Bring revive penalties back to AW!
These should be brought back to aw, as without them, it's literally just whoever spends more. By removing these penalties, you are removing every aspect of skill from the most competitive game mode in MCOC! this needs to be changed!
It's an insanely small portion of the playerbase that does that, I genuinely think that it was FAR more skill based when there was a penalty for reviving.
Yeah, but what about all those alliances that aren't cheating? They are losing points and losing wars because the opponent has deeper pockets.
We normally win with about 280 attack bonus...
there used to be another penalty for using them
Define "Insane Defense". If you mean "8x IMIW, 6x Domino, 13x Medusa and 4x Korg" you actually have a terrible setup.
If you mean "100% diversity in 3bg" and you are still losing, you should die less. Any war we complete <10 deaths is a win, because we will have almost full attack bonus + full diversity.
I simply do not recall that Kabam has ever introduced penalties for using items even prior to Seasons. The scoring system may differ but surely there isn’t one that penalises you for using items. So I can only deduce what you typed is completely and factually incorrect.
Your alliance is in Silver3 now prior to Seasons rewards. So I don’t really get the ‘down into Silver’ when in actual fact you’re already there to begin with? Could it be you’re simply over exaggerating?
My stash is filled with revives, heals and boosts I collected over-time using either loyalty or glory. I don’t recall that has ever diminish my ‘skills’ playing the game.
And to the point about skills, what exactly is the measurement of skill? You mean swiping left-to-right, and right-to-left and occasionally tapping on a mobile/tablet device is considered a skill? Seriously now, that’s just superior muscle reflex to me! Try playing with your feet whilst eating a sandwich and KO your oppo in the process. now, that’s a skill to behold. Everything else is just noise to me.
Buddy, we may be in silver, but take a look at my alliance. We are 7 million rating and should be much higher for the champs and skills that about 15 of us have
Also, may I add that we somehow still get matched up with 15 million alliances XD
Ign: Lujarandlukey98
@Marri_2 - Agreed. Loading your defense with a bunch of 'God Tier' defenders isn't really the best course of action. Most of those you listed have all been figured out. When a champ is new, they're a bit more effective, until their quirks have been figured out. Domino, IWIM, Korg, Medusa, etc all are fairly easy to stomp into the ground if you understand how to beat them. Utilizing a full 150 diversity lineup is far more effective IMO. The more attack bonuses you can maintain, the better your odds of winning are.
So @Felganos if your opposition is constantly getting rolled by your defense (in the sense they're buying the win), and you're still losing... work on a better attack strategy. You said it yourself, you're only getting 280 attack bonus. That's INCREDIBLY low considering you can max out at 495. Gotta clear that map 100% every time, and do your best not to lose more than 20-30 attack bonuses. Your Alliance could be pulling down Gold 1 with that war rating. Just need to get those BGs clearing 100%. I'm F2P like the majority of my Alliance. We don't buy our wins. We do our best to hang on to every attack bonus, and clear 100%. Just takes time, strategy, good communication, and experience to do it. Best of luck in the future.
Drooped is right, we're doing 2 bgs because we can't have the remaining 10 jack-offs contribute about 6x the deaths we would normally get.
You know to get higher in AW, you need team work and your type of attitude definitely wouldn't help.
Maybe try helping them! if not find another alliance, which you don't have the high and mighty attitude with.
That isn't my attitude to them. I am far more friendly normally... I just really hate seeing how far we have fallen. We were in gold 1 a few seasons back and have only gotten worse from there... It makes me sad and honestly I know we can do better, but while we have lazy people that aren't willing to give it their all, we can't do that. I sincerely apologise if I sounded rude at any point during my post or comment. Thanks for your suggestions everyone
Looking at your alliance, it seems some of your guys are suited for Gold 3 tops.
It seems the fall to silver might be due to your officers recruiting lower tier members. Might be best to ask one of your officers the direction they intended to aim for.
You have a few R4 5* so really should be aiming for a 5x5 AQ, gold 2/1 skill dependent of course. So if they don't aim to recruit higher or push higher I would suggest looking else where.
With the way it is now. I think its perfect. Just because since they introduced attack bonus with diversity, I've not come across any ties.
Ties use to do my head in lol
We are a laid back alliance, run 1 BG AW, and make Gold.
1. Try rotating in players who are dedicated into 1 BG wars and make sure everyone who genuinely participates gets 5 wars for Season rewards. Let the others (lazy ones?) know what is required for them to rotate into the AW and give them a chance occasionally to prove themselves but maintain the standards.
2. Also, consider assigning paths for awhile so your team members know what nodes to expect and can plan their attackers and skill sets accordingly.
4. If there are patterns of weakness against certain opponents, like NC, IMIW, Emma, Domino, Korg, etc. then ask a few members to become experts of one of them each. Find a duel target and duel daily until you can beat them with almost any champ.
4. Conquer all WARS!