7 day Beginner calendar

I started a second account last week to play around with when I was bored on my main. Well I finished week 1 a few days ago and it started a second 7 day beginner calendar. I went in to log in today at the calendar day change, and my new 7 day calendar is no longer there, when I still had 3 days left of it...where did it go? I didn't miss a log in and it seems kinda a big tease to take away the calendar days early.
Too bad new players are using it to buy crystals.
2*s i believe
Oh ok
Edit: since when was the word **** censored
Did you really try to use the same word after knowing it would be censored lol
That's probably the most likely reason
For me, I started a 2nd account to give more energy in AQ ... as a casual player, our AQ's are never full, so having some extra energy to help push through when only 3 people in AQ is handy ..