Best Rotation for Ghost?

I see lots of Ghost gameplay and ability vids on YouTube but its not as helpful if you don't know what that person is trying to do. So just curious if any seasoned Ghost players have a go-to rotation for her for average fights (opponents with 18k-70k health). My Ghost is unawakened and has 4* Hood and 3* Wasp for synergy.
I recently pulled her as 5* so I was mostly wondering if she is worth learning if I already have other easy to use God Tier 5*'s like Corvus (soon R4), Blade (R4), and Cap IW (Dupped and R4). I am recently Uncollected, and haven't started 5.3. Will she be more helpful for the rest of Act 5 than the other three mentioned? Should I save my T2A for Ghost over Corvus?
I recently pulled her as 5* so I was mostly wondering if she is worth learning if I already have other easy to use God Tier 5*'s like Corvus (soon R4), Blade (R4), and Cap IW (Dupped and R4). I am recently Uncollected, and haven't started 5.3. Will she be more helpful for the rest of Act 5 than the other three mentioned? Should I save my T2A for Ghost over Corvus?
So what was the play style?
Granted at this point I've been playing with her lots and its getting better (experiement, reading her descriptions every few days so they're more applicable) but still feel a tried and true rotation post would be extremely beneficial.
Would really love to dupe mine soon.. while it’s not 100% crucial, having the phase at the start sets the flow of the fight up so much faster, and not to mention the power gain from “missed” hits. Such a fun champ!
Have you seen mvinceable’s YouTube site? He has a video of a three star Ghost taking out a beefy 5 star Wasp, with explanations of everything Ghost can do. Highly instructional.
Would be much easier to use her if u had her duped for the extra power gain while phazing but even unduped she is cool .... only thing is u dont start the fight in phaze mode so if u run suicides your first move any fight will be to swipe back.
Most folks use her MLLL combo.... i prefer MLL for the reason that the 3rd L seems kinda clunky...
I had to learn to swipe back with right thumb and activate sp2 with left almost immediately to get max damage which me being left handed wasnt easy...
Also had to learn the timing of swipe back into phaze if using suicides to not get any recoil damage which i suggest you do aswell..
This is the best guide ANYONE has ever made for How to Ghost. I have sent it over to a Youtuber who will be publishing it soon. You can see the instructions I give to him (so avoid any places where I mention video or you can see etc.)
Taking a very brief look at Ghost, we can see that she has this ability called 'Phasing' that can be activated by either dashing back or automatically at the start of the fight with her signature ability. We see that when Phasing is active, all attacks have 100% chance to 'miss' for 2 seconds until the phase lasts. Upon phasing, Ghost converts all DoTs into a fury that boosts her base attack by 100% for 5 seconds. Additionally, Ghost gains a precision passive lasting 6 seconds, which guarantees her next hit to be critical. And Ghost only crits through this mechanic. If she initiates an attack or blocks an attack, phasing is deactivated.
Note: You can't phase if you have a precision passive or are armour broken. Her critical hits cannot be evaded either and each non-crit hit has a 10% chance to stack a cruelty buff (max 5 stacks).
Charging a heavy attack for longer duration guarantees a cruelty buff on non-crit hits and has 50% chance to gain a fury, which increases base attack by 50% for 10sec.
SP1 - Gives 3 precision passives for 6 seconds
SP2 - Gain a cruelty buff for 20 seonds and refresh all cruelties after special
Note: Upon activating special attacks immediately after phasing, all hits of the specials are guaranteed crits.
SP3 - Converts all existing cruelties in passive cruelties (max 5 stacks)
Signature ability - Starts with Phase active and whenever the opponent 'misses' you gain 0-5% max power based on sig level.
Synergies - Antman synergy gives Ghost +15% attack per cruelty buff (not passive buffs like precision or permanent cruelty from SP3). This also applies to dexterity buff
Wasp synergy allows Ghost's special attacks to be unblockable
Hood synergy allows Ghost to not take damage while Phasing - which includes Magik's limbo, Dormammu's degen, Domino's crit failure etc. and tank special 3
Wasp's synergy with Antman & Ghost gives +25% attack to all 3 of them.
Time to learn how to Ghost
1. Phase Intercepts:
When you start a fight, either dash back or if you have awakened Ghost, let the Phase initiate. As soon as the opponent ‘misses’ his first hit, go right in with a 4-hit combo that ends with light attack (MLLL). Do not do a 5-hit combo of any type or it becomes slightly harder to keep an aggressive stance. After the 4-hit combo, dash back and wait for the opponent to ‘come at you’ and as soon as he ‘misses’ his first hit, repeat the process.
Practice - This is the first and foremost thing that any new player must practice. Phase intercepting is the very foundation of learning ‘how to Ghost’. Try starting off with phase intercepting only 1 hit and as you gain more practice and learn about different animations, you will be able to phase intercept after 2-3 hits (more on this later).
Notice – As you are fighting with the above pattern, you will see yourself gaining cruelty buffs and increased damage on the first crit hit after phasing (which should be Medium unless you are fighting Korg with his charges up).
2. How to launch Special Attack:
First try to dash back with your left thumb and hit that special 2 button (once available). You will notice that a few times you might not be able to land a crit on all 3 hits of special 2. Now try to dash back with your right thumb and tap SP2. Here you can see yourself landing 3 monstrous critical hits.
Practice – Try to practice landing SP2 by dashing back with your right and tapping special button with your left thumb respectively. This again is crucial when playing Ghost. Some people might be able to keep to left thumb for both actions but doing so in this manner will help in a tactic that you will learn in a bit.
Notice – Upon using SP2, you gain a cruelty buff and refresh the timer on all active ones after the special ends. Ghost relies on playing aggressive and keeping those cruelties up. Also, the moment I use the right and left thumb technique, you can barely notice Ghost actually dash back to phase and follow by special attack.
Modifying Damage:
Ghost relies a lot on her cruelty buffs and the antman synergy to increase damage. But in order to enhance your damage even further, you can parry and heavy attack with the hopes of good RnG leading to fury buffs. Not only do these fury buffs enhance your base attack by 50% but antman synergy grants another 15% attack per buff.
Practice – A great way to maximize damage is by beginning to corner your opponent at first. Once they are in their corner and are completely empty of power, parry them once and chain heavy attacks till they gain a bar of power. By now, if you already have 2 bars of power, launch your SP2 and see the massive damage unload!
Phasing Specials:
Now that you know how to increase your damage output, its time to look into how to completely phase through special attacks. This requires extensive know-how of all specials in MCOC all the while keeping the phase timer on the back of your head. You can see here we phase completely out of his SP1 but could only phase the 2nd part of his SP2. The more you practice by either dueling or in EQ, the sooner you will be able to master this technique.
Baiting Specials:
This obviously differs from fight to fight, content to content (LoL, AW, AQ, EQ etc.) but usually after finish your 4-hit combo and idling for half a second, the AI tends to throw their special immediately. In case this does not happen, you can simply dash back (while having the opponent cornered and relatively in range of their specials hitting you under normal circumstances) and idle for a second till they throw specials. This is definitely not a guaranteed method of baiting specials but works more often than not.
How to gain power faster than your opponent (only duped and higher sig Ghost):
In order to gain power faster than your opponent, you need to be very comfortable with the opponent’s basic attack animations. As you can see, when Ghost starts a fight, she can usually take 3-5 hits to her ‘phase’ and gain a lot of power without doing anything. Dispose your precision passive by landing 1-2 hits and dash back to repeat. You will notice that Ghost gained a bar of power faster than WS and this is further enhanced by having a higher sig Ghost. This comes in handy against Magik or Black Widow of LoL where you want the opponent to gain as little power as possible.
Practice – This again requires a tremendous amount of practice and you will need to learn and memorize most of the character’s basic attack animations. Note: Try not to use this trick against champions that have double hits on their final medium attacks such as IMIW or Moon Knight as you might tend to go in earlier than usual and end up taking a hit (unless you are a true Pro!).
Notice – Sometimes the AI will throw their heavy attacks mid combo or just dash back and idle till you initiate an attack. In this case, do not lose your cool. Either parry them to get rid of your precision and phase to repeat cycle or wait out the precision passive (in case they are unblockable) and trigger phase again.
Avoiding Recoil Damage:
First and foremost, Ghost is perhaps the most suicide-friendly champion out there. Even double immune champions or champions that benefit massively from suicides yet don’t take damage from bleed/poison (Corvus or Omega Red) do not do what Ghost does as effectively. Other champions take recoil damage from their SP1 or SP2 (which in most cases is the highest damage dealing special) but Ghost can completely avoid it thanks to The Hood synergy and some pro-skills. As soon as you end your SP2 and Ghost comes back on both of her feet, dash back to phase and avoid recoil damage.
Practice – This requires a tremendous amount of practice so don’t be upset if you aren’t able to this in your 5th, 10th or even 20th attempt. Timing is key and in order to know exactly when to dash back, you need a lot of practice. As you see in this video, when Ghost lands her 3rd hit of SP2 and hops back to stand on her feet, the moment both of her feet touch the ground you need to already initiate the dash back. This will take quite some time but with practice you will be able to ‘phase’ 99% of the time.
Notice – When you successfully ‘phase’ the recoil damage, both the recoil and phase text will pop up simultaneously.
How to counter projectile based specials:
Taking the example of WS’ SP2 (or IMIW SP1, Doc Strange’s SP1 – LoL etc.) when you begin phasing and let the bullets ‘miss’ you, you can initiate a dash attack towards WS and counter him as soon as his special animation ends. Going back to the ‘left and right’ thumb trick, at times if you initiate a dash attack towards WS using your left thumb, you might block at first and then continue the dash attack which results in taking a hit as you ended ‘phase’ due to holding block.
Here it is important to dash with your right thumb as you can’t block an attack by tapping right side of the screen. Now for those who ask why phase doesn’t end since Ghost initiated an attack. The reason is simple; Ghost initiates her attack’s animation when she is close to WS and not from far away. She begins dashing towards WS and only ends her phase when she initiates her attack which is in close proximity.
Practice – This takes a lot of practice and you can use this technique to punish/counter specials that push you far from the opponent such as IMIW, Doctor Strange or Punisher/Punisher2099.
How to ensure the AI remains aggressive and does not adapt to your playstyle:
This is a tactic that is very easy to learn but not many ‘Ghosters’ use as they tend to overlook and take the all-mighty Kabam’s AI for granted. All the Magik specialists know that when they have their opponent power+corner locked, the AI does not always attempt to punish the backdraft intercept and hence they need to either hit into the block or mix up the combo. This is exactly what we do here as well. Instead of repetitively using 4-hit combo+phase intercept, try to mix things up. At first, you will need to corner your opponent and get in the habbit of 4-hit combo + phase intercept two-three times. Then instead of 4-hit combo, end the combo at 2 or 3 hits and phase intercept.
NOTE: Do not end combo with medium EVER with Ghost. Stick to Light attacks only to end combo.
Practice – This would not require a lot of practice and is easy to come by. But in high pressure fights or long fights such as LoL, people tend to forget about this and the AI gets used to your behavior and learns how to counter. This definitely happens, not only with Ghost or Magik but with other champions also who may follow similar playstyle.
Notice – The AI stutter steps a bit and this is a good sign. It shows that the AI has their brains scrambled and is waiting to see your next move. Here the AI will more freely (especially in longer fights) throw their specials the moment they get an opportunity and always come dashing at you for most of the time.
Go in after 2nd usually as 4th hit could be heavy or it could be light which is usually the fastest...keep switching between MLLL, MLL, ML combos to keep AI's 'brains scrambled'
And always go in after Medusa's first - her 2nd is super fast and can wreck you. Avoid double hit mediums as well like IMIW and Moon knights last
And thank you everybody else so much for answer my question and giving great input. You can really get a good understanding by seeing what other people are doing and why, so I can incorporate it into my own play.
I was kinda surprised by the preference of MLLL over spamming long-held heavies but that is probably the best way to go.
I just made a detailed guide if you are interested