What champion would you remove from the game if you could?



  • GrecianfoxGrecianfox Member Posts: 114
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    Foxhero007 wrote: »
    blade the most overrated champion and the all the auto-blockers champs

    Blade is not overated just good he helps out a lot in act 5 and everywhere which is why he is top
  • LibertyPrimeV1LibertyPrimeV1 Member Posts: 4,179 ★★★★★
    Falcon... I don't think he has a single use, if he does multiple other champions do it better, and there's almost no reason for them to rework or buff him because... he's Falcon...
  • VulcanMVulcanM Member Posts: 664 ★★
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    how bout ghost, shes pretty over powered in my opinion. dont get me wrong, i love my 5* ghost, but she's almsot to good in my opinion.
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  • EpistriatusEpistriatus Member Posts: 1,253 ★★★★
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    In story quest/eq I can handle the fact that he’s there, still hate to fight him but ok ok. In arena however, every time I face this guy in arena I just let out a deep “sigh” and go in to a very frustrating annoying fight.I consider arena to be mindless tapping fights which are meant to be over in 30 seconds (tops), if I want a challenging fight where I need to take some more time, I’ll go into story/event quest.
  • A_Noob_Is1A_Noob_Is1 Member Posts: 762 ★★
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    There's so many I want to list. But I will have to say either she-hulk ,korg, or MODOK
  • Arbiter2426Arbiter2426 Member Posts: 346
    Why is gwenpool there? Shes great
  • _I__I_ Member Posts: 306
    Modok. I hate to fight him as boss.
  • Only_AlonerOnly_Aloner Member Posts: 141
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    Iron Patriot😂
  • Colonaut123Colonaut123 Member Posts: 3,091 ★★★★★
    He doesn't exist in the comics, plus he's just a cash grab.
  • Colonaut123Colonaut123 Member Posts: 3,091 ★★★★★
    Colossus is mine as without the omega red synergy colossus has really no use i mean he has bleed immunity but everything colossus has everyone can do better he has armor yay woohoo iron man infinity war has armor he is bleed immune woop dee doo vision is bleed immune :)
    Noooo Colossus is my favourite superhero!
  • KickNatherinaKickNatherina Member Posts: 157
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    Blade -

    He’s pretty much a cheat code, and it pretty much never in a bad fight. He’s also pretty boring to play in my opinion
  • Lvernon15Lvernon15 Member Posts: 11,599 ★★★★★
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  • LoPrestiLoPresti Member Posts: 1,035 ★★★
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    Iron Fist
  • SuelSuel Member Posts: 279
    Why is gwenpool there? Shes great

    you probably didnt read all the coments, but i ll say it again, the poll is not to remove champions that u consider OP or trash, there are other reasons too
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  • RohankolRohankol Member Posts: 15
    Goldpool, otherwise we will get more useless champs
  • XxLoganTDCxXXxLoganTDCxX Member Posts: 2,561 ★★★★
    Kamala Kahn
    Science: Sentry or She Hulk
    Mutant: Magneto
    Tech: Hulkbuster
    Mystic: Iron Fist
    Cosmic: Superior Iron Man
    Skill: Falcon
  • CassyCassy Member Posts: 1,108 ★★★
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  • SassyMastySassyMasty Member Posts: 315
    Kamala Kahn
    Her abilities make it seem like the developers just threw some stuff together... "Hey let's just give her a ton of furies or something". Ant-Man's description is shorter than hers and even he has a more clearly defined purpose: reduce damage and critical hits to himself.
  • cx23433cx23433 Member Posts: 465 ★★
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    Falcon... I don't think he has a single use, if he does multiple other champions do it better, and there's almost no reason for them to rework or buff him because... he's Falcon...

    forgot about falcon
  • 23RaHiM23RaHiM Member Posts: 6
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    Mr Fixit ... waste
  • 23RaHiM23RaHiM Member Posts: 6
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    She hulk and DD Netflix came to mind, but ultimately Thor Rag is such a disappointment for what should be an incredible character. Would like to see him removed and replaced with someone worthy.

    Thor rag only becomes something when maxed out ... but his a bore when u rushing through fights ...
  • 23RaHiM23RaHiM Member Posts: 6
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    Do we get a thor infinity war too ? (Thor with the stormbreaker?
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