What champion would you remove from the game if you could?

SuelSuel Member Posts: 279
What champion you think it doesn’t belong in the contest

Share your reasons why

What champion would you remove from the game if you could? 267 votes

HeartlessmostlyharmlessnNikskiniHell_GoliathNanoDroidSpeedbumpPeteROCKzOMC_PintoStingerbkDipsey_fr3do_Saransh245AdvchrissbjordannDiksh619Niteseeker3Shadow_PhoneixSangrelocoRakeYoungKnightZero 35 votes
CrkwestOllyoxenfreeHotCarlosAlCapone2727TheMightyKahrtom523MegaGalacticLordNeoSparkyCzJoBoB1982blakesssLEGIONER 12 votes
MattManСанекКрымRUSTehsigzorz 3 votes
Night Thrasher
DrenlinProxGustavo20Pit_MiStaLova 5 votes
Kamala Kahn
RockonSnakeEyes69bloodyCainSSGNick556Jets44Linx79Spideypayebudufish8sixGigantor13TheVyrusJeff7783Star_Lord_Stryke71121BUZZdog3000GNASTYAquamaJohnyzeroSuvenduSam357 89 votes
Old Man Logan
Captain_KandiceCarmel1Kaks0053Ketchup1791Stagedear85OurobørosBstrawsmaZJoePWakanda4Ever278ZeezoosPrasannamasterez80 12 votes
Thor Ragnarok
Erza_ScarletNifzspaceoctopus玩玩玩家Obaid_Jacob03 5 votes
BigPoppaCBONEsamalasravanrifle100kikoboborballGomezlinkNemesis666Blubfish_666Colonaut123Edgecrusher_13Samar_1092SuelRohankolSuperchampion_ 14 votes
Howard the Duck
FreakydTendersquadEmil_LimsonSixshot1AhitlawRixobRasiloverJohnLocke117dfmoore26BlackFreQuencyWabobaTinoMiaGhostboytjieIBlueShiftIIKONIvarTheBonelessStanceWebheadUnltdAmazing_Demon05Darkudorago72493 24 votes
Other (which one?)
ArcDeAngelusCoatHang3rRagamugginGunnerHaji_SaabA_Noob_Is1Animejay70Hulk_77EpistriatusLoPrestiCapWW2adqqedfyvrMSRDLDSundance_2099RikuremaFoxhero007nameplasDarkrider051haunted_memoryBboychoboLvernon15 68 votes


  • Savio444Savio444 Member Posts: 1,781 ★★★★
    Other (which one?)
    Civil warrior, just because I knew one day he’d pop out of a 5* crystal and that day was today. I like civil warrior, he looks cool nice animations, he just won’t help me progress. Maybe if he was buffed, but I’d say other champs need a buff before civil warrior. Tbh I don’t want him removed from the game or any champion I’d rather they updated old champions abilities..
  • FhfjghhggggjfhfjgFhfjghhggggjfhfjg Member Posts: 4,492 ★★★★★
    edited January 2019
    Other (which one?)
    Groot and kamala.
  • axelelf_1axelelf_1 Member Posts: 775 ★★★
    Kamala Kahn
    Why are Modok night thrasher and Gwenpool thrown in with the trash? (I guess Rags too)

    If I was to remove one champion, it would be Blade because I feel like the only decent user with only a 3* blade and I would be funny to see the salt fly from people who lost their blades. Plus my Magik would actually do stuff again on AWD.

    I guess you’ll be holding on to all that salt.
  • Hammerbro_64Hammerbro_64 Member Posts: 7,463 ★★★★★
    edited January 2019
    Other (which one?)
    axelelf_1 wrote: »
    Why are Modok night thrasher and Gwenpool thrown in with the trash? (I guess Rags too)

    If I was to remove one champion, it would be Blade because I feel like the only decent user with only a 3* blade and I would be funny to see the salt fly from people who lost their blades. Plus my Magik would actually do stuff again on AWD.

    I guess you’ll be holding on to all that salt.

    Lol u go to the grocery store to get table salt? I get higher quality salt than Himalayan rock salt hand ground into a fine powder of ionicly bonded goodness from this little app on my phone called MCoC : D
  • Mitchell35Mitchell35 Member Posts: 1,897 ★★★★
    ESF wrote: »

    To me, just a totally unremarkable character. I would bet money that She-Hulk is one of the least ranked up characters in the game

    Mitchell35 wrote: »
    White magneto

  • Duke_SilverDuke_Silver Member Posts: 2,421 ★★★★
    Why Gwenpool??
  • SuelSuel Member Posts: 279
    edited January 2019
    Why are Modok night thrasher and Gwenpool thrown in with the trash? (I guess Rags too)

    If I was to remove one champion, it would be Blade because I feel like the only decent user with only a 3* blade and I would be funny to see the salt fly from people who lost their blades. Plus my Magik would actually do stuff again on AWD.

    Didnt take in consideration the game balance, just Marvel importance, character design, etc

    Gwenpool for example is a stupid character who is one of the best champs in the game

    But feel free to give your thoughts
  • XxOriginalxXXxOriginalxX Member Posts: 1,324 ★★★
    Kamala Kahn
    Why are Modok night thrasher and Gwenpool thrown in with the trash? (I guess Rags too)

    If I was to remove one champion, it would be Blade because I feel like the only decent user with only a 3* blade and I would be funny to see the salt fly from people who lost their blades. Plus my Magik would actually do stuff again on AWD.

    Act 5 100%, nothing above a 3 star for Blade, Medusa, Void and CapIW, sometimes you just gotta go
  • RogerRabsRogerRabs Member Posts: 548 ★★★★
  • tkhan08tkhan08 Member Posts: 189 ★★
    Other (which one?)
    Korg for sure.
  • TheMarauder53TheMarauder53 Member Posts: 154
    Other (which one?)
    Colossus is mine as without the omega red synergy colossus has really no use i mean he has bleed immunity but everything colossus has everyone can do better he has armor yay woohoo iron man infinity war has armor he is bleed immune woop dee doo vision is bleed immune :)
  • KalantakKalantak Member Posts: 1,300 ★★★★
    Other (which one?)
    Hulkbuster. I dont want him in my next 6* Crystal honestly..
  • LordSmasherLordSmasher Member Posts: 1,618 ★★★★★
    Other (which one?)
    The re-skinned ****.
    A daredevil, superior iron man, a cyclops, a magneto.
  • SolvseusSolvseus Member Posts: 132 ★★
    Kamala Kahn
    Kamala. Got her as a 5* when I just barely started getting those. Still mad.
  • Austin555555Austin555555 Member Posts: 3,051 ★★★★★
    Other (which one?)
    She hulk. No use, not a remarkable character. Damage out put is ****. Basically someone who barely has a remembrance to marvel in general
  • RT9RT9 Member Posts: 93
    i like all the characters just buff them don’t remove them pls
  • Jcobra25Jcobra25 Member Posts: 212 ★★
  • FungeonFungeon Member Posts: 124
  • PaytoPlayPaytoPlay Member Posts: 762 ★★★
    Kamala Kahn
    The re-skinned ****.
    A daredevil, superior iron man, a cyclops, a magneto.

    Those have slightly different ability actually... the real reskinned champ is ms marvel and captain marvel.
  • ẞlооdẞlооd Member Posts: 2,005 ★★★★
    Other (which one?)
    None. The fact that this poll exists is sad. Those are favorites among some people and it's a shame that most there won't be useable for much..

    Kabam needs to pause the money-making machine and make the game balanced and fun again.
  • Rougeknight87Rougeknight87 Member Posts: 599 ★★★
    Other (which one?)
    One of the magneto’s, completely pointless having 2 of him in the pool in his current state. Buff 1 of them for Christ’s sake!
  • NikskiniNikskini Member Posts: 237
    I would like to remove Spidergwen my 4* is sig99 with r1 and have 5* spidergwen with sig60 not using both of them they just feel not useful in anything except beginners quest on autoplay L1 is useless
  • spaceoctopusspaceoctopus Member Posts: 1,111 ★★★
    Thor Ragnarok
    She hulk and DD Netflix came to mind, but ultimately Thor Rag is such a disappointment for what should be an incredible character. Would like to see him removed and replaced with someone worthy.
  • Physology101Physology101 Member Posts: 77
    Other (which one?)
    I would say to get rid of Iron Fist. He has low damage and utility.
  • 玩玩玩家玩玩玩家 Member Posts: 441
    Thor Ragnarok
    Ambushed Adaptoids...
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