Upcoming buffs?

Who do you guys reckon is gonna get buffed after each movie? There will be 4 movies by marvel this year, Endgame, Captain marvel, Dark Phoenix and Ghe New Mutants.
I reckon ms marvel and KK might get buffed along with Phoenix and maybe a few guys from infinity war. What do you guys think?
I reckon ms marvel and KK might get buffed along with Phoenix and maybe a few guys from infinity war. What do you guys think?
I need me some of that optimism. I think it's more likely they'll release new champs rather than do reworks/buffs.
I hope they buff champions who need a buff and not what movie comes out this year. Luke Cage and Red Hulk were buffed without a movie. I am hopping for more 2015 Chmapions because of the rankup jewles from Variant difficultiy.
Yeah im hoping for IP and hulkbuster buffs as i have them both as 5*s and awakened 4*s