Star lord
So I saw this a while ago, and I wanted to maybe bring it up again. So Star lord was the original god. Now he's not nearly as relevant. I think that with all the champs with their mechanics, like aegon, etc that SL should be able to pick what his element gun does. I think this would be a small change that would help him a lot more in these times with such utility full champs. Just a thought.
No, he’s good enough. How about stop complaining about a champion that is still god tier and complain about some champion that is aweful and needs a revamp cough colossus
Or shok
Did I ever ask for rank down tickets? I couldn't care less about rank down tickets, it was just a suggestion calm down guys. I know they need to work on other champs more, but those champs need major major reworks. This is a tiny change.
He's not even top 10 anymore. He has badass damage, which is great for LOL, but outside LOL and ROL he's pretty much useless. I have a maxed 4* and I never use him.
I thought that was a pretty good idea.
I mean to be fair look at aegon
or healblock
Only depend one who u figth fx AON pover drian so do like if it happen but im find him okay how he is. Hav him at rank5 for over a Year now never regret rank him
If target has an armor up sp2 always applies armor break
If target is regening sp2 always heal blocks
If target has over 2 bars of power sp2 power drains.
Let me know when he is bottom ten. Not being considered a top ten champ isn't specifically a problem worthy of any serious attention.
Also by definition any change that would help a champ "a lot" is not a small change. Maybe you think it is a small change because you believe the work required to implement the change is small, but one: that's not necessarily true, but more importantly two: any change that significantly impacts a champion's strength in the game is a change that demands a significant amount of design thought, review, and testing. That's time that could be spent working on underperforming champs.
I sometimes use him for buffet nodes in AW and AQ boss killing, took down the past few uncollected bosses including darkhawk, aegon and diablo with him so wouldn't exactly call him useless.