Let's talk about that broken red hulk in uncollected

Just why is my question, why the unlockable finale, I am all for making stuff challenging but that node is a complete joke, why not out limber or make him stun immune? Pretty much everyone in my alliance and alot of people online are expressing the same feelings, please in future just ditch this node it doesn't add anything except frustration and has really made me hate uncollected this month. I would recommend actually getting people to play the months quests before releasing them.
A simple 4 hit combo into his block then backdraft intercept will be enough to get the job done.
Dorky dave has a tutorial that is very useful.
Blade destroys him. And a 3* MODOK too.
TIL: there are built-in inline emojis in this forum.
Was all this really necessary???
You're strong and experienced enough to attempt UC yet suffer at unlockable finale. Not trynna be rude but if you find unlockable finale this hard then I wonder how you deal with the really BS nodes.
You must adapt and git gud.
But putting the same nodes in Master? Essentially for act 4 players to deal with? My kids on their FTP accounts were pretty pressed by that guy, one of them has blade and got by. The other one I dunno.
All those nodes are so cheap these last few months of eq
People most probably DID play this month’s quest and found no issue with Unblockable finale. Guess it’s just you then?
How does Counter Tactics punish you if you are playing well and keeping a combo? You need to get hit for it to matter, that’s not “playing well”.