Out of 130+ champions in the game, only 2 are good counters (Quake or Void), that's not really a counter. It means you NEED a certain champion. This shows how (1) the META is changing drastically, where the old champs are not viable for new content and (2) "expecting that to happen" is a lame excuse to introduce fun and interactive nodes.
There are videos of winter soldier one-shotting him, any hard-hitting champion at rank 4 or 5 can one shot him you just need to play well. Winter soldier and starlord are OG champions though WS' synergy with killmonger is relatively new
There are videos of winter soldier one-shotting him, any hard-hitting champion at rank 4 or 5 can one shot him you just need to play well. Winter soldier and starlord are OG champions though WS' synergy with killmonger is relatively new
Just adding, there are also one shot videos using four star AOU vision and scarlet witch. Quite a few older champions work for this fight
Honestly not an overly difficult fight. One shotted him with magik and Cap IW. Took half his health off twice with voodoo. Took half his health off with gulk.
Rulk was harder imo without using a cheese but modok made that fight real easy once I used him.
There are videos of winter soldier one-shotting him, any hard-hitting champion at rank 4 or 5 can one shot him you just need to play well. Winter soldier and starlord are OG champions though WS' synergy with killmonger is relatively new
Just adding, there are also one shot videos using four star AOU vision and scarlet witch. Quite a few older champions work for this fight
Rulk was harder imo without using a cheese but modok made that fight real easy once I used him.