Simple Request re: Offers

Perhaps it is just my device, but recent in-game offers pop up before I’m even able to see what the results of my crystal openings are. Doesn’t matter what type of crystals; even happens immediately upon making glory purchases.
I understand offers are part of the game. However, this is aggressive to the point of being annoying. At least please let me see what my results were before targeting me with an offer.
Thank you.
Dr. Zola
I understand offers are part of the game. However, this is aggressive to the point of being annoying. At least please let me see what my results were before targeting me with an offer.
Thank you.
Dr. Zola
And yes, they are overly aggressive and annoying
My issue is with pop-ups in nearly every phase of the game. That feels very 2015ish.
Dr. Zola
How about a spam folder for offers? It’s not unusual to have 4 or more going at the same time these days. Just back it off a little.
Dr. Zola
Dr. Zola
Dr. Zola
They pop up everywhere now, and it is way too much. Kabam, I understand and the new "top off" offers are a good strategy, but its too much right now.
...before I could even see what the pull was this popped up lickety-split...
...which makes me assume the offers are tied very closely to the pRNG result, since I wouldn’t need a 5* shard offer if I had pulled a 4* already at max sig level (a pretty decent probability since ~40% of my 4*’s are at max sig) or had pulled a 4* I already had (would I have gotten a 250 5* shard offer?).
I realize there are later threads discussing this, but is there any game team input on the thinking behind these pop-ups? They feel a little stalker-y.
Dr. Zola
This is kind of cringeworthy and embarrassing to be honest on Kabam's part. I've had many pop ups after crystal rolls but never one that basically revealed a detail of the outcome prior to actually seeing the outcome first.
Stalker-y indeed.
Well, I wouldn’t say it “revealed” it, but the instant the reel stopped on Ghulk the offer popped up...pretty close to simultaneously. That’s what irked me.
I’m all for offers. As I’ve stated elsewhere, I’m even happy to let the game team pick my brain directly and lay out the specific types of items I would tend to be interested in (although I’m never signing a NDA for a phone game without real world consideration)—but this pop-up business that leaps out a split-second after the crystal result (in many cases obscuring the picture of the crystal results before you can focus on them) is beyond reasonable.
Dr. Zola