havok bugged?

so in this months event quest i thought id have a solid counter to havok with my 6* iron man infinity (using my r5 ghost just isnt fair, though sinister made her top100 hits this month). however as i noticed when havoks plasma debuffs detonated imiw lost a good **** of health. i thought his armor up effect prevent these from doing damage?
anyone else have this happen?

anyone else have this happen?

You need a champion that can trigger armor up BUFFS. IW IM armors are not buffs, they are passive armors. And therefore he doesn't work there.
Champions with armor buffs: colossus, vulture, kang, iron man, angela, heimdall, venom, etc.
thank you both for the answers!!!!!
It is not!
Working as intended
Except medusa does remove them as an armor break removes a stack of imiw armor.
I’ll gladly take that 6* Angela off your hands. You can have my 6* Drax!
Ive had a hard time using my R4 5* Angela against him.