this months uc event was super simple compared to other months imo, i dont think ive died x2 to mr sinister in 6 runs and havok has got a couple deaths on me, but never a team wipe. i do it with 4* just for funsies. since im a legit boss and have had war elit title for like 6 seasons running doesnt mean everyone can do it.... sucks when the game iant fun, i face unblockable emma somewhat often on path 5 in aw so for me im used to it shes not trouble
There are multiple counters, videos even showing said counters and how to use them. If you still can’t beat her, you aren’t ready for the content. Simple.
That's a total exaggeration. The entire basis of the argument. People downplay any comment that something is too much and assume people just want something without effort. Only, people aren't that entitled or naive. Not everyone, anyway.
Unblock sp 1 so hard for chapter 1 uncoll. And regen too. Unusually final boss for chapter 1.
Does this sound like the OP is asking for advice or complaining? Also, look at the topic. Most of the time when people ask for help they say something along the lines of "Any advice against EF in Chapter 1? I'm really bad at inverted controls so if there's an alternative, I would really appreciate it." To me, it seemed that OP is "entitled" and/or "naive".
That's how humans work. If you're nice and ask for help, people are more than willing to lend a helping hand. If you sound entitled like how the OP did with the topic and opening post, he's more than likely going to get trolled. I, for one, will definitely enjoy trolling him.
[Edit. Just saw this post about the exact same challenge against EF in Chapter 1. Look at how the replies differ and you'll get my point.
We know the difference between a decent challenge and a pinhole. It happens far too often lately. The problem IS the content, and you can only brush it off for so long before you realize the Users are the ones you're brushing off.
Since you say it IS the content, could you give an example of a "decent challenge"? Honestly, Chapter 1 EF wasn't even close to being a challenge.
I'm telling you there is most definitely a line between exciting challenge and overboard frustration. Too many times, it's not even in line with the level that it's at. Yet there's always people who pride themselves on getting past it and have to minimize the feedback other people are giving. That's entirely fine if people get some form of pride out of that, but I'm telling you if people continue to be alienated in that way and not heard, there's not going to be many left to debate it. There is a limit you can push the challenge before it just discourages people altogether.
I'm telling you I agree with you that there's a line between exciting challenge and overboard frustration. And I'm telling you, if you feel that there is overboard frustration when attempting content, then that content is most likely not suitable for you, be it roster wise or skill wise. It is with no apologies that the community doesn't mince their words when telling someone that they are lacking either. If you want someone who will be politically correct and tell you "you can be anything you want to be" and "get anything you want", you're at the wrong place and asking the wrong people.
You can say they just need to "Git gud!", but that doesn't help anything, and just pours salt on the wound. I tell you this. No one wants to keep trying when it's that frustrating at the beginning of the EQ. When you have month after month of roadblocks, people stop caring. The goal post moves too quickly. Point blank.
To be frank, it doesn't help anything but THAT IS THE TRUTH, and yes it hurts. But what else would you like the community to say? Does "Oh it's ok you can't clear Emma Frost in Chapter 1. You just need to tell yourself you can do it and keep trying! Don't worry! We will give you a participation medal for trying. As long as you do your best!" sound good to you?
The matter of fact is, "GET GOOD". Put in the effort, practise fighting against her, do your duels, find out alternatives that can help get past her. If Masochism is giving you a problem, learn to fight without relying on parry. There are no two ways around it. If people do not want to put in the effort, then NOTHING is going to help.
Yes. Get good. Rather, should I say "Your feedback is invalid, we didn't have a problem with it, you're the problem.". That's the message it's sending. It's dismissive and ignorant. It happens literally everytime someone says something has gone too far. Only you can't be right everytime.
People are willing to put the effort in. They've put the effort in thus far. You don't get to Uncollected by hitting Auto Fight. The reaction is as if people have just been given Rewards up until now and now have to earn them. That's a wash. What I would have the community do is respect other people and the feedback they give. I would actually have them do more and consider there may be truth to what others are saying, but that seems to be a reach in this situation, so I would settle for letting people speak their piece without being made to feel less than just because they got past it.
News Flash: We know what we're capable of more than you do.
Well.. that’s the problem. You didn’t read what I’ve said. The community help others when the person asking for help shows that they have put in the effort and realize the problem is themselves and they want to improve. Look at the thread I quoted. When people complain it’s the content, many many others have done it without finding it an issue. You want something you can handle easily, go do beginners.
People are spoiled after they get Uncollected because they think after getting the title, they deserve to be able to complete UC difficulty. That’s ridiculous.
People are entitled to give their feedback about your feedback. If your feedback is unsubstantiated and lacks thought, expect to get trolled. Welcome to the real world.
Just practice man Ms.Evol is a good duel target I got wrecked the first time but once you get into the rythym of her animations you'll get her down in no time
@GroundedWisdom we're not saying that emma frost is an easy champ to deal with. She has annoying mechanics, no doubt about that. What we are berating the OP over is that he has not gotten used to evading emma frost sp1 yet. Thats the part he needs to get good at.
Really do need to just practice but you can try just holding your block when she has an SP1, baiting heavies and push her to sp2 which you can block. You’ll have to take some block damage but it is a way around unblockable sp1’s in general if you are not comfortable evading. Hope this helps...
Also I’m not sure if she has defensive node or not but that’s more of a problem in master then uncollected. In uncollected even the defensive nodes are more aggressive… Then master at least
I think a huge part of the problem is people become uncollected and then run through heroic and master with their r4 5* and above. They are missing opportunity to improve their game play by using over powered champs for the content.
Once they get to uncollected, they are so used to the ease which their top champs breeze through the lower maps that they have become spoiled.
Push yourself through each level of difficulty with the appropriate champs, do master with your C or D team where the ratio of health and attack is heavier in the AI's favor then when you get to uncollected you will avoid making mistakes based off of lazy gameplay from using the same set of champs from heroic to uncollected.
I see the same advice over and over and over and...practice. truth is it's hard to practice when u have to wait hours for ur energy to fill up, try to make it to the final boss with some semblance of ur roster intact, and God forbid u make 1 mistake, then its game over and wait for several more hours for ur energy to fill up again. Either that or use money to buy units.
I'm all for practicing. Truth is I would love to be able to practice and better myself each month. I proposed something a while back which I dont think kabam cares for so I'll try it again.
Maybe each month, do a special arena where u get to fight the bosses only. You choose which one and level of difficulty (normal, heroic, master, epic) with all the same buffs / debuffs as u would encounter in the EQ.
Curious as to ppl's opinion on this.
Sounds to me like you want high level rewards without wanting to put in the effort.
You can duel her 5x a day, for free. What is the problem?
I see the same advice over and over and over and...practice. truth is it's hard to practice when u have to wait hours for ur energy to fill up, try to make it to the final boss with some semblance of ur roster intact, and God forbid u make 1 mistake, then its game over and wait for several more hours for ur energy to fill up again. Either that or use money to buy units.
I'm all for practicing. Truth is I would love to be able to practice and better myself each month. I proposed something a while back which I dont think kabam cares for so I'll try it again.
Maybe each month, do a special arena where u get to fight the bosses only. You choose which one and level of difficulty (normal, heroic, master, epic) with all the same buffs / debuffs as u would encounter in the EQ.
Curious as to ppl's opinion on this.
Sounds to me like you want high level rewards without wanting to put in the effort.
You can duel her 5x a day, for free. What is the problem?
FYI - I'm uc and able to do 100% almost every time. But I remember what it was like trying to get to where I am.
And ur part of the problem people complain about, someone who offers no help whatsoever but criticize.
Bottom line is if u dont help, then don't hurt with ur own complaints.
Tbh I had a hard time at first but then I learned her play style and I’ve got 1 run through to 100% the first chapter and onward just keep plugging away you’ll get it in the end
That's a total exaggeration. The entire basis of the argument. People downplay any comment that something is too much and assume people just want something without effort. Only, people aren't that entitled or naive. Not everyone, anyway.
Unblock sp 1 so hard for chapter 1 uncoll. And regen too. Unusually final boss for chapter 1.
Does this sound like the OP is asking for advice or complaining? Also, look at the topic. Most of the time when people ask for help they say something along the lines of "Any advice against EF in Chapter 1? I'm really bad at inverted controls so if there's an alternative, I would really appreciate it." To me, it seemed that OP is "entitled" and/or "naive".
That's how humans work. If you're nice and ask for help, people are more than willing to lend a helping hand. If you sound entitled like how the OP did with the topic and opening post, he's more than likely going to get trolled. I, for one, will definitely enjoy trolling him.
[Edit. Just saw this post about the exact same challenge against EF in Chapter 1. Look at how the replies differ and you'll get my point.
We know the difference between a decent challenge and a pinhole. It happens far too often lately. The problem IS the content, and you can only brush it off for so long before you realize the Users are the ones you're brushing off.
Since you say it IS the content, could you give an example of a "decent challenge"? Honestly, Chapter 1 EF wasn't even close to being a challenge.
I'm telling you there is most definitely a line between exciting challenge and overboard frustration. Too many times, it's not even in line with the level that it's at. Yet there's always people who pride themselves on getting past it and have to minimize the feedback other people are giving. That's entirely fine if people get some form of pride out of that, but I'm telling you if people continue to be alienated in that way and not heard, there's not going to be many left to debate it. There is a limit you can push the challenge before it just discourages people altogether.
I'm telling you I agree with you that there's a line between exciting challenge and overboard frustration. And I'm telling you, if you feel that there is overboard frustration when attempting content, then that content is most likely not suitable for you, be it roster wise or skill wise. It is with no apologies that the community doesn't mince their words when telling someone that they are lacking either. If you want someone who will be politically correct and tell you "you can be anything you want to be" and "get anything you want", you're at the wrong place and asking the wrong people.
You can say they just need to "Git gud!", but that doesn't help anything, and just pours salt on the wound. I tell you this. No one wants to keep trying when it's that frustrating at the beginning of the EQ. When you have month after month of roadblocks, people stop caring. The goal post moves too quickly. Point blank.
To be frank, it doesn't help anything but THAT IS THE TRUTH, and yes it hurts. But what else would you like the community to say? Does "Oh it's ok you can't clear Emma Frost in Chapter 1. You just need to tell yourself you can do it and keep trying! Don't worry! We will give you a participation medal for trying. As long as you do your best!" sound good to you?
The matter of fact is, "GET GOOD". Put in the effort, practise fighting against her, do your duels, find out alternatives that can help get past her. If Masochism is giving you a problem, learn to fight without relying on parry. There are no two ways around it. If people do not want to put in the effort, then NOTHING is going to help.
Yes. Get good. Rather, should I say "Your feedback is invalid, we didn't have a problem with it, you're the problem.". That's the message it's sending. It's dismissive and ignorant. It happens literally everytime someone says something has gone too far. Only you can't be right everytime.
People are willing to put the effort in. They've put the effort in thus far. You don't get to Uncollected by hitting Auto Fight. The reaction is as if people have just been given Rewards up until now and now have to earn them. That's a wash. What I would have the community do is respect other people and the feedback they give. I would actually have them do more and consider there may be truth to what others are saying, but that seems to be a reach in this situation, so I would settle for letting people speak their piece without being made to feel less than just because they got past it.
News Flash: We know what we're capable of more than you do.
Well.. that’s the problem. You didn’t read what I’ve said. The community help others when the person asking for help shows that they have put in the effort and realize the problem is themselves and they want to improve. Look at the thread I quoted. When people complain it’s the content, many many others have done it without finding it an issue. You want something you can handle easily, go do beginners.
People are spoiled after they get Uncollected because they think after getting the title, they deserve to be able to complete UC difficulty. That’s ridiculous.
People are entitled to give their feedback about your feedback. If your feedback is unsubstantiated and lacks thought, expect to get trolled. Welcome to the real world.
That's exactly the problem I'm highlighting. It's borderline abusive to tell people they should just go do Beginner if they have an issue with how hard something is. There's a judgment, a generalization that they're just whining and not good enough, and then an insult. Tell me, how can someone claim to be trying to help if all they're doing is putting people down and not listening to them? That's not offering help, that's belittling them, and there's nothing helpful about it.
You may have the right to offer feedback on someone else's feedback, but you certainly don't have the right to judge whether they should be heard, or if their feedback is valid or not. You definitelsy don't have the right to give me some type of lesson on the real world. I'm a 38 year old adult. I'm fully self-aware, and I know my own capabilitiies. I also know that I have the right to express my opinion when I think something is overboard. However, I'm a little more thick-skinned than that. I could care less if someone tells me to "Git gud.". All it does is display their unwillingness to consider others.
My issue here is the amount that it happens on the Forum. It's ridiculous. As soon as people say they think something is too hard, they're jumped on, told they're not good enough, given unwarranted advice, and called unwilling to listen because they can't hear feedback being shoved down their throat. There is nothing appropriate about that. You think the only people who have the right to be heard are the ones that want harder content? Do you consider that a fair place to communicate? Is it acceptable to be silenced immediately and not even heard before being told they're the problem, and they should adapt or go down a notch? The only people that helps are the people who get an Ego trip out of it.
You can't assume people are jut looking for something, for nothing. You can't just pass judgment and say they should stick to Beginner. It's not your place to say they're right or wrong, and you can't speak for their experience. People come to offer feedback to the ones responsible for making the game, and it's their responsibility to consider what is valid based on feedback. Are you all so scared someone might be taken seriously and others will have enjoyable content instead of a miserable experience? Sounds to me that putting other people down like that is really based on insecurity instead of feeling proud.
My point is let people speak. Do people have the right to dispute feedback? Sure. However, if you expect me to cosign ignorance, you'll be waiting a while. Big difference between saying, "I didn't find it hard.", and "Git gud. You suck. Stick to. Beginner, whiner.".
Over and above knowing how to fight her in general, I found that the biggest trick with her was to watch her buffs. When the armor one is on, she really turtles and won't throw specials or attack. When the fury one comes up, she gets aggressive and will throw specials. Anticipating her throwing specials is the hardest part. Once you can see them coming, she's not hard to handle.
Unblock sp 1 so hard for chapter 1 uncoll. And regen too. Unusually final boss for chapter 1.
you have 2 way to deal with her
1. learn how to evade her sp1
2. push her to sp2 , how ? push her to near 1 bar of power , then wait for the block buff on her , then push her to sp2
you can hit her with heavy while she is blocking on deffense mode
I'm with the OP. It's ridiculous. Never fails. Someone points out how hard something is, and they get trolled. If the Boss of the first Chapter can take down a whole team of R4s before you barely get a hit in, it's ridiculous. That's the direction things are going. Make it harder each month, that's the priority. Pretty soon, it will leave the game enjoyable for a handful of people.
No it's not ridiculous, it means you clearly don't have the skill to beat it.
Corvus....that is all, parry break her diamond form, when oscillate kicks in and she is in defensive stance push her to wall spam heavy and get to your sp2 and and wreck her
Do you mean intercept? In diamond form, she is stun immune?
I think it is good that uncollected is not easy. (even though this one was easier than previous) Its just different levels of progression and you should only play to what makes you happy. (That could be the easiest level) I cannot wait for a harder level than uncollected. But they should keep the level of difficulty the same as it is now. Forces people to learn how to play at this level if they want the rewards.
I haven’t run uncollected yet cause I am still 100%ing master, but I believe that either the old uc or danger room Emma had similar nodes and sentinel destroyed them for me. Sentinel’s high armor and class advantage makes him able to tank a lot of damage, and his armor will increase as charged go up. If you struggle with evading Emma’s sp1, his mutant synergy reduces mutants attack with specials by 25%. Sentinel also has armor break and healblock on sp1, and once he’s at max charges he can usually keep them up the whole fight. Thanks to the oscillate node you can build up charges quickly WITHOUT NEEDING DUPE by doing 4-hit combos into blocks whenever Emma is in the armor up phase. Since sentinel gets 2x charges against mutants this process is even faster.
Well.. that’s the problem. You didn’t read what I’ve said. The community help others when the person asking for help shows that they have put in the effort and realize the problem is themselves and they want to improve. Look at the thread I quoted. When people complain it’s the content, many many others have done it without finding it an issue. You want something you can handle easily, go do beginners.
People are spoiled after they get Uncollected because they think after getting the title, they deserve to be able to complete UC difficulty. That’s ridiculous.
People are entitled to give their feedback about your feedback. If your feedback is unsubstantiated and lacks thought, expect to get trolled. Welcome to the real world.
Also I’m not sure if she has defensive node or not but that’s more of a problem in master then uncollected. In uncollected even the defensive nodes are more aggressive… Then master at least
Once they get to uncollected, they are so used to the ease which their top champs breeze through the lower maps that they have become spoiled.
Push yourself through each level of difficulty with the appropriate champs, do master with your C or D team where the ratio of health and attack is heavier in the AI's favor then when you get to uncollected you will avoid making mistakes based off of lazy gameplay from using the same set of champs from heroic to uncollected.
Sounds to me like you want high level rewards without wanting to put in the effort.
You can duel her 5x a day, for free. What is the problem?
FYI - I'm uc and able to do 100% almost every time. But I remember what it was like trying to get to where I am.
And ur part of the problem people complain about, someone who offers no help whatsoever but criticize.
Bottom line is if u dont help, then don't hurt with ur own complaints.
Get Good
That's exactly the problem I'm highlighting. It's borderline abusive to tell people they should just go do Beginner if they have an issue with how hard something is. There's a judgment, a generalization that they're just whining and not good enough, and then an insult. Tell me, how can someone claim to be trying to help if all they're doing is putting people down and not listening to them? That's not offering help, that's belittling them, and there's nothing helpful about it.
You may have the right to offer feedback on someone else's feedback, but you certainly don't have the right to judge whether they should be heard, or if their feedback is valid or not. You definitelsy don't have the right to give me some type of lesson on the real world. I'm a 38 year old adult. I'm fully self-aware, and I know my own capabilitiies. I also know that I have the right to express my opinion when I think something is overboard. However, I'm a little more thick-skinned than that. I could care less if someone tells me to "Git gud.". All it does is display their unwillingness to consider others.
My issue here is the amount that it happens on the Forum. It's ridiculous. As soon as people say they think something is too hard, they're jumped on, told they're not good enough, given unwarranted advice, and called unwilling to listen because they can't hear feedback being shoved down their throat. There is nothing appropriate about that. You think the only people who have the right to be heard are the ones that want harder content? Do you consider that a fair place to communicate? Is it acceptable to be silenced immediately and not even heard before being told they're the problem, and they should adapt or go down a notch? The only people that helps are the people who get an Ego trip out of it.
You can't assume people are jut looking for something, for nothing. You can't just pass judgment and say they should stick to Beginner. It's not your place to say they're right or wrong, and you can't speak for their experience. People come to offer feedback to the ones responsible for making the game, and it's their responsibility to consider what is valid based on feedback. Are you all so scared someone might be taken seriously and others will have enjoyable content instead of a miserable experience? Sounds to me that putting other people down like that is really based on insecurity instead of feeling proud.
My point is let people speak. Do people have the right to dispute feedback? Sure. However, if you expect me to cosign ignorance, you'll be waiting a while. Big difference between saying, "I didn't find it hard.", and "Git gud. You suck. Stick to. Beginner, whiner.".
you have 2 way to deal with her
1. learn how to evade her sp1
2. push her to sp2 , how ? push her to near 1 bar of power , then wait for the block buff on her , then push her to sp2
you can hit her with heavy while she is blocking on deffense mode
No it's not ridiculous, it means you clearly don't have the skill to beat it.
Do you mean intercept? In diamond form, she is stun immune?
Less complaining and more practicing is what many who cry on the forums need to do.