What champion would you remove from the game if you could?

What champion you think it doesn’t belong in the contest
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What champion would you remove from the game if you could? 267 votes
If I was to remove one champion, it would be Blade because I feel like the only decent user with only a 3* blade and I would be funny to see the salt fly from people who lost their blades. Plus my Magik would actually do stuff again on AWD.
To me, just a totally unremarkable character. I would bet money that She-Hulk is one of the least ranked up characters in the game
I guess you’ll be holding on to all that salt.
Lol u go to the grocery store to get table salt? I get higher quality salt than Himalayan rock salt hand ground into a fine powder of ionicly bonded goodness from this little app on my phone called MCoC : D
Didnt take in consideration the game balance, just Marvel importance, character design, etc
Gwenpool for example is a stupid character who is one of the best champs in the game
But feel free to give your thoughts
Act 5 100%, nothing above a 3 star for Blade, Medusa, Void and CapIW, sometimes you just gotta go
A daredevil, superior iron man, a cyclops, a magneto.
How’s gwenpool stupid?
Those have slightly different ability actually... the real reskinned champ is ms marvel and captain marvel.
Kabam needs to pause the money-making machine and make the game balanced and fun again.