AW Multiplier Issues

Husky54Husky54 Member Posts: 244 ★★
So after we got royally screwed by Kabam's broken AW matching system, we discovered that while we got the Tier 3 x5.5 multiplier, our Tier 1 opponent got the x7 multiplier in the same war. This put us at a severe disadvantage for the season. For all intents and purposes, we basically missed an entire war.

We were previously told that alliances were given the same multiplier, randomly. This is apparently a blatant lie.






  • KChristo2KChristo2 Member Posts: 12
    For the record we submitted a ticket when we were in tier 2 and received the tier 3 multiplier. We were told that we were receiving the correct multiplier because of our matchup. Forum post on this issue below.
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,689 ★★★★★
    We were told multiple times that the system randomly chooses the map difficulty and multiplier when alliances from different tiers match up. The way it actually works is a weaker alliance can wind up on a harder map and not get the rewards appropriate for that map while there opponent does.
  • KChristo2KChristo2 Member Posts: 12
    We were told multiple times that the system randomly chooses the map difficulty and multiplier when alliances from different tiers match up. The way it actually works is a weaker alliance can wind up on a harder map and not get the rewards appropriate for that map while there opponent does.

    I thought that was the case also despite what has been told to us before but was surprised to get the 5.5x multiplier when in tier 2. If we got the tier 2 multiplier in that war it would make much more sense as to why the master ally we paired with last war received their usual multiplier while we received tier 3.

    At least some type of consistency would be something but we can’t even get that.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,412 Guardian
    Husky54 wrote: »
    We were previously told that alliances were given the same multiplier, randomly. This is apparently a blatant lie.

    It is hard to call support liars, when it is pretty obvious they have no idea how the game actually works. Calling them liars is like calling a Magic 8 ball a liar. They are pretty much always wrong, but I doubt if that's deliberate. I'm pretty sure they don't know enough to be capable of lying.

    I'm not sure how the multiplier works in edge cases like this, but there seems to be evidence out there that it doesn't work in some consistent easy to understand fashion. It isn't even clear to me whether this has changed quietly over time.

    In any case, you contact support if you want them to do something. You don't contact support if you want to know something.
  • Cranmer00Cranmer00 Member Posts: 527 ★★
    Matchmaking horrors have been going on since wars started.. we’re working on it means “we have no idea how to fix it” and hopefully people will stop asking.

    They end up closing the threads with a reply working on it and hope the issue goes away.

    AW boosts missing
    Offers getting nerfed
    AW scores jacked up still from ppl getting double the score
    AW Matchmaking is jacked
    -Tier wars when you do get a jacked match is jacked in itself
    IOS Phones gameplay still in the toilet

    But don’t worry, They’re working on it!
  • TacoScottyTacoScotty Member Posts: 407 ★★
    I don’t recall a single post ever on forums or in game mail saying map AND multipliers were chosen randomly. The only random i have read (and this goes back to old forums) is when two alliances match up with different default maps -> It randomly chooses one. Multipliers (and associated rewards) have always been your own alliance multipliers regardless of the map and regardless of your opponent is t1 multiplier or tier 15.

    That being said I agree some system that would average the opponents facing up would make more sense and may prevent top alliances from dodging each other in match making at times
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  • KChristo2KChristo2 Member Posts: 12
    TacoScotty wrote: »
    I don’t recall a single post ever on forums or in game mail saying map AND multipliers were chosen randomly. The only random i have read (and this goes back to old forums) is when two alliances match up with different default maps -> It randomly chooses one. Multipliers (and associated rewards) have always been your own alliance multipliers regardless of the map and regardless of your opponent is t1 multiplier or tier 15.

    That being said I agree some system that would average the opponents facing up would make more sense and may prevent top alliances from dodging each other in match making at times

    This I understand and would not disagree with if we weren’t told that our multiplier was correct at 5.5 when we were tier 2 fighting a tier 3 ally. The matchup is a problem. The multipliers is a problem. The complete inconsistency in which they are enforced and disregard for allies affected by mistakes is a huge problem.
  • TacoScottyTacoScotty Member Posts: 407 ★★
    edited January 2019
    Do you have screenshot of a tier 2 getting tier 3 multiplier? If you were fringe tier 2/3 it was possible it changed to tier 3 before your did matchmaking / matched. Was it displaying t2 but actual points used 5.5x or did you think you were t2 at start but ended at t3? I am guessing it ended showing t3 5.5x and that was points you got and may have missed dipping to from t2 to t3 waiting for match making / match - idk when it locks. I don’t recall ever someone showing their tier changing between when AWO started and war ending

    Completely agree system has problems - just trying to split this between bugs and constructive criticism on issues with their system (which there are several)
  • KChristo2KChristo2 Member Posts: 12
    TacoScotty wrote: »
    Do you have screenshot of a tier 2 getting tier 3 multiplier? If you were fringe tier 2/3 it was possible it changed to tier 3 before your did matchmaking / matched. Was it displaying t2 but actual points used 5.5x or did you think you were t2 at start but ended at t3? I am guessing it ended showing t3 5.5x and that was points you got and may have missed dipping to from t2 to t3 waiting for match making / match - idk when it locks. I don’t recall ever someone showing their tier changing between when AWO started and war ending

    Completely agree system has problems - just trying to split this between bugs and constructive criticism on issues with their system (which there are several)

    I have the screenshot of tier 2 with 5.5 multiplier. Also here is the reply from kabam recognizing us as tier 2 but not getting the multiplier because of the matchup.
  • KChristo2KChristo2 Member Posts: 12
  • Cranmer00Cranmer00 Member Posts: 527 ★★
    KChristo2 wrote: »

    I love everytime after kabam sticks it to you they close your case and direct you to a feedback form..

    Feedback form should be the Apple and google play store star rating
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,412 Guardian
    "I was able to verify that the system will decide on what multiplier to choose for the Alliance War you're currently in."

    Well, yeah. Is there any other possibility?
  • OmniOmni Member Posts: 574 ★★★
    I’ve broached this subject multiple times with different methods. My own threads / replying to people’s threads / PMing mods all to no avail.

    Bottom line if you’re inbetween tiers both opponents need the same multiplier, it should default to the higher one but for it to be different for the same war is completely unfair.
  • TacoScottyTacoScotty Member Posts: 407 ★★
    Ok now that you posted SS this is obviously a bug in my opinion. As I stated before it has NEVER been disclosed that multiplier is impacted by map/foe. I also find anything support says as unreliable since they have been numerous times proven to be wrong.

    If it has been disclosed on forums or in game mail please share otherwise agree mods on forums need to follow up on this and post a write up on logic of how maps / multipliers are selected for opponents in different tiers. In the past there was only comments on the map part
  • KChristo2KChristo2 Member Posts: 12
    I would love to hear some feedback from the game team here also since support did not give any credible information. @Kabam Miike ?

    I do not see how we should be getting penalized doubly in both situations.
    Situation 1: Tier 2 getting tier 3 multiplier based off the war we were involved in.
    Situation 2: The worst mismatch I’ve seen personally and the tier 1 ally receives full multiplier while we receive tier 3.

    If there’s is a policy in effect it wasn’t followed in one of these two wars. The question is which and why?
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  • Husky54Husky54 Member Posts: 244 ★★
    I've noticed that mods are conveniently ignoring this kind of stuff.
  • DTMelodicMetalDTMelodicMetal Member Posts: 2,785 ★★★★★
    Husky54 wrote: »
    I've noticed that mods are conveniently ignoring this kind of stuff.

    This topic has been addressed though not to an extent the community is satisfied with. We were told matchmaking mechanics would be improved this season, that has been proven false. Knocking on wood Miike's announcement about big changes coming for season 8 turn out to be true.
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