dude did you do the enter the kabal quest Ronan was one of the biggest counters to the dreaded hydra adaptoid duped and high sig infinite stun lock ! and yes as a second 5* that's great
I have pulled kk falcon and colossus and the biggest pain was falcon and colossus were from act 5 initial clear!
You've got to look at the positives as Batman1903 says. You could've gotten a lot worse and duping him isn't too bad, it's iso and 6* shards. There's a positive to everything. Except if you get a trash 5* for the first time
Any Ronan haters obviously never had to fight any buff heavy bosses. On buff heavy champs, he slays. Granted, he needs a dupe to do so. I wouldn’t be opposed to duping him at some point
I have pulled kk falcon and colossus and the biggest pain was falcon and colossus were from act 5 initial clear!
Hydra Adaptoid