Who did you use for your first take-down of Maestro?

I know this was a long time ago for most of us Vets in the game. Just wondering which champs were effective back in the good old days. When I took on Maestro, I went in with a 3/30 4* awakened Guillotine. She was my go-to champ back in the day. How about you guys?
Furies stacked like crazy and managed to kill him.
Baaaaaccckk in my day, that’s all you had to work with
Crazy thing is, the crystal i got for completing this, I opened a SL. I was like, this is well worth it.
Sounds like a blast. especially with that L2
He was great for Arc Overload too...just land SP2 just before the timer expires and the thing would just disappear for the rest of the fight (bug?)
Magik 4*
Cyclops blue 4*
And I think Hulk 4*
I remember doing backflips when i finally pulled a 4* Magneto, now sadly i only use him for arena and to take down the occasional Hyperion.
Another man of culture I see.
I used 3* SW.
wow, you are the master of mcoc. thats pretty awesome
I miss that so much