Are there champs that launch heavies fast enough when the opponent has one bar of power?

One thing I notice more and more with the AI's behavior is if the opponent has at least one bar of power and you try to land a heavy almost all the time, the AI will launch a special attack into your heavy while the animation starts.
There are a lot of champs that are vulnerable for a while during their heavy animation.
Which champs have the quickest heavies?
There are a lot of champs that are vulnerable for a while during their heavy animation.
Which champs have the quickest heavies?
uppercut heavies are the quickest(ultron iron man abomination juggy etc)
Backflip heavies are the slowest (black bolt spiderman hawkeye etc) along with multiple kick heavies(storm,SW,magik,cap marvel)
I have been trying to increase my stun times during parries by max'ing the perfect block chance mastery, parry mastery and stupefy mastery to see if I can get more space but it doesn't seem like it's having enough of an effect to be able to land heavies.
Has anyone found a good mastery combo that helps?
Another one would be taskmaster, after you exploit a weakness you can go straight into a heavy attack and will be invulnerable for the duration of that attack which will also reset exploit weakness.
And spidergwen actually. She can ignore the first hit against her whilst in trap mode and doing a heavy attack I believe. Just a few examples I can think of.
Try Luke Cage. He spams heavies like crazy and they are insanely fast. Get caught misstepping and he will break you.
If you throw a heavy, they can always counter (unless you stun them of course.
So the answer to your question: In the hands of the AI, uppercuts, in your hands, nobody.