How RNG can ruin your weekend and make you have psychopathic thoughts

Like seriously. Why even have something as horribly crappy like Howard in the 5* featured?
Hard not to feel so bad about pulling this.
Hard not to feel so bad about pulling this.

1 was a FGMC, 1 dungeon crystal and 2 basics.
The Duck is at least fun to play...
Im not sure why this hasn't given the game a higher classification. The crystals are just casinos. And there are so many other games like this. If your pissed off by a bad pull, play a console game that doesn't have gambling and has something to unleash your anger
There's a fundamental, absolute difference between MCOC and a casino. In a casino, you always have to put money in to play the game. You may or may not get money out. In MCOC, you never have to put money in to play the game. You never have a legal way to get money out. As much as people want to claim MCOC is just like a casino, this makes it nothing close to a casino. Whether lootboxes are "gambling" is mostly a semantic argument taking place in legislatures and youtube channels, disguising a debate on whether such transactions should be regulated.
But whether lootboxes are "gambling" for the purposes of regulation, MCOC operates like a casino only if someone can point to a casino that lets players play its casino games entirely for free if they wish for unlimited periods of time and eventually get the same rewards as the customers who pay to play those games.
You can argue semantics all you want but opening loot boxes (crystals) is the very definition of gambling. Whether or not it should be under regulation like a casino as mentioned is subjective. The very model of the game is designed to prey on gambling addiction.
Asserting what the definition of "gambling" is, is always a semantic argument. It is one you're making yourself.
As to what "the very model" of the game is designed for, I don't happen to believe that. But if you do, I question the morality of supporting such a company with your participation. I would not do that if I believed what you do. I would be compelled to cease playing immediately.
Actually there is a very clear definition of gambling and thinking buying crystals isn’t a form of gambling then you sir have your head in the sand.
As for the game model, it would be very easy to argue that it’s geared towards preying on gambling mentality. Pretty much every reward in this game is based on RNG which is associated with gambling. If you think the majority of their revenue is not from RNG based rewards (crystals, shards from unit store, T4CC) I’d most certainly like to know what you think it is.
I reiterate: how do you justify supporting such a company with your game play. I would find that abhorrent.
Why is it abhorrent? It’s a business. It’s designed to make a profit which it does. I don’t support it with my money. Business capitalize on thing like that all the time. Do you find it abhorrent that Girl Scouts sell cookies to larger folks?
Selling something to people that want it is business. Deliberately preying on people you know are psychologically incapable of making sound decisions is at best unethical and at worst criminal. You aren't accusing Kabam of selling crystals to people who like to buy crystals. You're accusing them of explicitly designing the game to target people incapable of making sound decisions about the amount of money to spend on crystals. That's not Girl Scouts selling cookies to people who like to eat. That's Girl Scouts deliberately targeting hospitals treating people with dietary problems and poor impulse control. I would find that equally abhorrent.
All businesses make money offering people something they want and willing to pay for. I'm a business owner. I do not prey on my customers, and I take a very dim view of companies that do.
So you’re still telling me that Kabam’s midel isn’t based around a gambling aspect? And if it is Kabam is blind to the fact people have gambling problems? They are capitalizing on the gambling aspect of their RNG based rewards. I’m still waiting to hear your rebuttal of how most of their revenue comes from buying RNG based items.
All my words are up there to read, and nowhere did I say that Kabam's model wasn't based around "a gambling aspect." Nowhere did I say that most of their revenue doesn't come from RNG based items. That is not in any way synonymous with "preying on addicts." And I'm still waiting to hear how you justify participating in a game that you are asserting preys on vulnerable people explicitly and deliberately. Your dismissal that "its just business" is inconsistent with the fact that this is not a prerequisite for a successful business nor is it common practice, and your Girl Scout example only amplifies that fact.
Disagreed on lootboxes being equivalent to gambling as pure semantics.
Agreed on the technical point of not having to put money into MCOC; however, I’m beyond exhausted arguing that time and attention have significant values (if not to you, the player, hen undoubtedly to the game designers).
Dr. Zola
Preying on gambling addiction maybe a tiny exaggeration but if you think they’re not capitalizing on RNG then there isn’t much more to add to the discussion. They could allow you to buy your own champ once in a blue moon or something but that’s never happened. The closest is you could buy Vision or a 3*/4* Deadpool. I’ve seen Marvel games where you can choose your champ. Kabam doesn’t do “choosing” they focus solely on RNG. Now you’ll tell me that’s healthy for the longevity of the game and I’ll have nothing else to say.
As someone who works in the retail marketing world I’d have to say you’re in the minority.
Finding out everything possible about current/prospective customers and using that information to try and sell them something they most likely don’t really need seems to be the name of the game anymore. There is no honor in business.
And if you think this company doesn’t know exactly what their business model is (gambling) and who their customers are (gamblers) I really think you’re fooling yourself or at least underestimate the lengths companies will go to make a buck.
That’s not true. The true definition doesn’t limit to gambling for a monetary outcome.
Ya’ll have redefined dating and i think we should all write our elected representatives.
This means going to a movie is gambline also. I mean don’t know if its going to be good!
Oh **** buying a book is now gambling too.
It doesn't stop!
But anyways it’s called gaming not gambling and they are distant cousins not bedfellows like some argue for. Gambling in scrabble because you paid for the game but have a random chance of which letters you pull?