Emma Frost Signature Ability bugged

I used my 5 star generic awakening gem on her specifically so I can tank SP3's, but her ability is broken.
Her signature ability reads:
But it fails to activate on any SP3.
See video:
Can you please fix this? 5 star Generic Awakening gems are not easy to come by lol
I used my 5 star generic awakening gem on her specifically so I can tank SP3's, but her ability is broken.
Her signature ability reads:
When Telepath Form is active and Emma Frost would lose more than 15% of her Max Health from a single source, she activates Diamond Form for 3 seconds to reduce the damage. This ability activates before checking Armor and Resistances.
But it fails to activate on any SP3.
See video:

Can you please fix this? 5 star Generic Awakening gems are not easy to come by lol
But that's not how the signature description reads. It should activate at any point when you are in telepathy form and take more than 15% damage.
Any update?
Yes, that's how she can tank SP3, by switching to Diamond and taking a lot less damage. But it doesn't work, she doesn't switch.
Thank you!
Nothing yet. I'll poke some folks tomorrow about it.
Lol . She only activates diamond form . Does not cap the damage . That’s how she has been since released
Except she doesn’t even activate diamond form. Hence this thread. Don’t put others down without testing.
Her signature ability reads:
When Telepath Form is active and Emma Frost would lose more than 15% of her Max Health from a single source, she activates Diamond Form for 3 seconds to reduce the damage. This ability activates before checking Armor and Resistances.
So when should would lose more than 15% health from a single source, Diamond form activates and reduces the damage. The "would" tells me that this happens "instead of", meaning instead of losing 15%+ health from a source, Diamond form activates to reduce the damage. Is the damage capped at 15% or does it just treat the attack as though it occurred when Diamond form was activated before the attack, thus a sufficiently strong attack could still do over 15% damage?
Also, what is the meaning of the last line about Armor and Resistances?
I curious how she is meant to function and I can't tell based on the varying viewpoints in this thread. Can anyone help me out?
It's just meant to activate Diamond Form as soon as you get more than 15% damage, it doesn't cap anything. But Diamond Form has lots of resistances and she basically becomes a tank. So it helps to reduce the damage by A LOT. That's what that last part means, it means that it will first activate Diamond Form and THEN apply the damage, so you have all her tankyness first before damage is calculated.
It's consistent everywhere, it's definitely not the nodes.
Something is wrong when special 3 activates cause her signature ability does work if you take a big crit damage, like from a special 2.
- EMMA FROST: Fixed an issue where Signature Ability would not activate after a Special 3 attack