@Rafikii I would strongly agree with you on that and to add, I would still max Domino, AA, Medusa, CG, GP, Blade, Starky, GR, Voodo, Ghost, Omega Red, Emma Frost, Gulk, CAPIW, IMIW, Thor, Hyperion, Luke Cage to name a few
Some of them certainly.
My 5/50 LC is still my best choice for bio hazard nodes
My 5/50 Ghost Rider is still my best choice for Map 5 Morningstar. Bleed immune, and if you play correctly your damage output is immaterial because you can just keep continuing the fight over and over again while healing to full in every run, erasing the half-health penalty for timeout. My 5* OG Vision would also work for me but he's often locked up in AW, and I don't want to fall out of practice with GR.
I also get a lot of mileage out of other 4* champs like Killmonger, Rogue, and Voodoo. I think a lot of 4* champs are worth ranking up, especially if you don't have the 5* version but sometimes even if you do.
typically champs that do their job regardless if there four or five star, are great. someone above mentioned magik and i think thats the perfect example. not necesarilly about doing damage, but just doing their job. dont need a 5* to powerlock someone for a fight thats going to take 100 or more hits either way
1. How does your roster look like? Do you have any 5* champ? Are they good?
2. WIll your maxed 4* do better than your 5* champs?
Consider those two questions and see what 4* champs you have and what 5* champs you have.
My 5/50 LC is still my best choice for bio hazard nodes
My 5/50 Ghost Rider is still my best choice for Map 5 Morningstar. Bleed immune, and if you play correctly your damage output is immaterial because you can just keep continuing the fight over and over again while healing to full in every run, erasing the half-health penalty for timeout. My 5* OG Vision would also work for me but he's often locked up in AW, and I don't want to fall out of practice with GR.
I also get a lot of mileage out of other 4* champs like Killmonger, Rogue, and Voodoo. I think a lot of 4* champs are worth ranking up, especially if you don't have the 5* version but sometimes even if you do.