Emma Frost - A good trouble to have or..

So I Duped by Emma Frost along with Spider Gwen from a Basic 5 star Crystal.
Emma Frost is at Rank 3 now!
Should I rank 4 her or some one else from the below list
Also, Is she better than Iceman ?
My other top champs are
6 * Domino - Rank 2
5 * Blade at Rank 5
5 * Rank 4 : Symbiote Supreme, Hyperion, Gwenpool
5 * Rank 3 : Archangel , Hulk Ragnarok, Sabertooth, Quake, Emma Frost, Vision (OG), Void, Magik, Iron Man IW
Other good champs in 5 star : Domino, Wasp, Massacre, KORG, Killmonger, Venom, Starlord, Carnage etc
Emma Frost is at Rank 3 now!
Should I rank 4 her or some one else from the below list
Also, Is she better than Iceman ?
My other top champs are
6 * Domino - Rank 2
5 * Blade at Rank 5
5 * Rank 4 : Symbiote Supreme, Hyperion, Gwenpool
5 * Rank 3 : Archangel , Hulk Ragnarok, Sabertooth, Quake, Emma Frost, Vision (OG), Void, Magik, Iron Man IW
Other good champs in 5 star : Domino, Wasp, Massacre, KORG, Killmonger, Venom, Starlord, Carnage etc
His Awakened ability is significant right
I used my generic on Blade , was hoping to Dupe KORG for Defense waiting for that dupe.
I am almost at my 6th 6star.. have one in each class except skill.. Gut feeling is Killmonger. Will Rank him up post that opening mostly.
Thanks for the info buddy! Will test him in ROL & LOL ! Any other champ yu think is a good option for Rank up !
Emma has become one of my favorite champs to play on offense.
I have her as a Rank 5 4 star too buddy , not much in defense. But she hits pretty hard when yu build the prowess and stuff.
Terrible choices??? .. It ain't that bad mate
Do yu use her in Story Quests or AW or AQ?
If I had your champs though, I'd go KM and ST before EF and maybe Magik as well before her, unless I really felt the need for the immune.
Thanks buddy ! I use my 4 star r5 Iceman if i need the triple immunity so far.
Its like KM 2 Emma 0 scorecard so far
She definitely ain't a Sparky ! Been waiting for him for Ages!
With my other options in hand yu think she is better!
She has way more than that, but even still, she is immune to everything! Anti-evade, power control, sting, concussion, suicide friendly (becomes a monster)....and more.
Plus, did you see the Mr. Sinister synergies. Good lord.
If you are realy missing immunity while questing then you might Rank her but you already having other options.
Thanks Buddy ! Appreciate that!
Whats her synergy with Mr.Sinister Buddy ?
Thanks for your View buddy ! Appreciate the suggestion.
Im sure yu will get some in time buddy.. 5 stars are much easier to get these days.. Good luck!
Symbiote Supreme is already R4 buddy & My 6 star Domino is Rank 2 so not planning on ranking up 5 star Domino unless i need a defender and dupe her in the process buddy
Here is a few little things to consider..
in diamond form... Parry, and then heavy... you gain a prowess and 80% more power while opponent gains 80% less power... so you can get to SP2 in about 7 hits...With 10 prowess my sp2 usually lands for about 65k total. With suicides its around 90k
In diamond form you can hit into Medusa during a war and not get stunned. youre also IMMUNE to everything.
Her other form... is great as well..
FIght a nightcrawer that wont switch easily anymore or a spiderman classic?
Use the Parry and heavy technique... get to your new form and they cant evade you... once you are out of Diamond form, the enemy cant passive evade you... plus for each prowess your attacks go up significantly for crits chance and crit damage...
On all or nothing nodes. you can parry/heavy technique abot 45-50 times if needed before they get their sp3... which you take almost no damage because her armor is insane...
Don’t see your point
From Feb 11 to Apr 29th ! Appreciate the response buddy !! Cheers!
She is gonna be R4 in the coming weeks !
Her damage shoots up on prowess and of course she is super versatile. I have not tested on All or Nothing nodes, will try that.