#BuffMagneto | He Deserves It... & here’s how I would do it.

Magneto NEEDS a buff, & personally... I think this would be a good one. Thoughts? Opinions? Key thing to note, I kept his Sig Ability the same as it is currently. I think this is currently the only useful aspect of Magneto, able to tank SP 3’s. This is actually extremely useful, especially in high tier AW.
Don’t recall saying Magneto was the only character in need of a buff... 🙄
He needs sig 200 to take low dmg from single source while there’s like 10 other champs now that eat sp3s with a synergy or their passive now..
He’s way overdue imo
Good point, but most other champions that eat SP3's do it through buffs, which expire. Iceman its Ice Armor, Luke & KM its Indestructible...etc. The disadvantage of this is that you can only tank an SP 3 every so often (like in the case of Iceman, every 12 seconds). Magneto has the advantage of tanking SP3's without a time limit. I think that's why his ability to eat SP3's is better than the majority of champs who can. Just my opinion.
Agreed, I really hope he gets a deserving buff real soon in 2019
Not a bad idea... would be interesting to see how it would be implemented.
Thx dude. With you 100%