9m alliance needs one before AQ - 4850+ prestige and skilled in AW

Hi all - we are REGAL, the main alliance of the REGAL group of alliances. We have a 4875 prestige - we ranked in the 300s in elite AQ last week running map5 all 5 days. We are running map5 again this week and then likely to begin doing map6 on day one to get t4cc (maybe next week - not sure but sometimes in the near future).

We STRONGLY value AW and 5* shards from the rewards - must be able to handle war paths and communicate for real time instructions.

Your Prestige must be 4850+

Line is required for communication.

Duel event required, completion 3-day required - all else is hit or miss, but we always knock out item use event without much trouble. We don't save for SA, and always rank high.

Anyone interested should contact myself on LINE with screenshots of their profile and a copy of their prestige calculator - don't reach out to me in the game. Line ID is CamaroBMW
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