Champion Construction Thread

BodhizenBodhizen Member Posts: 304 ★★
There's a Champion Improvement Thread, and a Champion Wishlist Thread. This thread is for Summoners that want to try their hand at creating new Champions.

Basic Rules:
  1. The Champion must not currently exist. This is not a thread for improving existing Champions.
  2. The Champion must be based upon a 4-star 5/50 Champion at Signature Ability Level 99. This means that the general range for Health should be between 10,000 and 18,000 (generally in the 14,000-16,000 range; see this chart for examples), and the general range for Attack should be between 830 and 1,300 (generally in the 1,130-1,200 range; see this chart for examples).
  3. All Champions should be relatively consistent in power level with existing Champions. If you want to design a God-Tier Champion, that's great! However, it shouldn't be something that blows the rest of the Champions in the Contest away.
  4. Any special powers should be based in canon from the comics. No random powers and abilities coming out of nowhere.
  5. Formatting and colors are encouraged to make entries easier to read. You can find a list of colors here. I prefer the following colors for various classes (but you can feel free to choose your own): Red = Skill, Limegreen = Science, Darkviolet = Mystic, Skyblue = Cosmic, Royalblue = Tech, and Khaki = Mutant. Variable values or percentages are generally listed in green, as they are in Champion entries in the game. I often use burlywood for headings, and peru to make the Unique Synergy notice stand out. But, please feel free to do your own thing!

The General Format:
  1. A picture of your Champion.
  2. A Bio Paragraph (Generally 100-200 words)
  3. The Signature Ability (Base values upon Signature Level 99)
  4. The Base Abilities (Passive effects, things that trigger on well-timed blocks, heavy attacks, etc...)
  5. Special Attacks (include what the animation might look like, what special things trigger, etc...)
  6. Synergies (Certain synergies are generic and apply defined benefits - like Enemies granting +155 Critical Rating; unique synergies should be listed by what they do for each Champion involved and that they're unique synergies). Synergies should generally be based upon canonical interactions between Champions. If your Doctor Doom has never before interacted with Colossus in the comics, then there's probably no good reason why they would have synergy. Check out the MCOC Synergy Guide for help in forming useful and fun synergies!

Constructive criticism should be welcome by all contributors or followers of this thread. Peer reviews help everyone to do a better job!

I'll go first...


  • BodhizenBodhizen Member Posts: 304 ★★
    Mister Sinister (Based upon a Rank 5/50 4-Star Champion; Sig Level 99)

    Originally born in the 19th Century, Dr. Nathaniel Essex was a biologist in Victorian England. Dr. Essex dreamed of bringing the perfection of the evolution of the human race to the masses. Performing dangerous and unorthodox experiments, his wife shunned him, her dying words, "To me, you are... utterly… and contemptibly… sinister!" After accepting Apocalypse's offer to turn him into his first Prelate, Essex took on the name Sinister and has since pursued his dream of engineering the perfect mutant!

    Signature Ability - Genius-Level Intellect:
    Mister Sinister's genius has turned toward manipulating his own mind and body. He gains the following benefits:
    • Read Minds (Passive): Mister Sinister is able to read his opponent's thoughts, allowing all of Mister Sinister's attacks a 50% chance to ignore Evade.
    • Telepathic Defenses (Passive): Mister Sinister is immune to Mind Control, such as Emma Frost's ability to invert controls. Whenever Mister Sinister's controls would be inverted, his opponent is automatically Stunned for 2.0 seconds.
    • Sinister Clone: When on the Summoner's offensive team, whenever Mister Sinister is knocked out, he has a 15% chance to be revived and restored to 10% max Health after the fight has ended. This chance increases by 2.5% for each Champion on Mister Sinister's team currently knocked out. If Mister Sinister is defeated by Cyclops (New Xavier School) or Cyclops (Blue Team), his chance to be revived is reduced to 0%.

    Max Health: 14,750
    Max Attack: 1,325
    Master Manipulator: Well-timed Blocks have a 15% chance to Taunt the opponents for 5.0 seconds. Opponents that are Taunted have their Attack reduced by 40% and have a 70% higher chance to activate a Special Attack.
    Perfecting Mutation:
    Mister Sinister has 6 experiments to conduct. Whenever he completes an experiment, he gains 1 Persistent Charge and a Genetic Enhancement Counter, decreasing the amount of damage he takes from Special Attacks by 5.5%. Experiments can be completed in any order.
    • Mister Sinister starts the fight with a number of the above Genetic Enhancement Counters equal to his Persistent Charge.
    • Experiment 1: The Limits of Human Endurance: Knockout a Skill Champion. Once this experiment is complete, Mister Sinister gains a 33% chance to instantly shrug off Bleed and Shock Debuffs.
    • Experiment 2: Breaking the DNA Code: Knockout a Science Champion. Once this experiment is complete, whenever Mister Sinister gains a Fatigue or Poison Debuff, it is automatically removed after 5.0 seconds and Mister Sinister gains +2500 Critical Rating for 8.0 seconds.
    • Experiment 3: Study Mysticism: Knockout a Mystic Champion. Once this experiment is complete, Mister Sinister gains the ability to dilate his opponent's power. Special Attacks gain a +15% chance to Power Lock the opponent for 4.5 seconds. Cooldown: 6.0 seconds.
    • Experiment 4: Collect Variant Samples: Knockout a Cosmic Champion. Once this experiment is complete, whenever Mister Sinister's opponent gains a Fury Buff, Mister Sinister automatically gains a Cellular Shape-Shifting Buff, granting him +500 Physical Resistance.
    • Experiment 5: Force Field Technology: Knockout a Tech Champion. Once this experiment is complete, Mister Sinister's body is covered by an invisible Force Field. Mister Sinister begins each fight with one Passive Force Field charge, increasing his Block Proficiency by 315.45. Every time his opponent activates a Special Attack, Mister Sinister gains one additional Passive Force Field charge that lasts until the end of the fight.
    • Experiment 6: Catalyze the Mutator Gene: Knockout a Mutant Champion. Once this experiment is complete, Mister Sinister activates his Rapid Regeneration Factor. Whenever Mister Sinister drops below 20% Health, he activates a Passive Regeneration Buff, recovering up to 6,637.5 Health over 8.0 seconds. This occurs only once per fight, and the amount Healed is tied to the Power Meter. If Mister Sinister takes Special Attack damage from Cyclops (New Xavier School) or Cyclops (Blue Team), and this puts him at or below 20% Health, this Rapid Regeneration Factor does not trigger.

    Special Attack 1 — Concussive Blasts: Mister Sinister fires three blasts of concussive energy at his opponent in rapid succession, then crosses his arms, throws his head back and laughs at his opponent.
    • Places a Gene-Splice Counter on the opponent, reducing their Defensive Ability Accuracy by 12.5% for 9.0 seconds. Opponents with a Gene-Splice Counter cannot Parry attacks.
    • This attack places 2 Gene-Splice Counters on the opponent. Gene-Splice Counters are twice as potent against Mystic opponents.
    • The damage from this attack is Energy-based.
    Special Attack 2 — Telekinetic Assault: Mister Sinister gathers several objects from his environment, hurling them at his opponent with the power of his mind. This attack has the potential to land 4 hits.
    • 25% chance to Armor Break per hit, each hit removing one enemy Armor Up and applying 110 Armor Rating reduction for 5.0 seconds. The chance to inflict an Armor Break Debuff is doubled against Mystic opponents.
    Special Attack 3 — Genetic Onslaught: Mister Sinister telekinetically grabs his opponent, lifting them up into the air. He then fires a concentrated blast of energy, pummeling his opponent for 12 hits. Mister Sinister then telekinetically flings the body against the far wall of the arena.
    • This Attack Nullfies up to 6 Buffs from Mutant and Mystic Champions. This Attack deals an extra 5% damage for each Buff Nullified.

    • Genetic Experimentation with Cyclops (New Xavier School), Cyclops (Blue Team) or Phoenix: Mister Sinister: Special Attack 1 places 1 additional Gene-Splice Counter on opponents. Cyclops (New Xavier School) or Cyclops (Blue Team): Special Attacks do not reset Cyclops' Combo Meter. Phoenix: Phoenix begins the fight with 2 additional Phoenix Force charges. Unique Synergy: Does not stack with duplicate synergies.
    • Mutant Massacre with Gambit or Sabretooth: Mister Sinister: Well-timed Blocks have a +15% chance to Taunt opponents. Gambit: Gambit's unique armor grants him an additional +250 Physical Resistance & +18% Bleed Resistance. Sabretooth: Sabretooth adds 2.5 seconds to the amount of time it takes before a Regeneration stack. Unique Synergy: Does not stack with duplicate synergies.
    • World War II with Magneto and Magneto (Marvel NOW!): Mister Sinister: Heavy Attacks have a +35% chance to inflict a Degeneration Debuff, dealing 4% of Mister Sinister's Attack Rating as Direct Damage over 5.0 seconds. The chance to inflict a Degeneration Debuff is increased by 20% against Mutant and Mystic Champions. Magneto or Magneto (Marvel NOW!): Against enemies reliant on metal, if Magnetism is not active, well-timed Blocks automatically trigger Magnetism. Unique Synergy: Does not stack with duplicate synergies.
    • Scientific Experiments with Emma Frost: Mister Sinister: Gains +15% Attack Rating after completing 3 Experiments. Emma Frost: Gains a +4% chance to Evade basic attacks while in Telepathic Form. Unique Synergy: Does not stack with duplicate synergies.
    • Mutant Perfection with Cable: Mister Sinister: Mister Sinister's Genetic Enhancement Counters reduce the amount of damage he takes from Special Attacks by an additional +2% each. Cable: Cable's chance to Regenerate Health whenever a Power threshold is reached continues to work when he is below 25% Health. Unique Synergy: Does not stack with duplicate synergies.
    • Mutant Scientists with Beast: Mister Sinister: Opponents gain 15% less Power when being struck by Mister Sinister. Beast: Beast takes 60% less damage from Degeneration Debuffs. Unique Synergy: Does not stack with duplicate synergies.
  • NairvehlNairvehl Member Posts: 111
    Bodhizen wrote: »
    Mister Sinister (Based upon a Rank 5/50 4-Star Champion; Sig Level 99)

    Originally born in the 19th Century, Dr. Nathaniel Essex was a biologist in Victorian England. Dr. Essex dreamed of bringing the perfection of the evolution of the human race to the masses. Performing dangerous and unorthodox experiments, his wife shunned him, her dying words, "To me, you are... utterly… and contemptibly… sinister!" After accepting Apocalypse's offer to turn him into his first Prelate, Essex took on the name Sinister and has since pursued his dream of engineering the perfect mutant!

    Signature Ability - Genius-Level Intellect:
    Mister Sinister's genius has turned toward manipulating his own mind and body. He gains the following benefits:
    • Read Minds (Passive): Mister Sinister is able to read his opponent's thoughts, allowing all of Mister Sinister's attacks a 50% chance to ignore Evade.
    • Telepathic Defenses (Passive): Mister Sinister is immune to Mind Control, such as Emma Frost's ability to invert controls. Whenever Mister Sinister's controls would be inverted, his opponent is automatically Stunned for 2.0 seconds.
    • Sinister Clone: When on the Summoner's offensive team, whenever Mister Sinister is knocked out, he has a 15% chance to be revived and restored to 10% max Health after the fight has ended. This chance increases by 2.5% for each Champion on Mister Sinister's team currently knocked out. If Mister Sinister is defeated by Cyclops (New Xavier School) or Cyclops (Blue Team), his chance to be revived is reduced to 0%.

    Max Health: 14,750
    Max Attack: 1,325
    Master Manipulator: Well-timed Blocks have a 15% chance to Taunt the opponents for 5.0 seconds. Opponents that are Taunted have their Attack reduced by 40% and have a 70% higher chance to activate a Special Attack.
    Perfecting Mutation:
    Mister Sinister has 6 experiments to conduct. Whenever he completes an experiment, he gains 1 Persistent Charge and a Genetic Enhancement Counter, decreasing the amount of damage he takes from Special Attacks by 5.5%. Experiments can be completed in any order.
    • Mister Sinister starts the fight with a number of the above Genetic Enhancement Counters equal to his Persistent Charge.
    • Experiment 1: The Limits of Human Endurance: Knockout a Skill Champion. Once this experiment is complete, Mister Sinister gains a 33% chance to instantly shrug off Bleed and Shock Debuffs.
    • Experiment 2: Breaking the DNA Code: Knockout a Science Champion. Once this experiment is complete, whenever Mister Sinister gains a Fatigue or Poison Debuff, it is automatically removed after 5.0 seconds and Mister Sinister gains +2500 Critical Rating for 8.0 seconds.
    • Experiment 3: Study Mysticism: Knockout a Mystic Champion. Once this experiment is complete, Mister Sinister gains the ability to dilate his opponent's power. Special Attacks gain a +15% chance to Power Lock the opponent for 4.5 seconds. Cooldown: 6.0 seconds.
    • Experiment 4: Collect Variant Samples: Knockout a Cosmic Champion. Once this experiment is complete, whenever Mister Sinister's opponent gains a Fury Buff, Mister Sinister automatically gains a Cellular Shape-Shifting Buff, granting him +500 Physical Resistance.
    • Experiment 5: Force Field Technology: Knockout a Tech Champion. Once this experiment is complete, Mister Sinister's body is covered by an invisible Force Field. Mister Sinister begins each fight with one Passive Force Field charge, increasing his Block Proficiency by 315.45. Every time his opponent activates a Special Attack, Mister Sinister gains one additional Passive Force Field charge that lasts until the end of the fight.
    • Experiment 6: Catalyze the Mutator Gene: Knockout a Mutant Champion. Once this experiment is complete, Mister Sinister activates his Rapid Regeneration Factor. Whenever Mister Sinister drops below 20% Health, he activates a Passive Regeneration Buff, recovering up to 6,637.5 Health over 8.0 seconds. This occurs only once per fight, and the amount Healed is tied to the Power Meter. If Mister Sinister takes Special Attack damage from Cyclops (New Xavier School) or Cyclops (Blue Team), and this puts him at or below 20% Health, this Rapid Regeneration Factor does not trigger.

    Special Attack 1 — Concussive Blasts: Mister Sinister fires three blasts of concussive energy at his opponent in rapid succession, then crosses his arms, throws his head back and laughs at his opponent.
    • Places a Gene-Splice Counter on the opponent, reducing their Defensive Ability Accuracy by 12.5% for 9.0 seconds. Opponents with a Gene-Splice Counter cannot Parry attacks.
    • This attack places 2 Gene-Splice Counters on the opponent. Gene-Splice Counters are twice as potent against Mystic opponents.
    • The damage from this attack is Energy-based.
    In the first line about the Gene-Splice Counters for SP1, you mention one counter; in the second line you mention that 2 counters are placed. Is this a mistake? Or am I missing something, or reading it wrong?
    Bodhizen wrote: »
    Special Attack 2 — Telekinetic Assault: Mister Sinister gathers several objects from his environment, hurling them at his opponent with the power of his mind. This attack has the potential to land 4 hits.
    • 25% chance to Armor Break per hit, each hit removing one enemy Armor Up and applying 110 Armor Rating reduction for 5.0 seconds. The chance to inflict an Armor Break Debuff is doubled against Mystic opponents.
    Special Attack 3 — Genetic Onslaught: Mister Sinister telekinetically grabs his opponent, lifting them up into the air. He then fires a concentrated blast of energy, pummeling his opponent for 12 hits. Mister Sinister then telekinetically flings the body against the far wall of the arena.
    • This Attack Nullfies up to 6 Buffs from Mutant and Mystic Champions. This Attack deals an extra 5% damage for each Buff Nullified.

    • Genetic Experimentation with Cyclops (New Xavier School), Cyclops (Blue Team) or Phoenix: Mister Sinister: Special Attack 1 places 1 additional Gene-Splice Counter on opponents. Cyclops (New Xavier School) or Cyclops (Blue Team): Special Attacks do not reset Cyclops' Combo Meter. Phoenix: Phoenix begins the fight with 2 additional Phoenix Force charges. Unique Synergy: Does not stack with duplicate synergies.
    • Mutant Massacre with Gambit or Sabretooth: Mister Sinister: Well-timed Blocks have a +15% chance to Taunt opponents. Gambit: Gambit's unique armor grants him an additional +250 Physical Resistance & +18% Bleed Resistance. Sabretooth: Sabretooth adds 2.5 seconds to the amount of time it takes before a Regeneration stack. Unique Synergy: Does not stack with duplicate synergies.
    • World War II with Magneto and Magneto (Marvel NOW!): Mister Sinister: Heavy Attacks have a +35% chance to inflict a Degeneration Debuff, dealing 4% of Mister Sinister's Attack Rating as Direct Damage over 5.0 seconds. The chance to inflict a Degeneration Debuff is increased by 20% against Mutant and Mystic Champions. Magneto or Magneto (Marvel NOW!): Against enemies reliant on metal, if Magnetism is not active, well-timed Blocks automatically trigger Magnetism. Unique Synergy: Does not stack with duplicate synergies.
    • Scientific Experiments with Emma Frost: Mister Sinister: Gains +15% Attack Rating after completing 3 Experiments. Emma Frost: Gains a +4% chance to Evade basic attacks while in Telepathic Form. Unique Synergy: Does not stack with duplicate synergies.
    • Mutant Perfection with Cable: Mister Sinister: Mister Sinister's Genetic Enhancement Counters reduce the amount of damage he takes from Special Attacks by an additional +2% each. Cable: Cable's chance to Regenerate Health whenever a Power threshold is reached continues to work when he is below 25% Health. Unique Synergy: Does not stack with duplicate synergies.
    • Mutant Scientists with Beast: Mister Sinister: Opponents gain 15% less Power when being struck by Mister Sinister. Beast: Beast takes 60% less damage from Degeneration Debuffs. Unique Synergy: Does not stack with duplicate synergies.

    Luv it. If I put a champ here, it will for sure not be as clear as yours lol.
  • BodhizenBodhizen Member Posts: 304 ★★
    Nairvehl wrote: »
    In the first line about the Gene-Splice Counters for SP1, you mention one counter; in the second line you mention that 2 counters are placed. Is this a mistake? Or am I missing something, or reading it wrong?
    The ability is written in similar fashion to Iceman's SP1 that throws 2 Coldsnap Debuffs on the opponent. The line that references 1 Gene-Splice Counter tells you what the counter does. It's actually placing 2 of them.

    Does that help clarify?
  • BodhizenBodhizen Member Posts: 304 ★★
    Some slight revisions to Mister Sinister. The language should be clearer on SP1, and I realized that I forgot one of the effects for SP3 (which gives you a reason to want to use it against Champions other than Mutant and Mystic). There's also a color fix for the formatting in the Synergies. As always, constructive criticism is welcome!

    Best wishes!
  • BodhizenBodhizen Member Posts: 304 ★★
    Also cleared up the Synergy with Sabretooth.
  • SabrefencerSabrefencer Member Posts: 1,433 ★★★
    I'm susprised mods haven't closed this thread and directed you to the Wishlist thread that already exists.
  • BodhizenBodhizen Member Posts: 304 ★★
    Probably because this isn't a wish list. This isn't "I want to see this champion", this is "here's a champion design". It's theorycraft, sure, but it's fun, and you never know... They might just create a Champ or two like this some day.
  • SabrefencerSabrefencer Member Posts: 1,433 ★★★
    They've directed other threads like this to the Wishlist thread, though.
  • NairvehlNairvehl Member Posts: 111
    @Bodhizen Much clearer now.
  • BodhizenBodhizen Member Posts: 304 ★★
    They've directed other threads like this to the Wishlist thread, though.

    Threads where someone has actually taken the time to fully build a Champion? Got links?
  • SabrefencerSabrefencer Member Posts: 1,433 ★★★
    Bodhizen wrote: »
    They've directed other threads like this to the Wishlist thread, though.

    Threads where someone has actually taken the time to fully build a Champion? Got links?

    They've all been added to the thread. Hard to link them when that happens.
  • BodhizenBodhizen Member Posts: 304 ★★
    Bodhizen wrote: »
    They've directed other threads like this to the Wishlist thread, though.

    Threads where someone has actually taken the time to fully build a Champion? Got links?

    They've all been added to the thread. Hard to link them when that happens.

    Not really. Click on the time-stamp of the post and the link will end up in your address bar.
  • SabrefencerSabrefencer Member Posts: 1,433 ★★★
    edited January 2019

    There, happy? An entirely new champ crafted just the way you did it. Tons of other examples there as well beyond "I want Champ X".
  • MagrailothosMagrailothos Member Posts: 6,202 ★★★★★
    edited January 2019
    I agree with @Bodhizen. This thread serves a different function from the Wishlist; which is largely just a list of names. Maybe we can inspire some interest. Maybe one or two abilities might end up in the game (whether with the champ we thought should have them or not). Maybe we're just bring self-indulgent and it'll be ignored.

    My vote would be to let it stay open; and it'll either burn itself out or sustain an interest. If it sustains an interest, it's probably something with some value to Kabam.

    Really, they should redesign the Wishlist so that there was some kind of voting ability; as otherwise it may as well just be a list of every Marvel character ever.

    My first design coming soon...
  • Avengers320Avengers320 Member Posts: 684 ★★★
    Nice idea
  • SabrefencerSabrefencer Member Posts: 1,433 ★★★
    I agree with @Bodhizen. This thread serves a different function from the Wishlist; which is largely just a list of names. Maybe we can inspire some interest. Maybe one or two abilities might end up in the game (whether with the champ we thought should have them or not). Maybe we're just bring self-indulgent and it'll be ignored.

    My vote would be to let it stay open; and it'll either burn itself out or sustain an interest. If it sustains an interest, it's probably something with some value to Kabam.

    Really, they should redesign the Wishlist so that there was some kind of voting ability; as otherwise it may as well just be a list of every Marvel character ever.

    My first design coming soon...

    So nevermind that direct link to a person who did exactly what OP did (fully design a new character) and put it in the Character Wish List thread.....
  • Avengers320Avengers320 Member Posts: 684 ★★★
    Anti-Venom (Based Upon a Rank 5/50 4-Star Champion; Sig Level 99)

    Bio: When Eddie Brock was separated from the Venom symbiote, traces of it were left in his body. Suffering from cancer, Brock started working for Martin Li, the alter-ego of Mister Negative, as a volunteer in the F.E.A.S.T. Center. Attempting to cure Brock’s cancer, Li accidentally infused the remnants of the symbiote inside Brock with Eddie’s white blood cell which created a new hybrid symbiote that is more powerful than his last symbiote, Anti-Venom.
    Signature Ability-Symbiotic Manipulation
    Anti-Venom’s unique abilities has turned to manipulate himself and his opponent based on his bleed debuffs which will inflict these effects:
    • Toxic Accuracy: For each bleed debuff that the opponent has, Anti-Venom will reduce their ability accuracy by 30% each and increase his own ability accuracy by 30% for each bleed debuff
    • Symbiotic Leech: Anti-Venom will recover 35% of the bleed damage that the opponent is suffering from
    Max Health: 16,250
    Max Attack: 1,430
    Symbiotic Regeneration: Anti-Venom’s accelerated healing factor heals 1% of his maximum Health every second
    External Symbiote Rejection: Anti-Venom’s ability to reject other symbiotes increases his attack by 40% to all Symbiote Champions and reduce the damage dealt by Symbiote Champions by 25% (Excludes Damage-Over-Time Debuffs)
    Spider-Power Negation: Anti-Venom has the ability to negate Spider-Powers reducing Spider-Verse champions’ ability accuracy by 55%.
    Fire Immunity: Fire immunity gives Anti-Venom full immunity to Incinerate effects.
    Sonic Immunity: Sonic immunity gives Anti-Venom full immunity to Concussion debuff.
    Internal Bodily Cleansing: After sensing an impurity inflicted in its host, the Symbiote has a 30% chance to shrug off Damage-Over-Time debuffs.
    Basic Attacks: 35% chance to inflict a bleed debuff that deals 258 damage over 5 seconds. Chance to inflict bleed increases by 5% for each bleed debuff on the opponent.
    Heavy Attack: Increase damage by 10% for each bleed debuff on the opponent.
    All special attacks: each hit has an 80% to inflict bleed dealing 563 damage over 10 seconds
    Special Attack 1 – Toxic Fury: Anti-Venom strikes the opponent 6 times with blades morphed from his symbiotic body.
    Special Attack 2 – Symbiotic Stab: Anti-Venom attacks his opponents with multiple stabs with his claws and stabs his opponent multiple times.
    Special Attack 3 - Anti-Venom: Anti-Venom lashes at the opponent then cover them with his symbiotic body, jumps then throws them to the ground
    • This attack is lethal to opponents under 10% Health.
    • Venomous Reunion with Venom or Agent Venom: Anti-Venom: Basic attacks has a 12% chance to inflict a poison debuff on the opponent. Venom: Gains true strike with opponents under 30% and increase all bleed effects by 40%. Agent Venom: Chance to shrug off debuffs increased by 15%. Unique Synergy: Does not stack with duplicate synergies
    • Family Reunion with Venom and Carnage: Anti-Venom: All Special Attacks 75% to stun for 2.5 seconds. Venom: Special Attack 3 gains 15% attack for every buff on him. Carnage: Gains 10% more power for each bleed debuff on the opponent. Unique Synergy: All champs gains 50% more bleed damage.
    • Frenemy with Spider-Man (Classic) or Spider-Man (Symbiote) or Spider-Man (Stark Enhanced): Anti-Venom: Heavy attacks have a 40% chance to inflict a stagger debuff on the opponent which nullifies their next buff. Spider-Man (Classic): Turns off all evades in exchange for a guarantee critical hit if Spider-Man were to evade. Spider-Man (Symbiote): Armor Breaks from heavy attacks last 15 seconds longer. Spider-Man (Stark Enhanced): Evading a Special Attack will give Spider-Man 2 Poise Charges instead of 1.
  • Avengers320Avengers320 Member Posts: 684 ★★★
    Sorry for the coloring i cant figure out how to add color to this post
  • Blubfish_666Blubfish_666 Member Posts: 237
    Antivenom has always been in my top 2 favourite characters! Great design
  • MagrailothosMagrailothos Member Posts: 6,202 ★★★★★
    I agree with @Bodhizen. This thread serves a different function from the Wishlist; which is largely just a list of names. Maybe we can inspire some interest. Maybe one or two abilities might end up in the game (whether with the champ we thought should have them or not). Maybe we're just bring self-indulgent and it'll be ignored.

    My vote would be to let it stay open; and it'll either burn itself out or sustain an interest. If it sustains an interest, it's probably something with some value to Kabam.

    Really, they should redesign the Wishlist so that there was some kind of voting ability; as otherwise it may as well just be a list of every Marvel character ever.

    My first design coming soon...

    So nevermind that direct link to a person who did exactly what OP did (fully design a new character) and put it in the Character Wish List thread.....

    I've done that too. Several times.

    Let's try this out; and if the mods don't like it, they'll let us know, and no harm done.
  • MagrailothosMagrailothos Member Posts: 6,202 ★★★★★
    edited January 2019
    The Blob


    The Blob (Frederick Dukes) is a classic X-Men foe, dating right back to the first few X-men comics published. His mutation makes him physically powerful and absurdly overweight. Supposedly he can't be moved against his will; aside from by the likes of Juggernaut. In comics canon, he can easily tank a full blast from Cyclops, and Wolverine's claws struggle to penetrate his skin (see above). In canon, and in this design, Blob has access to some powerful effects such as Unstoppable, Unblockable, and the ability to become Immovable; however due to never learning to focus his abilities properly, his Ability Accuracy to activate these abilities is (intentionally) pretty unreliable.

    This design for Blob isn't remotely complicated to play with, and as well as being a useful rent-a-villain, could be a kind of fun antidote to the incredibly complicated (and often Unstoppable/Unblockable) champions being released recently. Nothing can move The Blob!

    Mutant Champion
    Tags: #villain #Defensive: Tank #Size: XL

    Based on a 5/50 4* champion:

    Health: 16480
    Attack: 1171

    Note that despite being physically powerful, with a reasonable Attack rating; due to his incredible laziness and poor training, Blob has a very low critical rate. Luckily he is fairly resilient with a decent Blocking ability, so can usually outlast his opponents.

    Signature: Nothing can move the Blob

    Blob (finally) learns to focus his abilities to a greater extent: When he holds block for 0.5 seconds, Blob has a 50% chance to generate an Immovable buff which he can sustain for 3.0 seconds. Additionally, the Immovable buff generated by his SP3 lasts for 70% longer.
    What does the Immovable buff do? Check out Blob's SP3 for the full effects!

    Blob has a 25% chance to resist the block-break effect of a heavy attack. This chance rises by up to 18% depending how small his opponent is, and stacks with the 'Stand your ground' Mastery.


    Blob's thickened, rubbery skin renders him immune to Armour Break or Armour Shattered; and reduces the likelihood of any Bleed effect triggering by 60%. Additionally, Blob's toughened exterior and massive mass grants him 33% Resistance to bleed, poison and coldsnap damage.
    Blob possesses the following Resistance levels to physical (but not Energy) attacks:
    Physical Resistance: 800
    Critical Resistance (Physical attacks only): 1000

    All attacks:

    8% chance for Fury, granting +468 Attack for 5 seconds. The activation chance rises as his health falls, to a maximum of 20% at 20% or lower health. Does not stack.
    If the opponent attempts to block an Unblockable attack, Blob gains +75% to Attack; regardless of whether nodes or special abilities allow them to be successful.

    Heavy Attacks:

    Blob reduces the effectiveness of the opponent's Stand Your Ground Mastery by 50% (if they have it).

    Dash Attacks:
    • Blob gains a passive +15% Attack on all Dash attacks.
    • Dash Attacks are Unstoppable, and have a 15% chance to be unblockable against opponents smaller than Blob.


    When blocking, Blob has 10% Perfect Block vs physical melee attacks, and 25% Perfect Block against physical projectiles (knives, bullets, shuriken, etc). These scores rise by a flat 10% against skill champions, but are reduced by a flat 10% against Tech champions. Blob's Perfect Block ability is inactive against Energy-based attacks.

    If Blob perfectly blocks a physical projectile, his mutated epidermis has a 60% chance to fling the projectile back at his opponent (rebound attacks cause 25% less damage to the Attacker, as some kinetic energy is lost).
    This ability to bounce physical projectiles back at the opponent is one of Blob's classic comics abilities. It's unreliable (like all his abilities), but can take an opponent by surprise; especially if - like Yondu or Masacre - they're used to penetrating the opponent's block.


    Blob is easily tricked, distracted and struggles to retain his focus. Any effects that reduce ability accuracy have +25% Potency when used against Blob.
    Additionally, the Blob is easily dispirited; and cannot become Unstoppable or Unblockable if he is affected by Fatigue, Exhaustion or Coldsnap debuffs.

    Special attacks:
    S1: Blob charges at his opponent with a flurry of blows. 33%* chance to Stun for 2.5 seconds. 20%* chance​ for this attack to be Unblockable.
    *Chances increased by a flat 12% if Blob has an active Fury buff.
    S2: Blob belly-charges his opponent. 60%* chance to become Unstoppable for 1.5s; 40%* chance​ to be Unblockable for 1.5s.
    *Chances increased by a flat 12% if Blob has an active Fury buff.
    S3: Blob shrugs off blows from his opponent, grabbing them and bear-hugging them before hurling them to the ground. 70% chance to cause Weakness (-40% Attack for eight seconds). Generates an Immovable buff for eight seconds, which grants Blob the following benefits:
    • 100% chance to hold his block against Unblockable Physical attacks
    • +500 Block Proficiency
    • +500 Physical Resistance
    • +50% Defensive power gain when holding block
    He may not have the Unstoppable Attacking abilities of Thing or the Juggernaut, but Blob can hunker down and take anything they can dish out; whilst he's more than capable of returning the favour thanks to his increased power gain whilst Immovable.

    • Nemesis with Colossus: +8% Attack to whole team
    • Enemies with Cyclops and Wolverine: +155 Crit Rating to whole team
    • Minion and Master with Magneto (Unique synergy, does not stack): Blob gains +20% Ability Accuracy; Magneto's SP2 has a 33% chance to be Unblockable.
    • Unstoppable Forces, Immovable Objects with Juggernaut (Unique synergy, does not stack): Buffs for both champions last +20% longer
  • BodhizenBodhizen Member Posts: 304 ★★
    Sorry for the coloring i cant figure out how to add color to this post

    To add coloring, you use the following code:

    That will then produce the following:
  • BodhizenBodhizen Member Posts: 304 ★★
    I hope you don't mind that I added some color and formatting to make it easier to read. I didn't change any of the content, and I didn't color any variable values, since I don't know what values you want to be variable and what values you want to be static.
    Anti-Venom (Based Upon a Rank 5/50 4-Star Champion; Sig Level 99)

    Bio: When Eddie Brock was separated from the Venom symbiote, traces of it were left in his body. Suffering from cancer, Brock started working for Martin Li, the alter-ego of Mister Negative, as a volunteer in the F.E.A.S.T. Center. Attempting to cure Brock’s cancer, Li accidentally infused the remnants of the symbiote inside Brock with Eddie’s white blood cell which created a new hybrid symbiote that is more powerful than his last symbiote, Anti-Venom.

    Signature Ability - Symbiotic Manipulation
    Anti-Venom’s unique abilities has turned to manipulate himself and his opponent based on his bleed debuffs which will inflict these effects:
    • Toxic Accuracy: For each bleed debuff that the opponent has, Anti-Venom will reduce their ability accuracy by 30% each and increase his own ability accuracy by 30% for each bleed debuff
    • Symbiotic Leech: Anti-Venom will recover 35% of the bleed damage that the opponent is suffering from

    Max Health: 16,250
    Max Attack: 1,430
    Symbiotic Regeneration: Anti-Venom’s accelerated healing factor heals 1% of his maximum Health every second
    External Symbiote Rejection: Anti-Venom’s ability to reject other symbiotes increases his attack by 40% to all Symbiote Champions and reduce the damage dealt by Symbiote Champions by 25% (Excludes Damage-Over-Time Debuffs)
    Spider-Power Negation: Anti-Venom has the ability to negate Spider-Powers reducing Spider-Verse champions’ ability accuracy by 55%.
    Fire Immunity: Fire immunity gives Anti-Venom full immunity to Incinerate effects.
    Sonic Immunity: Sonic immunity gives Anti-Venom full immunity to Concussion debuff.
    Internal Bodily Cleansing: After sensing an impurity inflicted in its host, the Symbiote has a 30% chance to shrug off Damage-Over-Time debuffs.
    Basic Attacks: 35% chance to inflict a bleed debuff that deals 258 damage over 5 seconds. Chance to inflict bleed increases by 5% for each bleed debuff on the opponent.
    Heavy Attack: Increase damage by 10% for each bleed debuff on the opponent.

    All special attacks: each hit has an 80% to inflict bleed dealing 563 damage over 10 seconds
    Special Attack 1 – Toxic Fury: Anti-Venom strikes the opponent 6 times with blades morphed from his symbiotic body.
    Special Attack 2 – Symbiotic Stab: Anti-Venom attacks his opponents with multiple stabs with his claws and stabs his opponent multiple times.
    Special Attack 3 - Anti-Venom: Anti-Venom lashes at the opponent then cover them with his symbiotic body, jumps then throws them to the ground
    • This attack is lethal to opponents under 10% Health.

    • Venomous Reunion with Venom or Agent Venom: Anti-Venom: Basic attacks has a 12% chance to inflict a poison debuff on the opponent. Venom: Gains true strike with opponents under 30% and increase all bleed effects by 40%. Agent Venom: Chance to shrug off debuffs increased by 15%. Unique Synergy: Does not stack with duplicate synergies
    • Family Reunion with Venom and Carnage: Anti-Venom: All Special Attacks 75% to stun for 2.5 seconds. Venom: Special Attack 3 gains 15% attack for every buff on him. Carnage: Gains 10% more power for each bleed debuff on the opponent. Unique Synergy: All champs gains 50% more bleed damage.
    • Frenemy with Spider-Man (Classic) or Spider-Man (Symbiote) or Spider-Man (Stark Enhanced): Anti-Venom: Heavy attacks have a 40% chance to inflict a stagger debuff on the opponent which nullifies their next buff. Spider-Man (Classic): Turns off all evades in exchange for a guarantee critical hit if Spider-Man were to evade. Spider-Man (Symbiote): Armor Breaks from heavy attacks last 15 seconds longer. Spider-Man (Stark Enhanced): Evading a Special Attack will give Spider-Man 2 Poise Charges instead of 1.

  • BodhizenBodhizen Member Posts: 304 ★★
    edited January 2019

    Signature: Nothing can move the Blob

    Blob (finally) learns to focus his abilities to a greater extent: When he holds block for 0.5 seconds, Blob has a 50% chance to generate an Immovable buff which he can sustain for 3.0 seconds. Additionally, the Immovable buff generated by his SP3 lasts for 70% longer.
    What does the Immovable buff do? Check out Blob's SP3 for the full effects!
    This is pretty cool. I think you should have listed what the Immovable Buff does here as well, but that's okay. I like that there's another Unblockable counter (Mordo can block Unblockable attacks, but only after he's held Block for longer than 2.0 seconds).
    Blob has a 25% chance to resist the block-break effect of a heavy attack. This chance rises by up to 18% depending how small his opponent is, and stacks with the 'Stand your ground' Mastery.


    Blob's thickened, rubbery skin renders him immune to Armour Break or Armour Shattered; and reduces the likelihood of any Bleed effect triggering by 60%. Additionally, Blob's toughened exterior and massive mass grants him 33% Resistance to bleed, poison and coldsnap damage.
    Blob possesses the following Resistance levels to physical (but not Energy) attacks:
    Physical Resistance: 800
    Critical Resistance (Physical attacks only): 1000
    Blob's thickened skin reduces the likelihood of Bleed triggering by 60% (effectively, Bleed resistance), and then he gets a 33% Resistance to Bleed. I'm assuming that something got lost in translation here?

    The sustained Crit Resistance seems a bit high to be active all the time. It handicaps a lot of Champions who should be able to deal with Blob. The only one that comes to mind that wouldn't be bothered by this is Crossbones. Perhaps it should trigger on a well-timed block and last for a few seconds?

    All attacks:

    8% chance for Fury, granting +468 Attack for 5 seconds. The activation chance rises as his health falls, to a maximum of 20% at 20% or lower health. Does not stack.
    If the opponent attempts to block an Unblockable attack, Blob gains +75% to Attack; regardless of whether nodes or special abilities allow them to be successful.
    How long does this +75% to Attack last? Just for the point where they're trying to block an Unblockable attack, or for a few seconds?

    Heavy Attacks:

    Blob reduces the effectiveness of the opponent's Stand Your Ground Mastery by 50% (if they have it).

    Dash Attacks:
    • Blob gains a passive +15% Attack on all Dash attacks.
    • Dash Attacks are Unstoppable, and have a 15% chance to be unblockable against opponents smaller than Blob.
    I personally find it funny that Blob can make Dash attacks at all. Don't mind me. :)


    When blocking, Blob has 10% Perfect Block vs physical melee attacks, and 25% Perfect Block against physical projectiles (knives, bullets, shuriken, etc). These scores rise by a flat 10% against skill champions, but are reduced by a flat 10% against Tech champions. Blob's Perfect Block ability is inactive against Energy-based attacks.
    If Blob perfectly blocks a physical projectile, his mutated epidermis has a 60% chance to fling the projectile back at his opponent (rebound attacks cause 25% less damage to the Attacker, as some kinetic energy is lost).
    I assume you mean that it causes 25% less of the Attacker's damage back to the Attacker, not Blob's Attack damage.
    Blob is easily tricked, distracted and struggles to retain his focus. Any effects that reduce ability accuracy have +25% Potency when used against Blob.
    Additionally, the Blob is easily dispirited; and cannot become Unstoppable or Unblockable if he is affected by Fatigue, Exhaustion or Coldsnap debuffs.
    Special attacks:
    S1: Blob charges at his opponent with a flurry of blows. 33%* chance to Stun for 2.5 seconds. 20%* chance​ for this attack to be Unblockable.
    *Chances increased by a flat 12% if Blob has an active Fury buff.
    S2: Blob belly-charges his opponent. 60%* chance to become Unstoppable for 1.5s; 40%* chance​ to be Unblockable for 1.5s.
    *Chances increased by a flat 12% if Blob has an active Fury buff.
    S3: Blob shrugs off blows from his opponent, grabbing them and bear-hugging them before hurling them to the ground. 70% chance to cause Weakness (-40% Attack for eight seconds). Generates an Immovable buff for eight seconds, which grants Blob the following benefits:
    • 100% chance to hold his block against Unblockable Physical attacks
    • +500 Block Proficiency
    • +500 Physical Resistance
    • +50% Defensive power gain when holding block
    Honestly, I would have made this power give a 100% chance to hold his block against any Unblockable attacks. Cyclops shouldn't be able to knock him off his feet any more so than Wolverine could if he's Immovable.

    Generally speaking, I like him. I think he could use a few tweaks and some language cleanup, but he seems like he could be a pretty interesting AW Defender. I don't think that his Immovable property should be completely tied to holding block. There have been tons of times where Blob has just stood there and taken hits without moving. I think it should apply if he's doing anything other than attacking while the Buff is active, and I, personally, would change the Signature Ability to be one where he has a % chance to automatically gain an Immovable buff every time he gains a Bar of Power.

    Best wishes!
  • MagrailothosMagrailothos Member Posts: 6,202 ★★★★★
    Bodhizen wrote: »
    Blob's thickened skin reduces the likelihood of Bleed triggering by 60% (effectively, Bleed resistance), and then he gets a 33% Resistance to Bleed. I'm assuming that something got lost in translation here?
    That would be a 60% reduced chance to trigger, then if it does trigger, 33% damage reduction.
    Bodhizen wrote: »
    The sustained Crit Resistance seems a bit high to be active all the time. It handicaps a lot of Champions who should be able to deal with Blob. The only one that comes to mind that wouldn't be bothered by this is Crossbones. Perhaps it should trigger on a well-timed block and last for a few seconds?

    Maybe. Of course, people ought to be taking Tech champions against him (or Mystics like Dorm/Strange for the energy damage); and you'd expect Skill champs to struggle against a tanky mutant.
    1000 critical residence may be a little high; but not game-breaking. It doesn't apply to Energy attacks; which covers a lot of specials; whilst this level of resistance compares with the following critical resistances we know about -
    • Emma Frost (Diamond Form): 2000 Critical Resistance, plus 1600 Armour and a further 1600 Physical Resistance
    • Darkhawk (Shield mode) - 100% critical resistance.
    • Red Skull - 100 critical resistance per buff
    • IMIW - 273 per Armour Up
    • Korg - we don't know. He has "additional critical resistance.
    • Killmonger - we don't know this either...
    All in all, I think Blobs unusual defenses deserve a decent critical resistance level. Whether that's 200 or 500 instead of 1000 I'm happy to concede; but I think this design leaves plenty of ways around it, compared to, say, dealing with Emma Frost.
    Bodhizen wrote: »
    If the opponent attempts to block an Unblockable attack, Blob gains +75% to Attack; regardless of whether nodes or special abilities allow them to be successful.
    How long does this +75% to Attack last? Just for the point where they're trying to block an Unblockable attack, or for a few seconds?
    Just for the attack they try (and probably fail) to block.
    Bodhizen wrote: »
    I personally find it funny that Blob can make Dash attacks at all. Don't mind me. :)
    I get that. But he's supposed to be 'surprisingly fast'.

    If Blob perfectly blocks a physical projectile, his mutated epidermis has a 60% chance to fling the projectile back at his opponent (rebound attacks cause 25% less damage to the Attacker, as some kinetic energy is lost).
    Bodhizen wrote: »
    I assume you mean that it causes 25% less of the Attacker's damage back to the Attacker, not Blob's Attack damage?

    Yes. So if the attack would have hit for 2000 damage, it rebounds for 1500. Masacre might want to be careful throwing his SP2 into Blob's block...

    I'm just pleased I figured a way to let him do this:

    Blob is easily tricked, distracted and struggles to retain his focus. Any effects that reduce ability accuracy have +25% Potency when used against Blob.
    Additionally, the Blob is easily dispirited; and cannot become Unstoppable or Unblockable if he is affected by Fatigue, Exhaustion or Coldsnap debuffs.


    Yes. That's partly because I recognised he was very strong defensively; and thought it would be interesting to give him an unusual area of weakness for a Mutant: Science champions; who use a lot of Fatigue and Exhaustion.
    Also because Blob is a cowardly, undisciplined bully, and I wanted to reflect that in his design. He can overcome this a bit with his Magneto synergy, as Magneto pushes him around.
    Bodhizen wrote: »

    Honestly, I would have made this power give a 100% chance to hold his block against any Unblockable attacks. Cyclops shouldn't be able to knock him off his feet any more so than Wolverine could if he's Immovable.

    Bodhizen wrote: »
    ... I don't think that his Immovable property should be completely tied to holding block. There have been tons of times where Blob has just stood there and taken hits without moving.

    Sure. Actually he should shrug off heavy attacks when Immovable too, now I think of it. There are different ways to do it. Of love it if the design team did. I might rewrite if I get any more feedback; but thanks for yours.

    Will return the favour shortly, re: Mr Sinister.
  • Avengers320Avengers320 Member Posts: 684 ★★★
    Bodhizen wrote: »
    I hope you don't mind that I added some color and formatting to make it easier to read. I didn't change any of the content, and I didn't color any variable values, since I don't know what values you want to be variable and what values you want to be static.
    Anti-Venom (Based Upon a Rank 5/50 4-Star Champion; Sig Level 99)

    Bio: When Eddie Brock was separated from the Venom symbiote, traces of it were left in his body. Suffering from cancer, Brock started working for Martin Li, the alter-ego of Mister Negative, as a volunteer in the F.E.A.S.T. Center. Attempting to cure Brock’s cancer, Li accidentally infused the remnants of the symbiote inside Brock with Eddie’s white blood cell which created a new hybrid symbiote that is more powerful than his last symbiote, Anti-Venom.

    Signature Ability - Symbiotic Manipulation
    Anti-Venom’s unique abilities has turned to manipulate himself and his opponent based on his bleed debuffs which will inflict these effects:
    • Toxic Accuracy: For each bleed debuff that the opponent has, Anti-Venom will reduce their ability accuracy by 30% each and increase his own ability accuracy by 30% for each bleed debuff
    • Symbiotic Leech: Anti-Venom will recover 35% of the bleed damage that the opponent is suffering from

    Max Health: 16,250
    Max Attack: 1,430
    Symbiotic Regeneration: Anti-Venom’s accelerated healing factor heals 1% of his maximum Health every second
    External Symbiote Rejection: Anti-Venom’s ability to reject other symbiotes increases his attack by 40% to all Symbiote Champions and reduce the damage dealt by Symbiote Champions by 25% (Excludes Damage-Over-Time Debuffs)
    Spider-Power Negation: Anti-Venom has the ability to negate Spider-Powers reducing Spider-Verse champions’ ability accuracy by 55%.
    Fire Immunity: Fire immunity gives Anti-Venom full immunity to Incinerate effects.
    Sonic Immunity: Sonic immunity gives Anti-Venom full immunity to Concussion debuff.
    Internal Bodily Cleansing: After sensing an impurity inflicted in its host, the Symbiote has a 30% chance to shrug off Damage-Over-Time debuffs.
    Basic Attacks: 35% chance to inflict a bleed debuff that deals 258 damage over 5 seconds. Chance to inflict bleed increases by 5% for each bleed debuff on the opponent.
    Heavy Attack: Increase damage by 10% for each bleed debuff on the opponent.

    All special attacks: each hit has an 80% to inflict bleed dealing 563 damage over 10 seconds
    Special Attack 1 – Toxic Fury: Anti-Venom strikes the opponent 6 times with blades morphed from his symbiotic body.
    Special Attack 2 – Symbiotic Stab: Anti-Venom attacks his opponents with multiple stabs with his claws and stabs his opponent multiple times.
    Special Attack 3 - Anti-Venom: Anti-Venom lashes at the opponent then cover them with his symbiotic body, jumps then throws them to the ground
    • This attack is lethal to opponents under 10% Health.

    • Venomous Reunion with Venom or Agent Venom: Anti-Venom: Basic attacks has a 12% chance to inflict a poison debuff on the opponent. Venom: Gains true strike with opponents under 30% and increase all bleed effects by 40%. Agent Venom: Chance to shrug off debuffs increased by 15%. Unique Synergy: Does not stack with duplicate synergies
    • Family Reunion with Venom and Carnage: Anti-Venom: All Special Attacks 75% to stun for 2.5 seconds. Venom: Special Attack 3 gains 15% attack for every buff on him. Carnage: Gains 10% more power for each bleed debuff on the opponent. Unique Synergy: All champs gains 50% more bleed damage.
    • Frenemy with Spider-Man (Classic) or Spider-Man (Symbiote) or Spider-Man (Stark Enhanced): Anti-Venom: Heavy attacks have a 40% chance to inflict a stagger debuff on the opponent which nullifies their next buff. Spider-Man (Classic): Turns off all evades in exchange for a guarantee critical hit if Spider-Man were to evade. Spider-Man (Symbiote): Armor Breaks from heavy attacks last 15 seconds longer. Spider-Man (Stark Enhanced): Evading a Special Attack will give Spider-Man 2 Poise Charges instead of 1.

    Yeah sure thanks
  • BodhizenBodhizen Member Posts: 304 ★★
    Maybe. Of course, people ought to be taking Tech champions against him (or Mystics like Dorm/Strange for the energy damage); and you'd expect Skill champs to struggle against a tanky mutant.
    1000 critical residence may be a little high; but not game-breaking. It doesn't apply to Energy attacks; which covers a lot of specials; whilst this level of resistance compares with the following critical resistances we know about -
    • Emma Frost (Diamond Form): 2000 Critical Resistance, plus 1600 Armour and a further 1600 Physical Resistance
    • Darkhawk (Shield mode) - 100% critical resistance.
    • Red Skull - 100 critical resistance per buff
    • IMIW - 273 per Armour Up
    • Korg - we don't know. He has "additional critical resistance.
    • Killmonger - we don't know this either...
    All in all, I think Blobs unusual defenses deserve a decent critical resistance level. Whether that's 200 or 500 instead of 1000 I'm happy to concede; but I think this design leaves plenty of ways around it, compared to, say, dealing with Emma Frost.
    It's not the amount I find problematic. It's that it's always on, and it's universally applicable to every Champion. Every Champion you listed (where we know the mechanic) gets resistance if. Emma's is in diamond form. Darkhawk's is in shield mode. Red Skull's depends on how many buffs he has active. Iron Man (Infinity War)'s is dependent upon his Armor Buffs. Do you see what I'm saying?

    Sure. Actually he should shrug off heavy attacks when Immovable too, now I think of it. There are different ways to do it. Of love it if the design team did. I might rewrite if I get any more feedback; but thanks for yours.

    Will return the favour shortly, re: Mr Sinister.
    Thank you very much!

  • 85_widereciever85_widereciever Member Posts: 85
    is it red [color]
  • Avengers320Avengers320 Member Posts: 684 ★★★
    Testing Colors.
  • Avengers320Avengers320 Member Posts: 684 ★★★
    I see.
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