Should the Infinity War Thanos Twins be retired?

SDPSDP Member Posts: 1,622 ★★★★
edited December 2018 in General Discussion
Let me elaborate. I think these fights are MCOC’s masterpiece. Very challenging and skill based. It took time and study. It was extremely fun to try out different champs against. It is the masterpiece of this game in my opinion. I felt like beating it was reward enough.

I had a potentially goofy idea. A Hall of Fame. A small gauntlet in which we could revisit this fight from time to time. A ROL type challenge. It could stand as the next generation’s WS.

Should the Infinity War Thanos Twins be retired? 28 votes

Seems like a cool idea
INTEGRALHeraldofNoneSpeedbumpfish8sixSixshot1SpiderCoolsBatman_26_2019StrSpurgeon14Kobster84Reverend_RuckusB_Dizzle_01ZJoePMrwarren96NeoDazarasSpidey983Batman1903 17 votes
Eh...maybe they just pop up from time to time
buffajrDTMelodicMetalSandeepSBlasthammer4FhfjghhggggjfhfjgXxOriginalxXNeotwismKickNatherinaMrBanksMother_FlerkenThicco_Mode 11 votes


  • DTMelodicMetalDTMelodicMetal Member Posts: 2,785 ★★★★★
    Eh...maybe they just pop up from time to time
    Love those fights, only complaint is the 2nd/Right one’s bubble sp2 animation being buffed for The Maze. It was much easier to distinguish which bubbles to evade this past May.
  • SDPSDP Member Posts: 1,622 ★★★★
    Love those fights, only complaint is the 2nd/Right one’s bubble sp2 animation being buffed for The Maze. It was much easier to distinguish which bubbles to evade this past May.

    Yeah, I don’t recall the original that well, but it seems that it has been made more difficult to see. Color change?
  • DTMelodicMetalDTMelodicMetal Member Posts: 2,785 ★★★★★
    Eh...maybe they just pop up from time to time
    Love those fights, only complaint is the 2nd/Right one’s bubble sp2 animation being buffed for The Maze. It was much easier to distinguish which bubbles to evade this past May.

    Yeah, I don’t recall the original that well, but it seems that it has been made more difficult to see. Color change?

    Originally it was far easier to tell which bubbles were the ones to evade because of their differences in being whole or hollow. Watch at 9:27:
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