Change to the crystal algorithms or just luck?

In the last month I have opened four 5* crystals and three of them have been champs that are considered god tier. I pulled Domino, Venom, and Omega Red. I've also seen a higher frequency of top tier champs in the lower level crystals too. Has Kabam changed how the crystals give out champs or is this just me being lucky?
Colossus (Dungeon crystal)
Colossus (Basic)
Colossus (Basic)
Yep that’s Colossus 3 times in a row.
Pun 2099 (5* feature)
King Groot (5* feature)
Enjoy the ride while it lasts.
So happy to finally find you, my mirror image from the Alternate Dimension of Great 5* Pulls!! Down here we swim in the same morass of 5* champs over and over again, wondering if there is a brighter day somewhere. You are that brighter day...the yin to our yang (or vice versa—can get confusing down here!).
Revel in your place in the universe, don’t step on any cracks, say your prayers, and show favor on all beggars and stray animals, lest you find yourself circling the drain on our side of the looking glass.
Seriously, great luck. Hope it continues for you. If you want to share some, I’m sure there will be plenty of takers.
Dr. Zola