How many 5 Star crystals did you open before you pulled what you would consider an elite champion?

It took me crystal 3 to get Mephisto who I would consider elite with synergies.
I still haven’t pulled a champ that is elite without synergies with about 8 opened.
I still haven’t pulled a champ that is elite without synergies with about 8 opened.
How many 5 Star crystals did you open before you pulled what you would consider an elite champion? 301 votes
Wow - you’re lucky!
8th crystal - duped Starlord
21st crystal - KM
24th crystal (dungeon) - Blade
30th crystal - Ghost
38-39th crystal - Gwenpool n Luke Cage
2nd- Iron Patriot
3rd-Proxima Midnight
That's it
Probably took me 50 or more 5* crystals to dupe my SL to truly get my first elite 5* champ.