Abandoned Allimaces with high war ratings

Kabam employees,
My alliance enjoys seeing ourselves in the top 100 and we have noticed that several alliances in the top 100 have only 1 member or not skilled players to even be up there because hey took over the alliance and don't use the war feature. My suggestion is to decrease the points of allimaces by 10% weekly if they did not participate in wars for that week to clear up top 100 spots.
My alliance enjoys seeing ourselves in the top 100 and we have noticed that several alliances in the top 100 have only 1 member or not skilled players to even be up there because hey took over the alliance and don't use the war feature. My suggestion is to decrease the points of allimaces by 10% weekly if they did not participate in wars for that week to clear up top 100 spots.
Long day at the office?
Our alliance dropped tiers during the 12.0 fiasco. Guess the rating won't drop until you actually lose matches. Seems odd.
That actually makes sense cause in a way as top alliances keep winning then it keeps shifting the range of scores up.