what are the hardest champs to play effectively

What are the top 5 champs that take the most amount of skill to play efficiently in your guys opinion.
not counting luck based/rng dependent champions like scarlet witch because there really is no skill in that.
not counting luck based/rng dependent champions like scarlet witch because there really is no skill in that.
After that i feel kind of a toss up
GR is mainly just about choosing the order of judgements depending on who your fighting for best gain.
Voodoo can take some getting use to keeping track of odd/even combos for when you use your specials.
I've heard Hela can do some crazy damage when played right.
Honestly was thinking about her but haven't ever tried her so wasnt sure
Imo proxima has one of the highest ceilings but is definitely not the easiest to play. If you played her at a elite level I doubt much could stop her.
It’s not that Proxima is hard to play, you just have to play her absolutely perfect to reach her full potential
This. Some have said Proxima is not viable in AW or for short fights, I’ve responded to those comments a few times with videos showing otherwise. Learn how to setup intercepts and stop relying on parry to land attacks and Proxima is effective in all game modes.
Yeah I have a 6* proxima, use her for certain situations in war. I wouldn’t say I’m the best at her but she’s effective for me when I need her. Imo guys that say she isn’t viable are just short on skill and need champs like Corvus and blade who end the fight fast and don’t really require much talent.
Imo proxima has one of the highest ceilings but is definitely not the easiest to play. If you played her at a elite level I doubt much could stop her.
Yeah. However, she’s not really been practical for any content. There are other better alternatives it’s just not worth using her.