@DemitriM how can reading? Also he never actually said it was always 1%. Maybe you can has reading too?
You’re looking at regular grandmaster crystals for 200 units a piece. I believe they were always 1%. You might be thinking of featured grandmaster crystals which are 300 units each and are 2%. That’s what I was trying to say.
Whether he was right or wrong in the initial post; the % drop rates are terribly low. Would love to see both (Standard GM Crystal and Feature) rates to be doubled at the very least. As 6*'s are the future - acquiring shards to pull more of them allows veterans players incentive to keep opening the crystals, as it stands now spending a couple hundred bucks may net you a 4* or two at the very best - which is completely not worth it. Even with the proposed changes it will still take considerable luck to pull a 5*. Its time to give back a little KABAM> @Kabam Lyra@Kabam Miike@Kabam Zibiit@Kabam Vydious@Kabam Wolf
it was 1% still 1%...no changes.try to read and understand viper's message
You’re looking at regular grandmaster crystals for 200 units a piece. I believe they were always 1%. You might be thinking of featured grandmaster crystals which are 300 units each and are 2%. That’s what I was trying to say.
The drop rate on the Grandmaster Crystal shown in the screenshot above has not changed. The rate for a 5-Star has been 1%.
As others have pointed out, you may be thinking of a different Crystal.