Do you buy featured 5 star crystals or regular 5 star crystals

SlothBabySlothBaby Member Posts: 30

Do you buy featured 5 star crystals or regular 5 star crystals 52 votes

Featured! More shards but better heroes
thetaman23Spity68JadedAzKicker316allinashesMagrailothosJonibärchenB_Dizzle_01IKONCount_Willis 10 votes
Regular! Less shards but older heroes
GamerSnakeEyes69samalasravanJRock808HULK_BREAKFabiusBRTheStar_Lord_myPUNCAKEHairyslugKenshioKillerBee_samaAanthokikiFurieuxJohnLocke117TheMightyKahrVulcanMTKS87DankestChefKillerRino19 42 votes


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  • LazerblamLazerblam Member Posts: 46
    Regular! Less shards but older heroes
    I was gonna save for a featured and then saw that not all of the champs are that great so changed my mind lol
  • MagrailothosMagrailothos Member Posts: 6,200 ★★★★★
    Featured! More shards but better heroes
    For me, the odds of drawing a game-changing champion or Awakening a decent champion are better enough in the Featured crystal to be worth the mark-up.

    Last crystal, I drew and then Awakened 5* Ghost Rider.

    On the other hand, bad draws are 50% sadder 😪😪😪🍺🍺🍺
  • -sixate--sixate- Member Posts: 1,532 ★★★★★
    Regular! Less shards but older heroes
    I got 1 feature and pulled Iron Patriot. Never again. My basic pulls lately have been pretty good, but I know a bad run is right around the corner.
  • AzKicker316AzKicker316 Member Posts: 2,514 ★★★★★
    Featured! More shards but better heroes
    I go for featured only because I have more than enough 5*s. I suggest those still building their roster, go for basic.
  • B_Dizzle_01B_Dizzle_01 Member Posts: 1,637 ★★★
    Featured! More shards but better heroes
    If you are building your roster and need champs then go basic. If you have a good roster and are looking for specific champs or to awaken a specific champ featured is the way to go. Last 2 crystals were Emma and ghost. Both featured.
  • Batman1903Batman1903 Member Posts: 208
    Regular! Less shards but older heroes
    Recently got 5 Star Angela
  • TheLegend27TheLegend27 Member Posts: 1,319 ★★★★★
    edited January 2019
    Regular! Less shards but older heroes
    These poll options are worded poorly IMO. Featured doesn't mean better champs. There are top tier champs and trash tier champs in the featured. Basic or featured are both gambles and you can get great champs from either one or trash from either one.

    Featured crystal only makes sense (IMO) when you have an established 5* roster of decent size and want to go after very specific champs that would fill specific roles in your roster. It's a waste of 5k shards when you are trying to build up.
  • crystaldsmithcrystaldsmith Member Posts: 471 ★★
    Regular! Less shards but older heroes
    Because if I'm going to be disappointed, better to be disappointed for fewer shards
  • HULK_BREAKHULK_BREAK Member Posts: 374
    Regular! Less shards but older heroes
    3 valid reason
    1) spend 50% more for only 24 champion and only 6 are newer
    2) just wait and all the champions also arrive in the regular crystal
    3) better to be disappointed for fewer shards (quote from above)

  • TKS87TKS87 Member Posts: 375 ★★★
    Regular! Less shards but older heroes
    It really depends on the featured crystal, the last one I bought was the one that had corvus, cap IW, IMIW, prox, etc in it.. I just think in general for most players basic are better, as its the most efficient way to build your roster.
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