5 star generic awakening decision.

Dear community. I'm having tough time to decide on using 5 star generic awakening. I'm elder's bane. My main focus will be 1st path LoL clear, wars and variant. Completed chapter 1 variant. Going to post few pics. Except skill and tech I have remaining 4 class awakening gems. My top champ is r5 spark unduped. In hope of pulling him, I opened 4 featureds and I got a fresh aegon but failed to dupe spark or darkhawk. Please give your valuable suggestions by commenting why you chose a particular option. Really appreciate.

5 star generic awakening decision. 20 votes
Lol tx for the insight. But if you see around, there are so many guys who got far more extensive roster than mine. A lot of guys got multiple r5s all duped.
True. I am myself about 18 months in this game.