday, and is excited for all the new material they now have access to. So they jump on the event quest only to find out that uncollected is no longer geared towards them, give now made it a platinum alliance/whale only event!
If someone is uncollected they should have a chance at uncollected events! This isn't rocket science.
Please make new names and labels for levels of difficulty above uncollected and end the confusion. It's not fair to those that are uncollected to get shredded online when they struggle on content not actually intended for them. A lot less complaints, and a lot less frustration for players.
This is no longer the case. All the challenges, new ultrons assault, LOL, and the new maze are all much more difficult than uncollected was to complete. Yet everytime someone complains about the new monthly event the forums come alive with insults and phrases like "uncollected isn't meant to be completed by everyone"
This is true, and very wrong!
Uncollected is supposed to be for people that completed 5.2 and got the uncollected title. It's not supposed to be content for current end game players, and it's not meant for people that have beat all of the nearly impossible content since!
@kabam why gear the uncollected for people that are end game and make it nearly impossible for people who are uncollected.
Example: someone beats 5.2 yesterday, and is excited for all the new material they now have access to. So they jump on the event quest only to find out that uncollected is no longer geared towards them, give now made it a platinum alliance/whale only event!
If someone is uncollected they should have a chance at uncollected events! This isn't rocket science.
Please make new names and labels for levels of difficulty above uncollected and end the confusion. It's not fair to those that are uncollected to get shredded online when they struggle on content not actually intended for them. A lot less complaints, and a lot less frustration for players.
Back when I became uncollected I couldn't 100% the first or second eq i was faced with because i wasn't there yet, **** like ice phoenix wrecked me but as time has passed, my roster evolved, i could get through using revives and units to 100% it and then my skill improved and I'm now at the stage where uncollected eq doesn't require revives besides the odd one here and there.
Am I an endgame player? I wouldn't consider it as haven't even run through lol yet (finally got a champ to do it in stark spidey so farming units currently), and only completed one run through variant chapter 1 as roster isn't there currently.
Also this thought that uncollected has gone up in difficulty is absolute nonsense, almost every single month there's some post about it being too difficult or blah blah this or that but in all truth it's been pretty consistent on the difficulty. Some months there will be uncollected bosses which you have the right roster for and some months you don't, obviously the boss you don't have the roster for is going to seem more difficult. For example I've found this months bosses in uncollected much easier than last months with my roster being the exact same for both... why because of who's on my roster and how the opponent fights.
You are simply impatient, expected that once you got uncollected you'll not have to grow anymore to do the uncollected eq and simply just having a sook because it's too difficult for you at the moment.
I’ve only done 1 run through Variant as I don’t have the best champs to finish it. So be it, but that doesn’t mean I should send an SOS out on the forms complaining about the difficulty. Is it challenging yes, is it impossible no, just requires skill and some of the more Niche champs that I don’t have.
Prolly 2 odins on boosts and energy to complete it within a week.
To my horror the first Uncollected had the monster that was Ice Phoenix so sadly I didnt complete it even once through. As I had no r4 5*s at that time. Did I cry or complain then no I said ok next month I'll do it.
Then came void who I struggled to beat the first time in UC and i said ok I can't 100% this yet lets do as much as possible and finish master.
Finally I think Feburary I had a slightly better roster and decided no matter the cost I was gonna finish this months and I did and have continued to do so with skipping only 1 month since then (Emma).
So players today need to stop crying on forums about how the content is to hard when they have more 4 and 5* champs at a earlier level then many of us had before. And just put your head down and say ok this month is beyond me but next month I'm gonna try and do a bit more. And keep doing more until finally they can 100% UC.
Im talking completion not exploration.
If you mean no matter the cost by spending revives and pots to finish UC then its not worth it at all point of having rosters is to complete with no revives and pots if you still do that every UC especially for chapter 3 then you need more practice
It's kind of funny that you call someone out for not reading after misreading their comment yourself lol. @Assail didn't say that you didn't complete 5.2. Read it again. The point was you completed 5.2 and now you expect to breeze through UC but completing 5.2 just means you now have access. Also, uncollected was never "geared" for someone who was just able to beat the collector for the first time. Cheers.
Backwards. The Uncollected title is the prerequisite for uncollected difficulty. Uncollected difficulty is not guaranteed to be immediately doable by everyone who completes uncollected. It is a content gate, no different than saying that you must complete Act 4 before doing Act 5, but that doesn't mean anyone who completes Act 4 will find it easy to do Act 5. It may even be completely impossible until that player progresses more, if they were at their limit in Act 4.
Did we whine to blizzard about Temple Keep or Black Temple being to hard once we had done the attunements?
Getting the "uncollected" title is a **** attunement to the rest of the content, it makes you able to do the harder content.
If you complete 5.2 u can easily do uncollected unless you are terrible at this game. Practice more and stop the whine.