Miss matching in alliance war

Mine is 7m alliance, but in war matchmaking we are getting the opponents who are extremely powerfull than us and winning the war easily... We dare loosing all the wars due to this mismatchibg.. This is unfair,, we should get the opponents who are with the same level as us!!!
in a system where alliances are ranked against each other there needs to be a system where you face both stronger and weaker opponents.
it happens to us all.
we all face allies sometimes stronger and sometimes weaker.
get good at strategising.
put your defenders on the best nodes.
increase your defender diversity.
make sure you take the right champs to counter the nodes and expected champs on your paths.
as you increase your skill and focus in this regard you will begin to be able to defeat opponents that you believe to be stronger than you.
i am leader of a 14.5mil ally. we are currently on a 5 war win streak. we face opponents between around 11mil and 19mil regularly. sometime stronger.
let me tell you we have easily beat some allies would think is stronger like 18mil as they have bad diverstiy and less skill in attack.
we have been beat by allies you would think are weaker like 11.5 mil because they hvae some strong attackers and good skill and narrowly beat us on attacker bonus.