Clarification Needed - Gifting Event Rank Reward Minimums [Merged Threads]

An alliance mate sent in a support ticket today inquiring about the minimum point value INDIVIDUALLY to qualify for rank rewards in the 2018 gifting event.
Support was not clear in their first two replies, but after very specific clarification, they replied that each individual had to earn 20,000 points to qualify for rank rewards.
Can someone confirm if this is accurate?
I only ask because of the following
- as far as I know, this is stated no where in game or on the forums
- the absence of a red message on the rank rewards screen when I only have 15k seems to suggest i qualify
- in all other events where I have not qualified, I see the red message on the rewards screen informing me of such
I see this is a popular topic on the forums today, can someone please step forward and clear the confusion?
Thank you
An alliance mate sent in a support ticket today inquiring about the minimum point value INDIVIDUALLY to qualify for rank rewards in the 2018 gifting event.
Support was not clear in their first two replies, but after very specific clarification, they replied that each individual had to earn 20,000 points to qualify for rank rewards.
Can someone confirm if this is accurate?
I only ask because of the following
- as far as I know, this is stated no where in game or on the forums
- the absence of a red message on the rank rewards screen when I only have 15k seems to suggest i qualify
- in all other events where I have not qualified, I see the red message on the rewards screen informing me of such
I see this is a popular topic on the forums today, can someone please step forward and clear the confusion?
Thank you
Post edited by Kabam Vydious on
@Kabam Miike
This system is flawed, it’s christmas and they are being really tight and/or not acknowledging the problem. Most top alliances filled all of the top milestones on hour 8. This is just a crappy way to do things.
I don’t know about his issue, but mine is valid.
I should also state I did not claim these milestones in a previous alliance. Essentially this whole gifting event is blocked out to anyone who changed alliances the day of release or any time after.
Wasted an hour of my day writing emails so that's it for me...
I guess we can just forget the rewards for milestones that were hit before we joined and that weren't claimed on a previous alliance. Fortunately I just lost milestones #5 and #6. Claimed the first 4 on my previous alli and can claim #7 onwards on my current alli.
"You clearly didn't understand my point.
I agree (and complied) with the minimum contribution for each milestone. I also agree with not being able to claim rewards already claimed in previous alliances.
What I think is unnecessary, was unannounced, and is unfair, is not being able to claim rewards for milestones already reached before I joined the alliance. Even after putting in the necessary individual point contribution for those milestones and considering I never claimed those rewards in previous alliances.
Imagine this scenario. Player 1 was already in the alliance when the gifting event started. Player 1 didn't contribute yet for the event, despite 8 milestones being reached. Player 2 joins the alliance at this point. He wasn't in any alliance previously so didn't claim any reward from this event. At this point both players are in the alliance and both players haven't contributed yet so none can get those rewards. Now, each of the players contribute the necessary minimum potions to get milestones 8 rewards. Player 1 is able to get them but player 2 isn't...
Kabam says players can't get rewards for milestones reached before joining the alliance, to prevent abuse from this event. However, I can't understand how this limitation prevents any abuse from moving between alliances.
If players' contributions are already reset to 0 after moving between alliances, they have to put in the exact same minimum effort/contribution as everyone else for each milestone. They are actually already being penalised by having their contribution reset to 0, and having to start over again their contribution to reach prizes they had not claimed yet.
Additionally, if players are only allowed to claim the rewards once (they can't claim rewards already claimed in previous alliances), there is no possibility of abuse.
I truly believe this limitation is redundant and penalises players unnecessarily. Additionaly it was not clearly informed when the event was announced.
I advice the game team to please reconsider this limitation because the rewards have consirable value."
Their response was once again:
"Users must contribute a minimum amount of points PER MILESTONE to qualify for that milestone's rewards"
The worst part about it, is this is NOT how it is suppose to be intended, and support does not help.
These are such huge rewards, and something needs to be fixed. Mods explained that you are allowed to get milestones in a diff alliance that you ha e not gotten elsewhere. I haven’t received any period and have contributed all of the minimums and was here when they still had a lot of milestones left
The same alliance mate who received the first reply noted above, sent another ticket, not having trusted the first interaction, and a different support agent has now said you only have to be in the alliance 10 days, earned at least a point in the event, and be in the alliance when rewards are sent out?
Which is it??
Ticket Reference# 1 - ref:_00D301HgIt._5000c1iBp8m:ref
Ticket Reference# 2 - ref:_00D301HgIt._5000c1iBq7Y:ref
I was fairly certain myself, but my alliance mate pointed out it notes Rank rewards in the milestone reward qualification messages in a way that was a little open to interpretation, then ticket number 1 was responded to with the 20k minimum per member, cue massive confusion lol
I’ve been playing this game for four years and it’s hard to keep up with top competition . These rewards are big and am missing out for no reason when I’m actually in the top 10 of contributors in my Alliance.
I asked why this simple question can’t be answered here and was ignored, but told to be patient
48 hours good enough?
The milestone messages say rank rewards in the message too, which is far from clear.
And support clarified rather clearly in our first ticket it was 20k individually too.
To be clear, I agree with your statement and am pretty confident that's how it works too. However, Kabam Support confused the matter, and I am at a loss why it is so hard to get an official answer for this?
Plenty of other unanswered threads about this too, not just me wanting clarity...