Introducing The Uncollected Daily Crystal



  • Nate_Dawg2169Nate_Dawg2169 Member Posts: 4
    Mike my five star crystal didn't go through because the game crashed and I went back in the game and there was no new champion and my shards were gone.i had 17275 and now I have 2275
  • JaffacakedJaffacaked Member Posts: 1,415 ★★★★
    Foxhero007 wrote: »

    and the t4bc arena milestones are not worth it, i can just buy a T4bc from store with glory. if they add t4 basic and/or class fragments to it then it might be worth be it.

    Classic case of not wanting to put the effort in to progress, if you can't be bothered to do T4 arena then why do you think you should have the and stuff as people who put more effort in
  • RotmgmoddyRotmgmoddy Member Posts: 916 ★★★
    Illuminant wrote: »
    So what about the other 90% of your player base what do we get ? Oh. We don't get anything because we haven't waisted £100+ to beat a boss ? What a shame
    If you needed more than a 100 pounds to beat a boss, and judging from the use of the word "a", you are referring to a single run against the collector, then you clearly aren't ready. You don't need a 100 pounds or anywhere near that, with enough skill, you can do it with 200 units (2 team revives is enough, but maybe 3 if necessary). Not to mention you can save up those potions over a period of time, meaning you can potentially do it for free as long as you are patient.

    I think you used the wrong pronoun. It isn't "we wasted", it's "YOU wasted"
  • SpiritSpirit Member Posts: 224
    DNA3000 wrote: »
    Vicayne wrote: »
    As a 330k player of 2.5 years in a 10 million rated alliance, I understand the perks and benefits of the hard work and dedication that comes with the effort and skill put into the game. I'll also be grateful for the Grandmaster's Favor when I finally do get around to completing chapter 5.2. However, the reward shouldn't be the change in the daily crystal. I can't say what it should be, but changes to the daily login crystal at this stage of the game should be for everyone.

    "I believe the Grandmaster's favor rewards should change something other than the daily crystal" is perfectly reasonable feedback.
    These changes have been clamored for for months now and Kabam pulls a fast one and everyone eats it up.

    Characterizing the change as Kabam "pulling a fast one" is not. You keep saying things like "I'm all for this but..." but then you keep saying things like you're being punished, Kabam is alienating all of the veterans, and they are pulling tricks on the community. The actual feedback on the change has been overwhelmingly positive as far as I can tell, irrespective of whether the players have or have not yet completed 5.2, and it is not a safe assumption to presume your characterization represents a majority of veterans, or even time constrained players.

    Expressing a preference is neutral feedback: everyone has different preferences. Expressing a game change as being akin to a crime against the players is not neutral feedback: you're free to express that opinion, but everyone who feels differently will be encouraged to defend the change against that characterization.

    You might even get people to consider alternatives if you express the former. You're unlikely to do so if you keep expressing the later, because those are essentially fighting words.

    Everytime I see posts like these I feel like an utter illiterate with a really bad. Its too well put and formal!! :(

    But coming back to the point, I agree with you @DNA3000 .
    These complainershave been quick to point fingers but I thiink not one of them has given a constructive response!
  • Super_fighter1Super_fighter1 Member Posts: 48
  • Whododo872Whododo872 Member Posts: 1,042 ★★★
    So, I don't know if this was already asked or not, but if we qualify, is our daily crystal on the 2nd going to be a grandmaster crystal?
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,689 ★★★★★
    Vicayne wrote: »
    I spent have spent zero dollars on act 5. Used units I saved for exploration of 5.2 but no units for completion. You don't have to finish exploring 5.1 to do a completion run on 5.2. You can get the rewards without 1) being a spender or 2) dedicating your life to the game. @Vicayne they are offering you better daily rewards than you've had for 2.5 years at whatever point you complete one run in 5.2 and you think you are being penalized? LOL can't please everyone I guess.

    Ok, I'll get right on forgoing completion of Master Spider-Man quests and the challenge events which are timed. Guess I'll have to tell my wife and kids that they don't matter until I complete these events because a game has to have precedent over real life and the decisions I have made up to this point to accommodate my life and an enjoyment that's suppose to be a break from real life.

    I also have been saving units, but broke the break on an attempt at the new Spider-Man arena only to fall a million short. Not only heart wrenching, but now have to start saving again. Man, it must be so easy giving advice when you act as if these things haven't already been considered :/

    @Vicayne you don't have to tell your wife and kids they don't matter. It's OK if you don't do a completion run in time to make the August 2nd date. The new crystal will be there for you at whatever point you beat the collector one time. Sorry you didn't get webslinger done. Take your time and relax. Stop running the spiderman timed events. The rewards are garbage lol. I quit running them awhile ago. The fact remains that I don't neglect my family and am not a spender, I don't dedicate my life to the game, and I beat the Collector. Now that your argument is out of the way, relax and enjoy the game. When you get to the point where you can do it reasonably the rewards will be there.
  • DainslàifDainslàif Member Posts: 32
    and let the great white whale milking begin I think it's sad how kabam only helps out it top tier players who spend a lot of money but who cares about the player who can't afford to spend money who are are stuck because it is hard to progress without spending money good job kabam as a YouTube this is why I do not play your game in streams nor make videos of it I'm a in the closet player which is sad

    By all means, please stay on the closet. Everybody needs a handout and have to be spoonfed is half of what makes this "community" broken.

    Some player got something they worked hard/ spent money for and you don't want to put the same effort to achieve it? Ask for a handout. Go to the forums and complain. STOP playing the game if you all want to be spoonfed everytime. Because more of this arbitrary rewards are coming.
  • CapWW2CapWW2 Member Posts: 2,901 ★★★★
  • Timone147Timone147 Member Posts: 1,276 ★★★★
    I get why people would be upset but really the game has been made easier to obtain difficult materials from a year ago up to now. A year ago I had teams of 4/40s had beaten act4 and had no rational way to get more t4cc other than buy(I am not a spender), bail on my alliance, or chose to not progress. Eventually I had to leave my alliance who I had played with for 9 months but outgrew to try and find a way to grow again.

    Since then the game has made these resources much easier to obtain(glory,gifts,more content giving them out, AQ rewards improvement). Resources like t4cc are not as rare anymore. Do they take time to get and build in quantities,yes they do. But everyone also has a path to getting some that is visible now. A year ago that wasn't the case. This is the same for shards of various varieties they are much more available now to all.

    Also for those that think you have to buy your way to being able to take down 5.2 or invest your life that is not true. Personally I have never spent money outside of an intro offer unit pack to get a gifting badge for christmas this past year(before they gave them out of course) and navigate a very high level job and have a family I spend all my time with. It just take time and being willing to pull your skills to higher levels.

    While I understand the complaints about giving more to those who have a lot it's also fair for many of us who have been here a while to see that the newer folks have it a lot easier these days.
  • CAM_1990CAM_1990 Member Posts: 10
    I just beat 5.2 but didn't receive the "Uncollected" Title. Why not?
  • JgmanJgman Member Posts: 1
    I agree the normal daily crystal should be updated just because we are not strong enough to get to or beat the collector why do we have to get **** from the daily crystal....those are able to beat him probably doesn't need the help to grow stronger it's the ones that are trying to get to that level that need the help
  • Verdugo32Verdugo32 Member Posts: 10
    Please stop whining about newer guys not getting the same rewards. It has taken many of us 2+years to get what we have. You can't start the game last week, and say it's not fair that you don't have the same opportunities.
  • Nabz034Nabz034 Member Posts: 221 ★★
    Summoners! Many of you have been asking what exactly The Grandmaster’s Favor really entails. How can The Grandmaster thank you for helping him take control over what he believes is truly his, and for defeating his brother?

    Well, it’s now time for you to get your first taste of what it means to be “The Uncollected”.

    Ladies and Gentlemen, this is something that many of you have suspected has been long in the making! Something that will reinvigorate a part of the Contest that many Veterans don’t feel applies to them anymore! Introducing a brand new Uncollected Daily Crystal! Only available to those experienced Summoners that have defeated the Collector, and have become “Uncollected”.

    This new Daily Crystal is being completely reworked, and contains materials and rewards that Veteran players will find more useful than those that are in the regular Daily Crystal.

    What kinds of rewards? Well, the Uncollected among us will have access to:

    Tier 4 Basic Catalyst Fragments (Either 750 or 1,500 fragments)
    Tier 4 Class Catalyst Fragments (Either 750 or 1,500 fragments)

    Rare chance of:
    Units (Either 15 or 30)
    Base 4-Star Hero (The ones you can get from a 4-Star Hero Crystal)
    Tier 2 Alpha Catalyst Fragments (Either 1800 or 3600 fragments)

    This crystal is only available to Summoners that have beaten Act 5: Chapter 2, and are Level 40 or above, and will replace the original Daily Crystal that The Collector created. This is a brand new Crystal, and does not affect any Daily Crystals that may currently be in your possession.

    The Grandmaster told you that he would reward you for your loyalty, and this is just the beginning! The new Uncollected Daily Crystal will make its debut on August 2nd! So if you haven’t freed yourself of The Collector’s grasp, now is the time!


    Is this Crystal permanent?
    Yes! This will be a permanent addition to The Contest for all Summoners that have earned The Grandmaster's Favor!

    What if I haven't beaten Act 5 Chapter 2 yet?
    If you haven't made it that far yet, don't worry. This crystal will activate for you after you collect The Grandmaster's Favor, whenever that may be. You don't need to rush, and can take your time to progress through to that point.

    Thank you Miike, that's awesome.

    Is there a max signature crystal in the works for taking a 5* Hero past level 200? I was surprised to learn there wasn't.

    If one of the goals to progress in the game is by collecting and ranking up champs, it seems like getting a 5* Champions signature ability is something to be avoided at all costs.

    Getting only ISO and gold for 10,000 or 15,000 5* Shards is devastating to say the least.

    Anything in the works on the game teams end for this? And if not, what is the reasoning behind this?
  • Mcord11758Mcord11758 Member Posts: 1,249 ★★★★
    First time I have looked at this thread in a long time. I am not a whale and I am certainly not a god tier player. I consider my skills to be average to above average. I have played this game for a little over 2 years and yes my roster is decent because I put in the work to make it that way. I have not spent a dime on this game in over 4 months. I did my completion run using 1 team revive and 5 solo revives on 5.2.6. Not a unit spent all items were in my stash.

    Yesterday I finished my last 2 paths on 5.2.5 using all stash items. I am at 70% exploration without the use of a single unit.

    My point is this, there is nothing wrong with a line of progression where once you pass it you get better rewards. Most sales positions in the business world use this model. If you can not make a completion run without spending a fortune then you are not ready, and pushing through is your choice.

    Final point, this crystal will be nice but will not be game changing to someone who could complete 5 2. Let's not act like every day we will be receiving a 4* or a full t2 alpha. This will be a drip and drab.
  • ItsMeRavenItsMeRaven Member Posts: 43
    Yeah I'm only on act 2 chapter 2 I Need to progress to level 40 then ASAP
  • ItsMeRavenItsMeRaven Member Posts: 43
  • ItsMeRavenItsMeRaven Member Posts: 43
    Nathan Webster91 maybe just try getting to level 40
  • ItsMeRavenItsMeRaven Member Posts: 43

    ["Nathan_Webster91]This is unfair on the players trying to improve to beat the collector you are cutting out the player base for only end game players totally unfair I think worst idea and totally unfair Kabam

    You do realise that it is permanently added to the game and do u know how hard people worked to defeat the Collector? It is very hard u know I haven't done but I've seen it.So it isn't unfair in anyway it's just a reward to the powerful players for beating the Collector. Can I get some likes just for being honest to a person who doesn't understand the trouble some of u have went through to beat the Collector I'm just being honest
  • WreakingHavocWreakingHavoc Member Posts: 253 ★★
    This crystal is brilliant. The current Daily Crystal is worthless once you get a couple four stars, which isn't hard to do now that we have shards and more arenas. It needed a rework, so Kabam did this. All of us were complaining earlier about the lack of use from these crystals, why should we complain with a new one? Sure, it may be hard to get, and Kabam should probably implement a middle-ground Daily Crystal for people who bear Act 4 or something, but this is a good start. They beat something hard, so they get something good. That's supposed to happen, stop complaining about it. Kabam isn't right on a lot of things, but they got this one correct.
  • Nabz034Nabz034 Member Posts: 221 ★★
    Summoners! Many of you have been asking what exactly The Grandmaster’s Favor really entails. How can The Grandmaster thank you for helping him take control over what he believes is truly his, and for defeating his brother?

    Well, it’s now time for you to get your first taste of what it means to be “The Uncollected”.

    Ladies and Gentlemen, this is something that many of you have suspected has been long in the making! Something that will reinvigorate a part of the Contest that many Veterans don’t feel applies to them anymore! Introducing a brand new Uncollected Daily Crystal! Only available to those experienced Summoners that have defeated the Collector, and have become “Uncollected”.

    This new Daily Crystal is being completely reworked, and contains materials and rewards that Veteran players will find more useful than those that are in the regular Daily Crystal.

    What kinds of rewards? Well, the Uncollected among us will have access to:

    Tier 4 Basic Catalyst Fragments (Either 750 or 1,500 fragments)
    Tier 4 Class Catalyst Fragments (Either 750 or 1,500 fragments)

    Rare chance of:
    Units (Either 15 or 30)
    Base 4-Star Hero (The ones you can get from a 4-Star Hero Crystal)
    Tier 2 Alpha Catalyst Fragments (Either 1800 or 3600 fragments)

    This crystal is only available to Summoners that have beaten Act 5: Chapter 2, and are Level 40 or above, and will replace the original Daily Crystal that The Collector created. This is a brand new Crystal, and does not affect any Daily Crystals that may currently be in your possession.

    The Grandmaster told you that he would reward you for your loyalty, and this is just the beginning! The new Uncollected Daily Crystal will make its debut on August 2nd! So if you haven’t freed yourself of The Collector’s grasp, now is the time!


    Is this Crystal permanent?
    Yes! This will be a permanent addition to The Contest for all Summoners that have earned The Grandmaster's Favor!

    What if I haven't beaten Act 5 Chapter 2 yet?
    If you haven't made it that far yet, don't worry. This crystal will activate for you after you collect The Grandmaster's Favor, whenever that may be. You don't need to rush, and can take your time to progress through to that point.

    Miike, I asked a question about the 5* Crystal reaching max signature of 200 and only getting ISO and gold, why was it removed?

    Is there a plan to release a max signature crystal for that? It seems like spending 10,000 to 15,000 5* shards to only get ISO and Gold is something that needs to be fixed.

    If the goal in the game is to collect, build and progress, why once we max out our characters signature ability, that we are heavily penalized for this? Spending that many units for 24-5000 ISO and whatever amount of gold doesn't seem fair.

    Is the game team currently working on a crystal? And if not, what is the rational and reasoning on why this is?

    Also, please don't delete this question.
  • ShrimkinsShrimkins Member Posts: 1,479 ★★★★
    edited July 2017
    This new daily crystal idea was brilliant by kabam. Not only does it better reward veteran players, it will encourage lower level players to spend a ton of units to complete this asap.

    Seriously smart business tactics at work here...
  • Xthea9Xthea9 Member Posts: 829 ★★
    When I started playing this game till now, I haven't seen anything like this, "only those who completed Act 5 chapter 2" , this game so far to me was fair, like LOL and ROL these quests are there for everyone but still not for everyone, only those who have specific skill set can get through with these and get the rewards by completing the quests. Those who completed the quests gets the rewards, but this "uncollected crystals " it's only giving the benefit to a specific group of people and this daily crystals is not a part of any quest when u complete and get its an extra reward for completing Act 5.2 , now the question is if Kabam can throw these marketing stunts to us just to promote ACt 5 , people who completed LOL and ROL deserves much more then cause everyone spends a lot of units to get through with the quest. WHY this crystals or offer for only for ACT 5.

    Request- please don't come with such offers which in long run spoil all the fun of playing this game and soon if you continue with these type of offers , this game will only for those who either hack the game or spend a lot. People who play free, has work life , or has less skill set ,but still they give 100% to this game and progressing slowly will feel that this game only rewards gives benefit to a specific group of people.

    Just think the anther side of the coin as well , I just shared my view on this offer don't want to make any statement.
  • QwertyQwerty Member Posts: 636 ★★★
    Xthea9 wrote: »
    When I started playing this game till now, I haven't seen anything like this, "only those who completed Act 5 chapter 2" , this game so far to me was fair, like LOL and ROL these quests are there for everyone but still not for everyone, only those who have specific skill set can get through with these and get the rewards by completing the quests. Those who completed the quests gets the rewards, but this "uncollected crystals " it's only giving the benefit to a specific group of people and this daily crystals is not a part of any quest when u complete and get its an extra reward for completing Act 5.2 , now the question is if Kabam can throw these marketing stunts to us just to promote ACt 5 , people who completed LOL and ROL deserves much more then cause everyone spends a lot of units to get through with the quest. WHY this crystals or offer for only for ACT 5.

    Request- please don't come with such offers which in long run spoil all the fun of playing this game and soon if you continue with these type of offers , this game will only for those who either hack the game or spend a lot. People who play free, has work life , or has less skill set ,but still they give 100% to this game and progressing slowly will feel that this game only rewards gives benefit to a specific group of people.

    Just think the anther side of the coin as well , I just shared my view on this offer don't want to make any statement.

    this crystal is part of the 5.2 rewards, it doesn't cater to anybody except those who have beaten the collector.

    if they gave this crystal to people over 200k or something like that then i'd agree it's pretty unfair, but as it stands the crystal was earned by everybody who will get it. it's entirely fair.
  • Xthea9Xthea9 Member Posts: 829 ★★
    Qwerty wrote: »
    Xthea9 wrote: »
    When I started playing this game till now, I haven't seen anything like this, "only those who completed Act 5 chapter 2" , this game so far to me was fair, like LOL and ROL these quests are there for everyone but still not for everyone, only those who have specific skill set can get through with these and get the rewards by completing the quests. Those who completed the quests gets the rewards, but this "uncollected crystals " it's only giving the benefit to a specific group of people and this daily crystals is not a part of any quest when u complete and get its an extra reward for completing Act 5.2 , now the question is if Kabam can throw these marketing stunts to us just to promote ACt 5 , people who completed LOL and ROL deserves much more then cause everyone spends a lot of units to get through with the quest. WHY this crystals or offer for only for ACT 5.

    Request- please don't come with such offers which in long run spoil all the fun of playing this game and soon if you continue with these type of offers , this game will only for those who either hack the game or spend a lot. People who play free, has work life , or has less skill set ,but still they give 100% to this game and progressing slowly will feel that this game only rewards gives benefit to a specific group of people.

    Just think the anther side of the coin as well , I just shared my view on this offer don't want to make any statement.

    this crystal is part of the 5.2 rewards, it doesn't cater to anybody except those who have beaten the collector.

    if they gave this crystal to people over 200k or something like that then i'd agree it's pretty unfair, but as it stands the crystal was earned by everybody who will get it. it's entirely fair.

    As I said , not against it , just in my view, if it's part of the Act 5 completion rewards, this should be inbuilt within the quest, and this should not be the recurring daily kind of reward, that is fair to me at least.

  • OrangeHero570OrangeHero570 Member Posts: 17
    My phone's gone, haven't been on for weeks... :c
  • danielmathdanielmath Member Posts: 4,105 ★★★★★
    Complaining about people getting a reward for finishing a part of the game is so's not different then complaining about people completing LOL and having 5 star awakening gems while a beginner can't complete LOL.
  • Xthea9Xthea9 Member Posts: 829 ★★
    danielmath wrote: »
    Complaining about people getting a reward for finishing a part of the game is so's not different then complaining about people completing LOL and having 5 star awakening gems while a beginner can't complete LOL.

    To make it simple , bring offers for others too who don't put money into the game but still keep this game alive, like after completion of Act 3 , Act 4 , LOL , ROL, RTHL, so that everyone will be on the same page and getting rewards , in addition to what they got competing the respective quests. Cause these crystals will be an additional reward for those who completed the Act 5.2

    Not against it, but think of others too who are not skilled and still learning.
  • AppleisgodAppleisgod Member Posts: 1,420 ★★★★
    Xthea9 wrote: »
    danielmath wrote: »
    Complaining about people getting a reward for finishing a part of the game is so's not different then complaining about people completing LOL and having 5 star awakening gems while a beginner can't complete LOL.

    To make it simple , bring offers for others too who don't put money into the game but still keep this game alive, like after completion of Act 3 , Act 4 , LOL , ROL, RTHL, so that everyone will be on the same page and getting rewards , in addition to what they got competing the respective quests. Cause these crystals will be an additional reward for those who completed the Act 5.2

    Not against it, but think of others too who are not skilled and still learning.

    Those who completed 5.2 didn't have it before doing 5.2....

    Just pointing it out
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